Joe, Robert,
Quote from Joe, "Abstract equations do not a real thing make." Robert stated in his essay, "A mathematical symbol and its associated descriptor(s) should contain all the entity's components such there is no confusion as to the meaning."
A mathematical equation can be compared to a "paint by number picture" of a real picture. If enough "number parameters" with the correct descriptors, "color, shape, etc.," are applied to the paint by number algorithm, you can get a close approximation of the real thing. New forms of mathematical methods have been developed to help fill in previously ill-defined characteristics, which allows an abstract equation to provide a more accurate description of how "we think" the real thing should be described.
Then there is the possibility that existing mathematical processes were not properly applied to describing a problem. I did not create the physical law or the mathematical processes described in the IEEE paper cited in my essay, 1294, I applied them in a different way. Postprint below.
A quote from Roberts essay abstract, "Consequently, the early search for the 'meaning' of the equations of mathematical physics, especially quantum physics, was based on several critical assumptions about the nature of information, which have subsequently been shown to be untrue. Unfortunately, none of the physicists, at the time, (and apparently even today) recognized these assumptions, as such. "
Ultimately, when the decisions are made on which essay(s) deserve recognition, we will be able to determine if those individuals that make the decision have or have not managed to push aside decades of acceptance of untrue assumptions. You can get radically different peer review comments from reviewers that are from the academic community as compared to those outside of academics.
Monet's art became radically different after cataract surgery, no lens replacement back then, he painted what he saw. Same thing with scientific assumptions, once they have been implanted into impressionable minds, the individuals see the universe painted with these assumptions.