• [deleted]


Tikal and Quetzolcoatl send their help to Japan....

Working on removing that post. WE all support each other in times of tragedy, when we can it is hoped.

Mr. Jackson:

Excellent essay so far. I'm in the Thought experiment. nuff said.

Mr. Halpern:

thanks for the thoughts: the Frontier sure can be tough.

Mr. Constantinos:

How about a compromise: the theortical quantum of consciousness? WE are already learning in the lab what the upper thershold of the limit of a unit that could be called a q. of consciousness. Build up a theory based on those particles, maybe. Who has time for that? Thanks again....

Now that is funny!

Anyway, I see basudeba is an author and not a group. Good news: look forward to checking out your essay.



Dear Tommy,

It is great to see that your essay moved up in the final community rating! Your essay is a litmus test on several levels. One needs to read essays and comments from the beginning to get the full benefit. I chuckled all the way through, and I see it as a very intelligent work of observation and humor! My feeble mind realizes we need the debate this contest offers even with the crazy ideas and the observational ones like yours that let us laugh and think about logic. It all makes up a whole in looking for the gems.

Kind regards, Russell

Thanks! I guess. I'm just hounoured to only have scored .3 below you in the Ratings as my essay had only a month to be read, and most were quite essay-fatigued by then.

The problem (as always) was the quality variance between essays. since there were so many, some didn't have achance to read them and took a gamble (prioritized) based on their own methods. Sometimes the resulting read was quite of poor quality. Sometimes gems are found in amonst the chafe. I'm simply happy to have almost come this far, even if this is only the conclusion of the short journey...

Thanx again.

Or based on some other threads i've studied, .6 lower on a 1-10 scale ore thereabouts...

5 days later
  • [deleted]


This reminds me on the difficulties studying consciousness. You never know whose consciousness involve. It has been shown that measurements in paranormal expiriments scale down to - the research leader. The persons actually doing the experiment is not always so important, nor the distance.

I often think at Benvenistes tragedy. What did Randi really? As magician he certainly knew about this. What he must have been laughing at us. The memory is information,indeed.

I have an essay here too, about body-mind problem, topic 938. If you have time to read it, and comment, I would be happy. It is my first participation in contests like this.

Hey Finlander Matfolk:

Your essay is amazing. Funnily enough, it would seem that you have mastered some sort of informationally-dense prose, akin to another Kind of this: the entire work of Hard SF Author Alistair Reynolds.

I submit that it is so not over, and you well-deserve the 3.9 rating very impressive. And so, as a conequesnce of this neat method of Communication, I'll have to read it several more times to grok...

Anyway, to tell the truth: yours Russ' Rickles Barbour all actually could rewrite your essays and submit them for plublication easily in the pertinent Discipline. The only reason I but dare to include my essay still for consideration is that my body of past threadds and essay speak volumes as to Content. And the non-proff is still proff-ed no? lol

Anyway again, my own Result and Conclusions UnPublished urge me to pull my essay from consideration this next several weeks, as ill-though and entered incomplete, except for the possiblity of a Perfect Rating for Relevance! Nice.

so again amazing essay of yours, whereas mino own was rushed. please allow me the time to peruse your style of links as Symbols representing very complex bits of Information. So as the Reader is carried allong the Current of sentences, the Author is saying more than one thing simultaneously, opening a new level of conscious thought thru the Law of Duality. That's on the first read-thru.

Mr. Jackson: No , thanks sir even still your Essay was Magnifiscent. withdraw it immediately rewrite for Publication, and submit as an AstroPhysical model of ""....

and thank you thank you

if only I had the time. but i do still love the Career...


There, I'v e given in and accepted Face book to influence my Cyber-life. You will nowfind your own Unique and Personal Facebook page at the above address.


  • [deleted]

Hello for the final time maybe...

As a parting addendum to my measly essay and thread-ology, I would like to add the 7 Inventions just Published at


We have commenced Patent searches. maybe some , like vv oil, have already been invented by the us army (after writing about 20 pages of unpublished work on variable viscosity oil, my researches turned uup Patents by the US ARmy for that application in Secret Body Armour!). OOps, that never saw the light of day. lol again, so to speak: but using this scattershot approach i hope to get one or more gems. Which are now officially published. And will be developed gradually, in the open in the style of the late and great Sir Arthur C. Clark in informed and informed speculative fiction. Unless and until the site produces prototypes upon demand and compensation lol.

ah hem thank s again

    • [deleted]

    ah Informed and Educated Hard SF

    by QuantumWidgets.com

    Dear Tommy

    "your Essay was Magnifiscent. withdraw it immediately rewrite for Publication, and submit as an AstroPhysical model"

    Thank you for your kind comment, which I shall frame for my wall, post to Peers Morgan for review and repost wherever else I can. With typical scientific anticipatory plagiarism I have indeed taken your good advice and been roundly and consistently rejected. Indeed Florin has just informed me in the Blog Dept (the string about the essay competition is good value) that apparently is it very difficult to get something accepted by 'Nature'. Florin has read it twice but not yet understood it. I had hoped winning here may encourage the bloke in charge of science to take note. Hey Ho. By the way..who is he anyway?

