Good afternoon to you Tommy,
I sent this posr first to your answers on my essay and also to your facebook adress, perhaps I reach you now.
Sorry for my late reply but I expected that all the new posts would be at the end of this blog.
I have read with much interest your essay, you are very much trying indeed to make equations, these equations however contain one item that seems to me difficult to accept as a "unit", being the SOUL.
The human being has "consciousness" as have other beings, the consciousness of mankind is a DIFFERENT one from other species, even in the time line you would be able to detect a form of consciousness in mineral objects, only changes there do not occur in the human rythm of heartbeat, when we look at the Universe as a whole it can have also a rytm that could indicate a (for us) superconsciousness, perhaps we can also call this SOUL, what is in a name ? So in so far we agree, but I cannot understand why we have to put this in a formula, first of all I don't think that we are talking measurable quanta , mankind is trying always to UNDERSTAND its relative reality and in order to do so invents tricks as equations, formula's , dimensions etc (I am doing the same in my essay, therefore you call it ESSAY), but we will never be able to come to a full understanding in our 4-D causal deterministic universe.
In your interpretations you pose that consciousness is always the result of an observation , in order to observe you have to be conscious, otherwise ..... We are entering here a spiral thought that can go on in infinity, we can solve this problem by accepting that consciousness is quality in our universe that (see my essay) goes further then our 4-D causal deterministic universe and allows for example humans to have a connection with the T.S. (Total Simultaneity) in order to form a understandable causal life-line.
In this way of thinking (I do not say it is the truth but only one of the many ways that we can try to understand, because the final truth is not existing) we can also understand other forms of consciousness with different time lines , constituted from different material as the baryonic particles (dark matter, anti matter) etc.
You mention : "the Universe of all mathematics, where all of the Universe of Reality is contained as apart of this greater Universe", well here we both say the same, again what is in a name, your mathematics (that include infinities) are a form of non causal thinking, the same as in my Total Simultaneity. Causal Time is the effect that gives a meaning to our consciuosness of the subjective reality.
You mention : "the infinity of the anlogue we are living in NOW." If we were living in the infinity the NOW moment could not exist because we would never be able to reach it in a causal way, our world in my opinion is surrounded by limits, like the Planck Length and time, the infinity is in our consciousness because of the fact that it can "feel" the other fifth non causal dimension.
In your post you say that your ideas may be used by others , I would be proud if others would become a better man by using my ideas, the FAME is of no importance, isn't it so that all our ideas and inventions are based on the ideas and inventions of others who were thinking before us ?
I look forward too your answers
keep on thinking free