• [deleted]

Dear Ivy,

Thank you for your comment. I have done my best to make the ideas easily understood by the reader. A certain amount of technical understanding is still required to understand the concepts, however, and this level of complexity cannot really be reduced without losing the content of the ideas that comprise the theory.

Thanks for the support...



  • [deleted]

Dear Bob,

Thank you for your detailed assessment of my work.

You have identified a number of the key features in the thesis of my theory.

It would be good to see an essay from yourself submitted to this contest (just remember though that the submission closing date is at the end of this month!).

Thanks for your support.

Good luck & best wishes for your work...



  • [deleted]


I was wondering if I could also take a peek at your electron model. It sounds rather fascinating. I come from a primarily computer science background, however reading over your essay I find it understandable and even natural to consider the field densities in light's propagation this way.

Especially glad to see correlations stemming from the base concept which take into account many known principals. Kudos on the good work!

    • [deleted]


    Thanks for the interest.

    Sure I will attempt to attache the zipped up file of my project (including source code, executable, output images & a copy of one of my papers that shows the mathematical connection between the different fields).

    Best Regards,

    Declan Traill

    Dear Declan:

    Enjoyed reading your essay and agree with the conclusions of the paper that the photon of light can have a variable speed. This is shown in my paper via Gravity Nullification model. Right before emission, a photon is at rest mass with zero velocity. After emission its speed can vary depending upon the actual velocity V. Only when it attains a speed equal to the speed of light, its mass becomes zero.

    I would welcome your comments on my paper - - -" From Absurd to Elegant Universe".

    Best regards

    Avtar Singh

      • [deleted]

      Dear Avtar,

      Thank you for your post.

      The energy that comprises a photon just before emission is one one sense at rest because it is bound up in the particle that is about to emit the photon, but in actual fact the energy that comprises the particle is in constant motion too. The energy whizzes around in a tight loop therefore forming a particle that appears to be at rest.

      See my earlier post (including files) for a model of the electron to see this. The image of the power flow shows the electron's energy flowing around the electron's spin axis in closed loops.



      8 days later
      • [deleted]

      The last hundred years has seen surfacing many new theories to explain new observations. In some cases the realm of the validity of old and well established constants had to be reevaluated, like the constant of gravity, G, or in other cases they had to be constantly changed like in the case of the cosmological constant. Since the values of the universal constants are interdependent there is a high probability they will keep changing. Those constants, whose values depend on the environment, may have constant values only under certain physical conditions.

      Thank You Declan for your must needed fresh approach to basic problems of phisics

        6 days later
        • [deleted]

        Dear Declan, your thinking helps me a lot



          • [deleted]

          Dear Karoly,

          Thank you for your comments. Indeed it is important that we are able to identify which 'constants' are actually constant and which can change in order to construct our model of the Universe properly.



          • [deleted]

          Dear Karoly,

          I'm glad to hear that. It sounds like my attempt to bring clarity to a difficult subject is successful (so say a number of posts here). I just need some good Community ratings of my Essay to get my work into the final so that it will actually be looked at by the judges! Maybe you can help?



          19 days later
          • [deleted]

          Thanks for the comment,

          First thing I would say is to point out that the weight of an object on Earth or the Moon is different, yes, but the object's Mass is the essentially the same. The weight is the force imparted on the Mass by the Gravitational field.

          As for the Higgs Boson etc: I think the current Standard model is overly concerned about particles, and should be focused more on waves, which are more fundamental (particles are made from waves), and on finding the common features that unify everything into a small set of common principles (as I have done in my Essay). The Higgs field sounds reasonable, and is a very similar concept to an Ether. I think it even has the same units (J/Kg) as the field I talk about in my paper. As for the Higgs Boson - I am not yet convinced that there is an actual particle of this sort, and even less convinced that it can be the cause of every other particle having mass.

          From my calculations, the mass of any particle is simply the sum of the energies of the waves that comprise it. This really works! Even Relativistic Mass increase is explained this way (see my Essay). The field in which the particle exists determines (in part) the energies of the waves, and so the field filling space (be it the Higgs Field or the Ether) plays an important part is attributing the mass to objects, but why does it require a particle to do so? A field works much better & is easier to understand.


          Declan Traill

          P.S If you support my work, I need some good Community ratings for my Essay (using Author's code) to give me a chance of being considered in the Finals of this contest. So please give me a good rating & point me to your work so that I can return the favour.

          • [deleted]

          Dear Sergey,

          Indeed! I am well aware of that. Members of the WSM newsgroup (myself included) attribute that piece of information to Milo Wolff's work on Electron structure, dating back to ~1983 I think.

          The body of evidence that supports model of particles as standing waves and my Classical explanation for Relativity is large, and getting larger - I would say overwhelming in the match it makes with the real world.



          7 days later
          • [deleted]

          Dear Declan Traill

          I looked but did not see my "code author", or maybe I do not know how to find it, or it may be due I am "rookie" should not be granted code.I very willing to donate "10" for you, please guide me how to find it.

          Hurry up.

          • [deleted]

          Well if you are an author of an essay in the contest then you should have received an author's code, which will allow you to vote in the Community rating. Otherwise you can vote in the Public rating by just entering your email address when giving my essay a rating. Giving a rating is easy, just click on the link at the top of the page...



          After studying about 250 essays in this contest, I realize now, how can I assess the level of each submitted work. Accordingly, I rated some essays, including yours.

          Cood luck.

          Sergey Fedosin

            • [deleted]

            Thankyou Sergey...

            A very concise well written essay Declan - congratulations. It does seem that there is growing awareness that matter is made of waves, and that these waves propagate through space / aether (an absolute reference frame).

            You have shown how this foundation deduces relativity correctly without the strangeness - and this is very important for the sensible evolution of human knowledge.

            A few thoughts (from a philosopher!);

            i) You talk about matter waves and light waves as if they are different things. I think you will find that light waves are really just patterns of hills and hollows on the surface of the plane waves that form matter (I will discuss this at our WSM group and try show a diagram some time soon.)

            ii) You have time dilation, yet if what exists is waves in space, then time must be due to this wave motion, thus time dilation must really be caused by a change in wave velocity. I am curious, if you keep time constant (same as keeping frequency constant), and just have the wave velocity and wavelength changing do you get the correct results?

            iii) I agree that gravity must be due to a slowing of wave velocity in higher energy density space, thus the curvature of light past the sun is really a classical diffraction (what Einstein called the curvature of the 4D space-time continuum).

            iv) Do you have thoughts on charge? My view is that this is also caused by variable wave velocity, where higher wave amplitude waves have higher velocity.

            Good luck with the contest.
