Hey Finlander Matfolk:
Your essay is amazing. Funnily enough, it would seem that you have mastered some sort of informationally-dense prose, akin to another Kind of this: the entire work of Hard SF Author Alistair Reynolds.
I submit that it is so not over, and you well-deserve the 3.9 rating very impressive. And so, as a conequesnce of this neat method of Communication, I'll have to read it several more times to grok...
Anyway, to tell the truth: yours Russ' Rickles Barbour all actually could rewrite your essays and submit them for plublication easily in the pertinent Discipline. The only reason I but dare to include my essay still for consideration is that my body of past threadds and essay speak volumes as to Content. And the non-proff is still proff-ed no? lol
Anyway again, my own Result and Conclusions UnPublished urge me to pull my essay from consideration this next several weeks, as ill-though and entered incomplete, except for the possiblity of a Perfect Rating for Relevance! Nice.
so again amazing essay of yours, whereas mino own was rushed. please allow me the time to peruse your style of links as Symbols representing very complex bits of Information. So as the Reader is carried allong the Current of sentences, the Author is saying more than one thing simultaneously, opening a new level of conscious thought thru the Law of Duality. That's on the first read-thru.
Mr. Jackson: No , thanks sir even still your Essay was Magnifiscent. withdraw it immediately rewrite for Publication, and submit as an AstroPhysical model of ""....
and thank you thank you
if only I had the time. but i do still love the Career...