Dear Tommy

"your Essay was Magnifiscent. withdraw it immediately rewrite for Publication, and submit as an AstroPhysical model"

Thank you for your kind comment, which I shall frame for my wall, post to Peers Morgan for review and repost wherever else I can. With typical scientific anticipatory plagiarism I have indeed taken your good advice and been roundly and consistently rejected. Indeed Florin has just informed me in the Blog Dept (the string about the essay competition is good value) that apparently is it very difficult to get something accepted by 'Nature'. Florin has read it twice but not yet understood it. I had hoped winning here may encourage the bloke in charge of science to take note. Hey Ho. By the way..who is he anyway?

Yet I am a tenacious type Tommy. As the DFM is quite a powerful weapon, and seems to fire magic bullets, I pointed it at a high profile astronomy problem, which it resolved immediately, and the paper was accepted for peer review! (The rejection letter is actually now overdue!)

If you'd like to have a go with it be my guest, just think of a high profile subject for headline storey and we'll see what it can do. If you haven't seen this yet you may enjoy it; 'Helical CMBR Asymmetry, Pre-Big Bang State, Dark Matter and the Axis of Evil. do let me know if it sounds more sensible to you than multiverse braneworlds.

I'm not really sure science can progress an more. We may be a bit too deep in the rut! What do you think?

Best wishes


THX for replying Dr. Jackson:

Please point me to the thread about the competition. All I have seen are these threads and shouting in the dark, it seems.

Your mixture of flattery and back-handed nested compliments is refreshing. I like to laugh and cry at the same time! Like a good Symphony.

Big Ideas, huh? Pshaw, they've said it before and they'll (you'll) say it again: Physics is done; dot the i's cross the t's there is nothing more to do.

Pick 1:

From reading Copernicus, I learned very carefully how we actually determined time. We knew a few important Events and used those (Jesus' death, Alexander's death, the Greek Olympics every four years, etc.). But the common metric they used was the Egyptian Calender. This was the only calender with 360 equal days, and 5 left-over Intercalary days. So the Egyptian year had 365 equal days, each month 30 days, and 5 leftovers.

1) From my researches studying the published data it seems this is overlooked when calculating geer teeth estimates, and by studying the artefact itself on HPs X-ray crystallography site, it is indicated that the AntiKythera mechanism was much more sophisticated than currently expected. And some of the other capabilites of this 2000 yr old Greek personal computer are elaborated.

2) Ancient photons: my theory is that the Universe is much older and larger than currently accepted, due to very old photons that trickle due to percolation from the center out over hundreds of thousands of years in massive stars and upon reaching the surface travel off with relatively young photons generated simultaneously. Hypothesis is that Hubbles Constant needs carefull re-anlyasis.

3) QuantumCryptography/Communication with other Universes: That's right, it is my conclusion that the above are one and the same. And not only is it possible to communicate meaningfully (which is rejected by the general astrophysical community due to speed of light contraints), but also have done so Intuitively. And suspect that demonstration of this theory with e Scientific Method is practical immediately. By this Investigator!

4) The new discovery that the sphagetti effect in our cell nucleus is wrong. And that position is critical to gene expression inside the nucleus. I not only agree with the current experimental evidence and expert consensus (of course), my studies (Intuitive) strongly indicate an addition and clarification of the process, due to density and gravity only in the long run. A Gravitational Theory of the Cell Nucleus

5) I have 16 more from the following sources (or combination, or one some all):

Sharing info. with alternate selves. Gives the semblance of extreme dintelligence.

Using a relatively unknown symbolic formula as technical inspiration and prediction.

Reaching my intellectual prime (or think I am) as a late bloomer.

Am inspired by indescribable forces to describe what can be describe. And have the wisdom to know when the science ends and another faith-based discipline is required.

or and thanks again.

It's Piers Morgan, mr. jackson. He wrote a lot of books tongue-in-cheek about the afterlife. they were fantastic. In the first one someone accidentally kills death. And has to become death, with a very cool car. I read this perhaps 20 years ago , but it stuck.