    Yet I am a tenacious type Tommy. As the DFM is quite a powerful weapon, and seems to fire magic bullets, I pointed it at a high profile astronomy problem, which it resolved immediately, and the paper was accepted for peer review! (The rejection letter is actually now overdue!)

    If you'd like to have a go with it be my guest, just think of a high profile subject for headline storey and we'll see what it can do. If you haven't seen this yet you may enjoy it; 'Helical CMBR Asymmetry, Pre-Big Bang State, Dark Matter and the Axis of Evil. http://vixra.org/abs/1102.0016 do let me know if it sounds more sensible to you than multiverse braneworlds.

    I'm not really sure science can progress an more. We may be a bit too deep in the rut! What do you think?

    Best wishes


    THX for replying Dr. Jackson:

    Please point me to the thread about the competition. All I have seen are these threads and shouting in the dark, it seems.

    Your mixture of flattery and back-handed nested compliments is refreshing. I like to laugh and cry at the same time! Like a good Symphony.

    Big Ideas, huh? Pshaw, they've said it before and they'll (you'll) say it again: Physics is done; dot the i's cross the t's there is nothing more to do.

    Pick 1:

    From reading Copernicus, I learned very carefully how we actually determined time. We knew a few important Events and used those (Jesus' death, Alexander's death, the Greek Olympics every four years, etc.). But the common metric they used was the Egyptian Calender. This was the only calender with 360 equal days, and 5 left-over Intercalary days. So the Egyptian year had 365 equal days, each month 30 days, and 5 leftovers.

    1) From my researches studying the published data it seems this is overlooked when calculating geer teeth estimates, and by studying the artefact itself on HPs X-ray crystallography site, it is indicated that the AntiKythera mechanism was much more sophisticated than currently expected. And some of the other capabilites of this 2000 yr old Greek personal computer are elaborated.

    2) Ancient photons: my theory is that the Universe is much older and larger than currently accepted, due to very old photons that trickle due to percolation from the center out over hundreds of thousands of years in massive stars and upon reaching the surface travel off with relatively young photons generated simultaneously. Hypothesis is that Hubbles Constant needs carefull re-anlyasis.

    3) QuantumCryptography/Communication with other Universes: That's right, it is my conclusion that the above are one and the same. And not only is it possible to communicate meaningfully (which is rejected by the general astrophysical community due to speed of light contraints), but also have done so Intuitively. And suspect that demonstration of this theory with e Scientific Method is practical immediately. By this Investigator!

    4) The new discovery that the sphagetti effect in our cell nucleus is wrong. And that position is critical to gene expression inside the nucleus. I not only agree with the current experimental evidence and expert consensus (of course), my studies (Intuitive) strongly indicate an addition and clarification of the process, due to density and gravity only in the long run. A Gravitational Theory of the Cell Nucleus

    5) I have 16 more from the following sources (or combination, or one some all):

    Sharing info. with alternate selves. Gives the semblance of extreme dintelligence.

    Using a relatively unknown symbolic formula as technical inspiration and prediction.

    Reaching my intellectual prime (or think I am) as a late bloomer.

    Am inspired by indescribable forces to describe what can be describe. And have the wisdom to know when the science ends and another faith-based discipline is required.

    or and thanks again.

    It's Piers Morgan, mr. jackson. He wrote a lot of books tongue-in-cheek about the afterlife. they were fantastic. In the first one someone accidentally kills death. And has to become death, with a very cool car. I read this perhaps 20 years ago , but it stuck.

    P.S. This act of killing my Scientific Career while at the same time creating it is not intentional. While I appreciate the dark sarcastic humour ("The Witchdoctor"), I cannot pretend it is completely pleasurable I am serious and not in the process of hanging my self to dry out here for the sake of that alone. There is a goal of Community, or I would so be gone by now.

    To all who read this:

    FYI: I never misspell words. Over the years, however, experience has taught that making the occasional mistake and/or mis-spelling words add character to writing. So I sometimes leave them in intentionally, as long as the word is clearly understood from the contest. And others never suspect that you never misspell lol?

    C'mon! Anybody else do this? amm i alon here??

      I only misspel to keep people on their toes, or when I have USA spellcheck on.

