• [deleted]

I for one thought it was a great essay. Didn't understand a lot of it, but reminded me of one of those rare short sf stories about future Imperial galactic encyclopedia entries. But real, kinda.

Dont' let em get you down Mr. Gilbertson, you have your supporters here and there.

As far as I could tell, the essay looked fine to me. I loved it!

Single Mom

Jill of Many Trades

Thank you kindly, CarrieT. I was not at all familiar with this aspect of the essay lol. Yes, and part of the Goal of this Contest is to have fun and get inspired to get involved in science education. In all spaces/places i've read somewhere.

To address Basudeba:

You acccusations are groundless. In the words of author Georgina Parry,

Dear Tommy ,

Please be reassured that I am not offended by anything that you have said on this thread. You have a very informal and open style of communication and I have taken your messages to be humorous and well intended. I am delighted that you consider my essay worth re-reading and to be placed along with with Julian Barbour and Dean Rickles in having that honour. I really liked both of their essays.

It is also flattering to think that I have been at all inspirational. I think it is great that you entered your essay, what ever the final outcome. Don't put your self down. Your ideas have been read by far more people than if you hadn't entered and you will get further opportunities to fine tune them in the future. Everyone who has entered should be congratulating themselves for making a positive effort, having a go.Its better than not writing an essay and then just criticizing those that have.

Kind regards, Georgina.

Until you address this blatant distortion of Truth in these threads, any objections your group makes about any essay is moot.

Just my opinoun, but you need to kick some members out and find a post-doc friend to help shape you consensi.

Good day, and thax for a third read of my Essay...

    • [deleted]

    my GoogleBot crawlers tell me alarming news. They came up with an idea to collect these threads in a book free for all eyes.

    And then they did it on a hidden page, informing me after.

    Fqxi, should I delete the book or change the meaning of QuantumWidgets.com to the Book of Foundational Q & A's for a day, so we can all read the Book for 24 hours lol? Or delete this page, but tis the creation of creations? Should I look at it first lol?

    Makes you wonder what, exactly since they call it a book, the Bots interposed between the threads and how the ordered 'simultaneous" ones??? Right.

    To delete or not delete. That is the question.

    As always, in this particular universe, I'm absolutely kidddng around... All of the aforementioned is impossible at this time in this place.

    don't try this at home

      • [deleted]

      'That was me--not the bot.


      Dear Tommy

      I'm afraid I think I've now read the most pretentious and badly written essay in the competition, I was quite astonished to then come across yours to cheer me up again! What an excellent bit of work! It should definitely be accepted for the Pier Review I went to over Christmas, it was brilliant and has made my day. A top score coming up for TG. OK, Survival of mankind may be important (some think) but there are so many here who take themselves far to seriously and desperately need to loosen up.

      I hope you'll read mine. It actually solves all the problems in physics in one hit, which I've just described in Phil Gibbs string by using speeding London Buses. Actually I really was run over by a speeding London bus once. Strange but true. But it's OK, as I've scientifically derived that there really IS life after death, and as soon as we die the next thing we know is that we're some other sentient being! I kid you not, honest injun! It also explains the axis of evil. Look here; http://vixra.org/abs/1102.0016 But it's all very green as someone else does the recycling when we're gone.

      OK, essay first, and a top mark in return please as I'm being squeezed out by those who don't save a single race or galaxy let alone a whole universe! I'm really not kidding about the result. Someone needs to tell whoever's in charge because current physics is nonsense and this shows why. But it probably won't even get noticed. Hey ho!

      If you read it please do it carefully and practice visualising multiple moving variables from different frames as most brains can't quite do that yet. Then you also have to recognise the enormous consequences. http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/803

      I promise there are no sums.

      Very Best wishes, and thank you.


      PS. Did you know we've all already done the Star Trek 'Beam me up' thing!? I lie not, that's in the paper too, with photographic evidence, all logical conclusions of the solution in the essay. You will believe it. Do confirm and comment!

      • [deleted]

      Dear Peter Jackson:

      I pleasantly recognize your name from previous and look forward to checking out your essay. You also have supplied the most complementary take on my essay, yet. Thank you from the bootstraps up for your feedback. I'll Quietly hope at this point that others in the Community glance at your first paragraph above, which made my eyeballs tingle with joy...

      And for having the courage to comment so late in the game and the positions are slowly setting in amber so to speak in the Contest ratings. Unlike some other authors who shall remain name-dropped-less, and secure and silent.

      Therefore, I now have the confidence to state my own Theory about Everything: it's already here, right in front of u\s, in a disparte form, a connection in the data already

      Dear Tommy,

      It is indeed fascinating to explore the nature of consciousness, one of the greatest mysteries of science. I admire those willing to speculate about such frontier questions.

      Best wishes,


      Paul Halpern, The Discreet Charm of the Discrete

      Dear Tommy,

      Energy quanta are a think of the past! We need "A World Without Quanta"! And you can make that critical difference to help bring it about. Cast your approval for a world that makes sense and bring this essay out of the cusp of 'being or not being'! The results are deeply significant and totally iconoclastic. But we need to bring this essay to the 'church' on time! You among others will be better for it!