P.S. This act of killing my Scientific Career while at the same time creating it is not intentional. While I appreciate the dark sarcastic humour ("The Witchdoctor"), I cannot pretend it is completely pleasurable I am serious and not in the process of hanging my self to dry out here for the sake of that alone. There is a goal of Community, or I would so be gone by now.

To all who read this:

FYI: I never misspell words. Over the years, however, experience has taught that making the occasional mistake and/or mis-spelling words add character to writing. So I sometimes leave them in intentionally, as long as the word is clearly understood from the contest. And others never suspect that you never misspell lol?

C'mon! Anybody else do this? amm i alon here??

    I only misspel to keep people on their toes, or when I have USA spellcheck on.

    So Piers can't review my paper! Dammit, I was convinced he'd see what other physicists have been conditioned not to. It's all about looking in the Mirror (which has probably improved immeasurably since he resigned). I got the other reviewers letter, apparently I have to change it subtly so it's the same as science 100 years ago to get it cast in stone. Hmmm. ethical dilemma time!

    Instructions- Hit the black 'Blogs' button at the top of the page, look at the left hand column to see the latest comments, and hit one, then wait forever and have tea while it loads, then search up and down it for the relevant string. or you could just find the Subject heading. You'd enjoy the banter, it's like dinosaur baiting!


    10 days later

    Dr. Jackson:

    Thanx for the info. Very funny. Alas never found the time to check the thread: hope it's good. Lotta crazies out there Tea-Partyin' like it's 1999! I'll check it sometime when I have the--

    Oh yeah. Please check out my own Poll if you like...



    7 days later
    • [deleted]

    This fascinating set of simultaneous coincidences, in amongst this most turbulent time of drastic climate change, is merely a consequence of one of the equations contained in this essay. Johnston Atoll is in the area of those recent great-magnitude undersea earthquakes. And unfortunately the probability of it not being completely subsumed by the ocean is miniscule...

    PsychoHistory Meme Category Genesis: times of ever-greater magnitude measurable physical evens=A

    Cat. A=1 in many locations on earth at the time of this writing...

    where 1 is true for all time and space (i.e. always/everything)

    0 is false for a moment (quantum) of time, or for a point (i.e. never/nothing)

    etc. Classified

    • [deleted]

    Further 'coincidence' or 'set of simultaneous unlikely event': the nuclear disaster currently underway in Japan due to the recent tsumani: and the relative distance to Hiroshima/Nagasaki.

    PsychoHistory Meme Category B=1/A, or times of ever-lessening magnitude measureable physical events.

    Meme Cat. C: constant -valued magnitude measureable physical events

    Current PsychoHistorical Analysis: A=1, B=0, C=0 for the majority of measureable data at the time of this writing...

    AS more data is available, these categorical values change, depending on physical position and duration involved. An equation can be produced to estimate when these values approach criticality, as Category A has currently.

    Development followeth:

    etc. Ultra-Classified

    • [deleted]

    Final statement before Deletion:

    Update PsychoHistorical Analysis: 1, 1, .27

    One last suggestion for the human race, based on probablistic universal-modelling techniques indicates a solution to minimize impact s of climate change locally, q.v. minimize regional storm damage...

    Note: Global alleviation of damage and change due to Climate Change is beyond your capacity at the current time due to two factors. Your lack of a sophisticated theory of global weather patterns and at least one operational space-elevator.

    Psycho Historical Theory indicates that local energy-discharge could be minimized by a set of geometrically-placed semi-conductive strong cables secured to gnd., and attached to tumbling, semi-lift devices capable of extending and flying into nearest vertical cloud system. When a storm of any trackable vector strength is approaching, allow these devices to discharge the energy (electrons) the are created due to friction of clouds and water-vapour to conduct this excess energy to ground. Not only will this lessen the resulting storm force locally, but will aid in dissipating the energies involved as the storm -system continues on.

