marcovici alexandru

  • 13 Feb
  • Joined Apr 21, 2020
  • Georgina Woodward
    A single photon delivers a frequency. Groups of photons deliver intensity too. Identification of movement, for example) is generated from the spatial change in the pattern of receipt.

    Quote- "bottom-to-top processing of our visual world may seem the logical path, but it isn’t the whole story. Such a 'bottom-up' approach would be far too slow and laborious, but more importantly, it would render our visual world full of ambiguity and we would struggle to survive. Instead, our perception relies to a very large extent on our previous experience and other 'top-down' mechanisms such as attention. QBI Professors Jason Mattingley and Stephen Williams are both studying how attention can alter visual processing, using cognitive and cellular approaches, respectively-- Visual perception - Queensland Brain Institute - University of Queensland
    Max-Planck-Gesellschaft https://www.mpg.de/10518004/from-retina-to-cortex
    'From retina to cortex: An unexpected division of labor'

  • yea right Carlos along the lines ecology communication sign language interaction and deviations

    i remembered the idea with the trash: cities are typically covered with road concrete etc.
    it is easy to drop trash on the floor. why not designing the trash to be specially drooped on the ground, at the same maybe the ground itself could be more waste integrating friendly

    star trek cyborgs or starcraft's zergs are graphically and story designed to look bad

    this is related with why some occupations appeared in some country s and not in others

    badabimbadabum, evolution has found the best solutions? or there or other places of stability in potential bio-eco systems?

    etc, mind verbose (science) rumination thoughts in the process no conclusion reached .

    procrastination is not viewed like a good activity ,there are tutorials, how to stop procrastinating
    by viewing this video i have learned first time in 2010 about the word, i placed it in the good words metaphorical box and tried to behave accordingly
    to an extreme to not want to know until i can figure it my by self out, that also could means / [only now i have verified if this is how its written - that's mean:)]/significate/en] das bedeutet/ das heisst de] это значит ru]cela signifie fr]: experiencing problems , developing some mental schemes before having a vocabulary.

    in the process of deciphering writing there is not word by word ,sound out of word translation, sometimes there has to be some back and forth such that its sounding right, giving the presence of new text, the right sounding might not be unique .
    what would be an extreme of that. how can this feature be used ?

  • after a search Compendium Musicae showed up; apparently this is the first published work of the hipnotic domain of sounds,namely the music ,
    probably after that he switched to other topics

    dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo sum.
    i use a voice therefore i am [therefore, browser spellcheck ] ( therfore, my original typewrite)
    linguam scio, ergo loquor , loquor ergo sum

    i know common spoken language therefore i use a voice, i use a voice (i think) therefore i am
    Ich kenne die Umgangssprache, deshalb benutze ich eine Stimme, ich benutze eine Stimme (denke ich),also bin ich

    ... after more digging -Newcastle letter-

    communication like an alternating static turn-based chunks (signs/ discrete states )- written on paper/ or spoken or made with hands,

    are those the only mode of expression of thoughts?
    an unexpressed thought doesn't exist.

    ha ! - i ponder around speech ,in a common spoken language, therefore i am
    Ha! - Ich denke über die Sprache nach, in einer allgemein gesprochenen Sprache, also bin ich es
    ha! - circum loquelam volvo, in lingua vulgari, ergo sum
    ha ! - je réfléchis autour de la parole, dans une langue parlée commune, donc je suis
    χα ! - συλλογίζομαι τον λόγο, σε μια κοινή προφορική γλώσσα, επομένως είμαι
    ha! - Jeg tænker over tale, i et almindeligt talesprog, derfor er jeg det
    ah! - rifletto sul discorso, in una lingua parlata comune, quindi sono
    はー! - 私は共通の話し言葉でのスピーチについて考えています。
    ха! - я размышляю над речью на простом разговорном языке, поэтому я

  • Dear All,

    I don t know if the persons are aware of this but we have created due to our evolution and technologies an extinction of the Holocene , it is due to deforestation, hunting,industrialisation ,pollution,climate change, bad ecologies,.....we create a chaotical system and we are going to pay the price in a near future .

    I don t understand how it is possible that the UN does not oblige all the governments with laws to change this. The future of this planet is in the hands of actual governments. These governments and UN must listen to the scientists, philosophes, thinkers aware of what we make .

    The restabilisation of ecosystems and harmonisations of ecosystems are essential to reach points of equilibrium, we cannot accept this, it is not in accepting our human evolution only in believing it is like this that we shall solve the major problems. The problem is psychological we accept simply a kind of normality of human evolution without really considering the other animals and vegetals. I don t understand how it is possible that at this UN the laws are not created for a better globality. Is it just the money now the most important and the economy , are we just governed by secretaires billonaires not aware of these problems . It is an extinction of the Holocene it is not nothing, and don t believe that our intelligence is going to find the solutions and adaptations if we don t change . We must absolutelly change now with adapted laws obliging all governements to solve .

    I am sad because they exist these solutions and I don t understand how it is possible that our collective logic universal consciousness does not act correctly in the high spheres of power.