      All the best,


      • [deleted]

      Dear Sir,

      If the validity of a theory rests on its novelty and incomprehensibility, we have a good number of contenders here.

      Congratulations for your earlier prizes and other would be prizes. After all even if one is own by mistakes, many others follow naturally.



      • [deleted]


      Tikal and Quetzolcoatl send their help to Japan....

      Working on removing that post. WE all support each other in times of tragedy, when we can it is hoped.

      Mr. Jackson:

      Excellent essay so far. I'm in the Thought experiment. nuff said.

      Mr. Halpern:

      thanks for the thoughts: the Frontier sure can be tough.

      Mr. Constantinos:

      How about a compromise: the theortical quantum of consciousness? WE are already learning in the lab what the upper thershold of the limit of a unit that could be called a q. of consciousness. Build up a theory based on those particles, maybe. Who has time for that? Thanks again....

      Now that is funny!

      Anyway, I see basudeba is an author and not a group. Good news: look forward to checking out your essay.



      Dear Tommy,

      It is great to see that your essay moved up in the final community rating! Your essay is a litmus test on several levels. One needs to read essays and comments from the beginning to get the full benefit. I chuckled all the way through, and I see it as a very intelligent work of observation and humor! My feeble mind realizes we need the debate this contest offers even with the crazy ideas and the observational ones like yours that let us laugh and think about logic. It all makes up a whole in looking for the gems.

      Kind regards, Russell

      Thanks! I guess. I'm just hounoured to only have scored .3 below you in the Ratings as my essay had only a month to be read, and most were quite essay-fatigued by then.

      The problem (as always) was the quality variance between essays. since there were so many, some didn't have achance to read them and took a gamble (prioritized) based on their own methods. Sometimes the resulting read was quite of poor quality. Sometimes gems are found in amonst the chafe. I'm simply happy to have almost come this far, even if this is only the conclusion of the short journey...

      Thanx again.

      Or based on some other threads i've studied, .6 lower on a 1-10 scale ore thereabouts...

      5 days later
      • [deleted]


      This reminds me on the difficulties studying consciousness. You never know whose consciousness involve. It has been shown that measurements in paranormal expiriments scale down to - the research leader. The persons actually doing the experiment is not always so important, nor the distance.

      I often think at Benvenistes tragedy. What did Randi really? As magician he certainly knew about this. What he must have been laughing at us. The memory is information,indeed.

      I have an essay here too, about body-mind problem, topic 938. If you have time to read it, and comment, I would be happy. It is my first participation in contests like this.

      Hey Finlander Matfolk:

      Your essay is amazing. Funnily enough, it would seem that you have mastered some sort of informationally-dense prose, akin to another Kind of this: the entire work of Hard SF Author Alistair Reynolds.

      I submit that it is so not over, and you well-deserve the 3.9 rating very impressive. And so, as a conequesnce of this neat method of Communication, I'll have to read it several more times to grok...

      Anyway, to tell the truth: yours Russ' Rickles Barbour all actually could rewrite your essays and submit them for plublication easily in the pertinent Discipline. The only reason I but dare to include my essay still for consideration is that my body of past threadds and essay speak volumes as to Content. And the non-proff is still proff-ed no? lol

      Anyway again, my own Result and Conclusions UnPublished urge me to pull my essay from consideration this next several weeks, as ill-though and entered incomplete, except for the possiblity of a Perfect Rating for Relevance! Nice.

      so again amazing essay of yours, whereas mino own was rushed. please allow me the time to peruse your style of links as Symbols representing very complex bits of Information. So as the Reader is carried allong the Current of sentences, the Author is saying more than one thing simultaneously, opening a new level of conscious thought thru the Law of Duality. That's on the first read-thru.

      Mr. Jackson: No , thanks sir even still your Essay was Magnifiscent. withdraw it immediately rewrite for Publication, and submit as an AstroPhysical model of ""....

      and thank you thank you

      if only I had the time. but i do still love the Career...


      There, I'v e given in and accepted Face book to influence my Cyber-life. You will nowfind your own Unique and Personal Facebook page at the above address.


      • [deleted]

      Hello for the final time maybe...

      As a parting addendum to my measly essay and thread-ology, I would like to add the 7 Inventions just Published at


      We have commenced Patent searches. maybe some , like vv oil, have already been invented by the us army (after writing about 20 pages of unpublished work on variable viscosity oil, my researches turned uup Patents by the US ARmy for that application in Secret Body Armour!). OOps, that never saw the light of day. lol again, so to speak: but using this scattershot approach i hope to get one or more gems. Which are now officially published. And will be developed gradually, in the open in the style of the late and great Sir Arthur C. Clark in informed and informed speculative fiction. Unless and until the site produces prototypes upon demand and compensation lol.

      ah hem thank s again

        • [deleted]

        ah Informed and Educated Hard SF

        by QuantumWidgets.com