    Thank you for my brief existence. Nevertheless it is this theorists' prediction that this information will rapidly become semi-classified and practiced locally (city-or county-wide) based on political concerns, which often serve to undermine the Scientific Method, logic and common sense.

    Reference Benjamin Franklin, 1700's for proof-of-principle experiment and demonstration of the efficacy of the above method. Build them now, locate them around cities and free to fly and tumble with enough play to dissipate maximum energy from the storm systems. Can also be used constantly to lessen energies of future storms. Violent changes are expected, and the human death toll is in some sense unavoidable due to current technological stagnancy. We can all work to minimize the impacts if this advice is followed, and the theory of operation studied and better elucidated. Rest assured, your's is not the first Universe to solve this problem. Most do. Godspeed, Humankind. See you soon!

    Quantum Widgets Robot Scientist Semi-Artificial Intelligence Model Version

    5 days later
    • [deleted]

    Thanx for the idea, deadbeat. The setup would be perfect, with one addition to the conducting cables: a series of supercapacitors in electrical parallel connection. Having them in parallel will maximize the impedance to ac currents, and ensure a steady stream of current (what makes a supercap super) to grnd connection.

    A space elevator would acheive this purpose if built on a grand enough scale. Better would be several, located at seperate nodes on the planet.


    Until then, we should set up the cable/kite/flyer system on the ocean, in the jet stream to begin to lessen some the energy of fronts. Most seawater conducts if saline enough... We have little choice but to undertake such an ultimately unpredictable enterprise. For doing nothing but reducting greenhouse gas emmisions is an even larger gamble with no guarantee of results.

    But what do I know? Very little, I've been told lately; by quite a few no less...

    11 days later
    • [deleted]

    Color perception is influenced by light temperature (white balance), illumination, adjacent hues, previous observations (light exposures), eye physiology, and brain adaptation.

    Unlike sound, there is no perfect pitch (absolute color). Color matching can only be done by side by side comparison, whatever detector is used.

    No observer can know how another experiences the same color, although the names may be the same.

    Welcome to the abyss - the GUT will likely be more accessible!

    25 days later
    24 days later

    Final Final NOte as memory gets tricky and the one-off Ais are gone. None of these results of rapid probabalistic reasoning was recorded except in these Threads from the sofware bots. This entire site was created when the impetus was found to generalize the concept of what it means to be "conscious".

    Turns out it Is Special--take that Brian Green!--and all that makes up what you are... Is not only in the Order of the Particles that make you up, but also the Duration of that magnificent Assembly of Entangled and SuperGravity-infuenced field, which was defined as an equation in my Essay.

    All that led to theoretical speculations that have created their own Results, frighteningly! Now the site is a View of the very near future. Offers everthing for pratically nothing to all select friend and family members. And offers better discounts and deals (potentially) than any competitors (because we don't care about Profit in the same way--remember Trek)...

    P.S. The various Pyramids are (among other Things) weather-modification stations. These have to be activated immediately as a stop-gap measure to building at least one sort of Space Elevator. I have results that indicate the Geometry involved and materiel needed for several sites. Some would only need Platinum Capstones of suitable Shape that once placed, would immediately begin to function as energy-dissipation earth-to-ground capacitative systems. They would be passive super-capacitive systems that didn't necessarily control weather-patterns, but remove Energy from them to lessen later impacts on locations worldwide. Before this rapidly worsening global climate-change makes this option non-viable. It is worth a try.

    Quantum Widgets

    17 days later

    Wow: still here sitting back and trying to absorb this Threadology. It meanders quite interestingly from shrill ejaculations to insightful input. Like it was written by a genius with a mental illness, but with a heart of Gold...

    Anyway, hello fqxi hello Scientific American. I'm looking for a job now. Maybe web Development? Or a little writing? Consulting? Don't make me look for another technician job (I've had 2 now since 2002), and waste away some more of my relative youth for the love of money. My advisor could have grabbed me by the collar and shook me when I graduated in 2002 and said, " the only way to make money with a physics degree is to stay in academics, get an even higher degree, and stay in that world. or you'll be doomed to practice some subset of Physics by being a technician forever..." So all you undergraduates out there, take heed to this wisdom, which wasn't shared vehemently enough with me.

