Firts of all thank you for reading my essay.
I just read yours. ersonnally I like very much The spirals of nature and Leonard de Pise, (Fibonacci). One of the causes of the beauty of our perceptance of nature is given in this mathematical sequence. Again a sequence....
regarding the loss of information in Black Holes I tend to think like Abhay Ashtekar and Carlo Rovelli in their Loop Quantum Gravity perception. Their latest proposal tells us that in the heart of a black hole there is no singulairity (the same as my perception) but an entry to another dimension that can be the origin of a new universe. Infact they come almost to the same conlusion as I do , onlt my perception goes further because this "entrance" to another dimension (that I call Total Simultaneity) is everywhere . Indeed I do not believe in non dimensional points called "singularities". So when information enters a black hole it is not lost at all it just returns to its origins...
best regards