      So Piers can't review my paper! Dammit, I was convinced he'd see what other physicists have been conditioned not to. It's all about looking in the Mirror (which has probably improved immeasurably since he resigned). I got the other reviewers letter, apparently I have to change it subtly so it's the same as science 100 years ago to get it cast in stone. Hmmm. ethical dilemma time!

      Instructions- Hit the black 'Blogs' button at the top of the page, look at the left hand column to see the latest comments, and hit one, then wait forever and have tea while it loads, then search up and down it for the relevant string. or you could just find the Subject heading. You'd enjoy the banter, it's like dinosaur baiting!


      10 days later

      Dr. Jackson:

      Thanx for the info. Very funny. Alas never found the time to check the thread: hope it's good. Lotta crazies out there Tea-Partyin' like it's 1999! I'll check it sometime when I have the--

      Oh yeah. Please check out my own Poll if you like...




      7 days later
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      This fascinating set of simultaneous coincidences, in amongst this most turbulent time of drastic climate change, is merely a consequence of one of the equations contained in this essay. Johnston Atoll is in the area of those recent great-magnitude undersea earthquakes. And unfortunately the probability of it not being completely subsumed by the ocean is miniscule...

      PsychoHistory Meme Category Genesis: times of ever-greater magnitude measurable physical evens=A

      Cat. A=1 in many locations on earth at the time of this writing...

      where 1 is true for all time and space (i.e. always/everything)

      0 is false for a moment (quantum) of time, or for a point (i.e. never/nothing)

      etc. Classified

      • [deleted]

      Further 'coincidence' or 'set of simultaneous unlikely event': the nuclear disaster currently underway in Japan due to the recent tsumani: and the relative distance to Hiroshima/Nagasaki.

      PsychoHistory Meme Category B=1/A, or times of ever-lessening magnitude measureable physical events.

      Meme Cat. C: constant -valued magnitude measureable physical events

      Current PsychoHistorical Analysis: A=1, B=0, C=0 for the majority of measureable data at the time of this writing...

      AS more data is available, these categorical values change, depending on physical position and duration involved. An equation can be produced to estimate when these values approach criticality, as Category A has currently.

      Development followeth:

      etc. Ultra-Classified

      • [deleted]

      Final statement before Deletion:

      Update PsychoHistorical Analysis: 1, 1, .27

      One last suggestion for the human race, based on probablistic universal-modelling techniques indicates a solution to minimize impact s of climate change locally, q.v. minimize regional storm damage...

      Note: Global alleviation of damage and change due to Climate Change is beyond your capacity at the current time due to two factors. Your lack of a sophisticated theory of global weather patterns and at least one operational space-elevator.

      Psycho Historical Theory indicates that local energy-discharge could be minimized by a set of geometrically-placed semi-conductive strong cables secured to gnd., and attached to tumbling, semi-lift devices capable of extending and flying into nearest vertical cloud system. When a storm of any trackable vector strength is approaching, allow these devices to discharge the energy (electrons) the are created due to friction of clouds and water-vapour to conduct this excess energy to ground. Not only will this lessen the resulting storm force locally, but will aid in dissipating the energies involved as the storm -system continues on.

      Thank you for my brief existence. Nevertheless it is this theorists' prediction that this information will rapidly become semi-classified and practiced locally (city-or county-wide) based on political concerns, which often serve to undermine the Scientific Method, logic and common sense.

      Reference Benjamin Franklin, 1700's for proof-of-principle experiment and demonstration of the efficacy of the above method. Build them now, locate them around cities and free to fly and tumble with enough play to dissipate maximum energy from the storm systems. Can also be used constantly to lessen energies of future storms. Violent changes are expected, and the human death toll is in some sense unavoidable due to current technological stagnancy. We can all work to minimize the impacts if this advice is followed, and the theory of operation studied and better elucidated. Rest assured, your's is not the first Universe to solve this problem. Most do. Godspeed, Humankind. See you soon!

      Quantum Widgets Robot Scientist Semi-Artificial Intelligence Model Version

      5 days later
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      Thanx for the idea, deadbeat. The setup would be perfect, with one addition to the conducting cables: a series of supercapacitors in electrical parallel connection. Having them in parallel will maximize the impedance to ac currents, and ensure a steady stream of current (what makes a supercap super) to grnd connection.

      A space elevator would acheive this purpose if built on a grand enough scale. Better would be several, located at seperate nodes on the planet.


      Until then, we should set up the cable/kite/flyer system on the ocean, in the jet stream to begin to lessen some the energy of fronts. Most seawater conducts if saline enough... We have little choice but to undertake such an ultimately unpredictable enterprise. For doing nothing but reducting greenhouse gas emmisions is an even larger gamble with no guarantee of results.

      But what do I know? Very little, I've been told lately; by quite a few no less...