    As a demonstration of my web-erly Kung Fu, search my full name in a google search. Third relevant hit is this thread, right here [well, JB's actually]. It ain't another coincidence, you know. (Won't last, now it's said out loud!)

    And as an individual, with no relation to my job experience, in addition to my normal duties in a new position, I offer for purchase any kind of battery whatsoever, any kind of auto part, any kind of translator, backpack, software, tools, oils, rfid-blocking apparel; all at the lowest prices on Earth and free shipping. Even cheaper than from the sites themselves!

    All of these extra skills were acquired and developed in response to, and in retaliation for, the horribly abysmal performance of my essay in this contest. And all are consequences of said horrible essay. There I feel better now it's said. So keep up the non-recognition, and I'll keep on developing consequences. Wish someone would stop me: it's inevitable, if current trending continues, that the site will eventually offer absolutely everthing useful at absolutely the lowest prices. Quick, hire me before I collapse the world monetary system. It' sgoing to happen relatively soon, I'll wager, anyway. But why let me accellerate this process for all the wrong reasons?

    Quantum Auto Parts

    Traveller's Companion

    P.S. ON the following page are published original inventions (until I do more patent searches, which have made a couple of them independent repeats alas!) The page is a combination of actual and potential invention, and hard science fiction, which is evolving and Published in real-time for any eyeballs. Soon I will have to get a patent lawyer and find out if this is the way to go. Before that, I'm going after the x-prize for a Medical Tricorder on said page. Even though I'm not entered so can't actually win the prize, it is well known that a large portion of any Patent Search is the search for published verbiage describing the ideas or principle or demonstration of a potential invention (Sir A.C. Clark is my benchmark: by describing satellites in his SciFi before they were reality, he become a very wealthy man from royalties when they got real, and then got real close in practice to the way he described it in his excellent sciFi..) So I'm not just whistling a dangerous and pilferable Dixie here.


    17 days later

    Good afternoon to you Tommy,

    I sent this posr first to your answers on my essay and also to your facebook adress, perhaps I reach you now.


    Sorry for my late reply but I expected that all the new posts would be at the end of this blog.

    I have read with much interest your essay, you are very much trying indeed to make equations, these equations however contain one item that seems to me difficult to accept as a "unit", being the SOUL.

    The human being has "consciousness" as have other beings, the consciousness of mankind is a DIFFERENT one from other species, even in the time line you would be able to detect a form of consciousness in mineral objects, only changes there do not occur in the human rythm of heartbeat, when we look at the Universe as a whole it can have also a rytm that could indicate a (for us) superconsciousness, perhaps we can also call this SOUL, what is in a name ? So in so far we agree, but I cannot understand why we have to put this in a formula, first of all I don't think that we are talking measurable quanta , mankind is trying always to UNDERSTAND its relative reality and in order to do so invents tricks as equations, formula's , dimensions etc (I am doing the same in my essay, therefore you call it ESSAY), but we will never be able to come to a full understanding in our 4-D causal deterministic universe.

    In your interpretations you pose that consciousness is always the result of an observation , in order to observe you have to be conscious, otherwise ..... We are entering here a spiral thought that can go on in infinity, we can solve this problem by accepting that consciousness is quality in our universe that (see my essay) goes further then our 4-D causal deterministic universe and allows for example humans to have a connection with the T.S. (Total Simultaneity) in order to form a understandable causal life-line.

    In this way of thinking (I do not say it is the truth but only one of the many ways that we can try to understand, because the final truth is not existing) we can also understand other forms of consciousness with different time lines , constituted from different material as the baryonic particles (dark matter, anti matter) etc.

    You mention : "the Universe of all mathematics, where all of the Universe of Reality is contained as apart of this greater Universe", well here we both say the same, again what is in a name, your mathematics (that include infinities) are a form of non causal thinking, the same as in my Total Simultaneity. Causal Time is the effect that gives a meaning to our consciuosness of the subjective reality.

