I believe that in order to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity, it is necessary to propose a single unifying force from which all forces emerge. In my model, there is only one force, that is the force of attraction between left and right pairs. It models gluons as actual physical particles composed to two smaller particles. Given the way the top is constructed and the higgs are constructed, I do not think that the higgs is what provides mass. Instead mass is an emergent property. I will explain this shortly, but let me start with how a proton is constructed and how a top quark is constructed, because they use similar notations.
The proton:
[(LRLR)+(LRL)+(RL)+(L+R)] + [(RLRL)+(RLR)+(LR)+(L+R)] + [(LRLR)+(LRL)+(RL)+(R+L) + (R)]
The top quark:
This notation is unfamiliar to you because I have to invent it to represent the model, so I will explain it, but note you can find the complete model here, in a google spreadsheet:
You will note that there are either names of particles or a series of the smallest particles (informatons) inside of each bracket. A square bracketed series to terms is called a SYSTEM. Everything from protons on up are systems composed of smaller systems.
For example, looking at the proton avove, it contains two up quarks and a down quark connected by + signs. The down quark, having 1/3 charge, has a dangling + R on it, as so:
[(LRLR)+(LRL)+(RL)+(R+L) + (R)]
The L and R particles have 1/3 charge and -1/3 charge, respectively. This is because they are built from dark particles that when given mass, reduce the dark particles to 1/3 volt each. It is necessary for the fundamental particles to have 1/3 voltage each, but to come in a pair. There can not be three particles with 1/3 voltage, because opposite voltages must attract. Thus the + sign in the notation is NOT a particle of any sort, it represents the quanta of MASS that was converted from the dark energy into mass. The L + R represent INFORMATION. This mass is essentially the energy needed to bond the two particles together. Particles are represented generally from right to left with the largest component particle first, followed by the remaining particles in order of size and charge. If there are more than one string of particles in a row (like four mouns) they must be paired up in muon/antimuon pairs. You can see this above in the top quark. The Z-bosons are interleaved with Z-antibosons, and the up quarks are interleaved with up antiquarks. If there is not an even pairing of these particles, a net charge will result. If there are 8 muons and 7 antimuons, for example, there is a net -1 charge in the resulting particle.
Given the limits of the forum, please see the google sheet for the chart mentioned below.
If you look closely at the chart, you should notice the rule or pattern, for moving from one particle to the next. Particles are "built up" by adding and L or R to the right hand of the previous particle. This "shifts" or "pushes" exiting bits into more complex arrangements. One bit from each group slides to the left into the group to the left. A (R+L) or (L+R) will turn into a (LR). For example to go from a electron neutrino to an muon neutrino a (L+R) is added to the right. Components are always added as one (L) or (R) until you get up to muons which are built from smaller particles. Anyway to do the addition (note the operator, it is different from the plus operator which represents a bond):
(L)+(RL)+(R+L)+(R) ~+ (L)
|| | | |
|--/||--/ | |-/
(LR)+(LR)+ (L+R)
To make it clear, if we number the four positions from 0 to 3, an R moved left from 1 to 0, an R moved left from 2 to 1, an R moved left from 3 to 2, which remains a gluon, but now the gluon is dangling from the end instead of an extra 1/3 charge. Lines are drawn to indicate where the bits move.
Next you should notice the masses of the informatons. Surprisingly, non-intuitively, and paradoxically, they have more energy (1 eV and -1 eV) than expected. Also, they have negative energy. These are DARK electronvolts. When the L or R exist in isolation, they have a surprising amount of mass, they are slightly more energetic than the tau neutrino, so it makes sense that a tau neutrino has less mass just slightly, than 1 eV, as dark energy was converted into light energy and mass.
The movement speed of L and R is the square of the speed of light. The interaction of the L and R particles is response for quantum effects. For example, when a (L)+(R) photon is entangled with another (L)+(R) photon, it becomes a new system
(L+R)+(L+R). The particles rotate with each other at the square of the speed of light thus information is shared between the systems and because they are a system, information continues to be exchanged when they are moved apart. If any of the L or R are stopped, by measureing them, some energy is lost from the system and they fall part back into (L)+(R) photons.
All strange quantum effects become fairly trivial to imagine if the underlying system moves faster than the speed of light, and it does.
I do not have any gravitational math to challenge einstein, and given that dark matter is needed for my model, and dark energy, it is likely that the galaxy rotation problem is not a mathematical error in general relativity, but instead dark matter and dark energy do exist, and are actually part of everything we touch.
To answer your question, no, I do not think there is dark matter at the center of the Earth, I think that technically the entire earth is made from it and so are you.