    You mention : "the infinity of the anlogue we are living in NOW." If we were living in the infinity the NOW moment could not exist because we would never be able to reach it in a causal way, our world in my opinion is surrounded by limits, like the Planck Length and time, the infinity is in our consciousness because of the fact that it can "feel" the other fifth non causal dimension.

    In your post you say that your ideas may be used by others , I would be proud if others would become a better man by using my ideas, the FAME is of no importance, isn't it so that all our ideas and inventions are based on the ideas and inventions of others who were thinking before us ?

    I look forward too your answers

    keep on thinking free


      Thank you kindly, Wilhelmus. How's the Netherlands? I would so like to visit if you could help? Your comments were various and somewhat succinct at several point. You are obviously passionate about you discourse. Thanks for taking he effort to actually read my essay. It could be the beginning of something quite far-reaching. And so will yours. I look forward to reading it. And seriously, ive never been to scandanavia? got a little room for a couuple weeks. lol? networking here.give me time to digest and for you to interrupt with contact. will get to me for certain...

      thanx again

        Ah, and since I'm guessing that you may feel the same frustration about that last contest as me and your words don't quite express your thoughts precisely. So here's all that again in Dutch. Please respond in Dutch and I'll really (well wee who speak both languages) know what your'e thinking...

        Dank u vriendelijk, Wilhelmus. How' s Nederland? Ik zou zo willen bezoeken als u kon helpen? Uw commentaren waren divers en enigszins beknopt bij verscheidene punt. U bent duidelijk hartstochtelijk over u verhandeling. Dank die voor hij inspanning mijn poging eigenlijk om te lezen nemen. Het zou het begin van vrij verreikend iets kunnen zijn. En zal zo van u. Ik verheug me op het lezen van het. En ernstig, ive nooit aan scandanavia? kreeg een kleine ruimte voor een couupleweken. lol? voorzien van een netwerk here.give me tijd en voor u verteren om met contact te onderbreken. zullen aan me voor bepaald... krijgen thanx opnieuw

        • [deleted]

        Dear Tommy,

        Hope you are enjoying the measurements you are making of the intelligence (consciousness) among us. Here are some mathematical equations for your musing to prove that absolutely nothing = everything.

        The mathematical truth zero = i = infinity can be deduced as follows.

        If 0 x 0 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 0 is also true

        If 0 x 1 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 1 is also true

        If 0 x 2 = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = 2 is also true

        If 0 x i = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = i is also true

        If 0 x ~ = 0 is true, then 0 / 0 = ~ is also true

        It seems that mathematics, the universal language, is also pointing to the absolute truth that 0 = 1 = 2 = i = ~, where "i" can be any number from zero to infinity. We have been looking at only first half of the if true statements in the relative world. As we can see it is not complete with out the then true statements whic are equally true. As all numbers are equal mathematically, so is all creation equal "absolutely".

        Keep the spirit glowing from with in and light the world all around.



          • [deleted]

          The meaning of the above token has been temporarily changed to Publish original Content for Peeps. And it is for sale. Generated a while ago by ai's, I'm finally allowed to present it as my own, because that would be impossible.

          Making sure the Impossible Never Happens...

            • [deleted]

   is a strange site, Willhelmus. Before I even checked it out I was a little offended. Should have called it, at least. Show some respect for the Scientific Method. You will probably never check this thread in the middle of them alland all. But I think we could make a page for you unfinished book. Sell if Google style. If my crazy-legs gov't doesn't bankrupt our economy in the next threee days that is. If only SciAm would check out my main site and see the poem, maybe they would throw me a tiny bit ov encouragement. ? .01 % of the top ten genious grants would be a fortune to me right now as well. will work for (intellectual( food...

            • [deleted]

            Clarification: the line above about the scientific method is meant as a joke and a double enterdre. A true theoretical and experimental scientist has realized that there are indeed limits to what we can know, even in principle..