Quasi-Dimensionality: An Accidental Blueprint of a Unified Field Theory By: Mykel A. Waggoner
An introduction to Quasi-Dimensional Dynamics
For as long as we can remember, we have been taught to believe that
dimensionality was meant to be organized in a way that is both linear and
hierarchical in nature, even though the tendency to rely on such a system
has led to the stagnation in progress that we have found ourselves in at
this point in time; which is why I am going to suggest that the method
needed to liberate all of us from this predicament, would be to consider
that dimensions are not based on a specific set of possible formations, but
that it is the result of those formations being used to influence the manner
to which our perception will allow for the particular designs that may take
shape to affect what is to emanate from that occurrence. And so, that very
process is going to entail the effect which has always enabled the
development of any dimension: Time. Being that the continuous act of
preventing any further movement from transpiring throughout any
moment that time is prone to doing, so that it can utilize anything
contained with that moment for a certain purpose, will surely function as
the mechanism involved with the construction of any kind of dimension.
That's why we haven't been able to construct dimensions of the fourth
variety and so on; for our approach to doing so was devoid of recognizing
that geometries are formed according to the rate of movement that an
object is able to track and measure from its unique vantage point, with
that movement occurring at such a rate, that the velocity used to ensure
this would mean that a multitude of movements would be able to happen
at seemingly the same instance. Therefore, a tesseract, for example,
would need to have a cube captured in time (framerate), such as that of
being generated through a simulation, and another cube within the same
condition, in order to have the both of them oscillate while overlapping
each other at high enough speeds to produce the effect of seeing each of them as being the same and neither or- thereby explaining why this shape
would consist of possessing several cubes and how that can be done. Yet
the ability to do this wouldn't be limited to that of dimensions beyond the
third, but with the first, second, and third, as a way to make shapes that
aren't conventional by any means. After all, a tesseract is comprised of
multiple cubes, and those cubes are comprised of multiple planes, so
those planes are the byproduct of the axes that were used to make them,
and if the blending of shapes can lead to different shapes, then the same
can be said of the materials contingent to the formation of those shapes,
which would mean that an axis is capable of being more than just a line or
curvature. Hence that of it being feasible to have the bounds that would
constitute for a dimension to become entirely blurred if not completely
removed from having any actual relevance and sustainability to it.
Furthermore, the reason that we haven't realized this any sooner, has
been due to the habitual attempt to fit everything into a single frame, or
to believe that there wouldn't be a way to connect various framerates
together to create an entirely unprecedented infrastructure involving
them, even though animation or movement of any kind is dependent on
this being achievable. Considering that a shape or object of three
dimensions will always require a continuous amount of two dimensional
planes to stack themselves on top of each other in a sense, to create the
effect of depth, which would then allude to the notion of space being both
interconnected and interchangeable with any other representation of
space, and that the formation of space is simultaneously a malleable and
fixed endeavor; which is what the Flower of Life was alluding to: the
development and perpetuation of dimensionality, through the need to
have each dimension, represented as a circle, embody both a sense of
individuality and unification, so that a new expression of such can form
from the process of intersection taking place. All in all, just as the effect of
movement is able to occur because of the momentum being built by the
continuous act of having framerates transition from one to the other, so too does this happen for energy, with the amount of framerates that are
to oscillate per unit of time being the determining factor to how that
energy will function and express itself, along with how much energy as
well. Lastly, I would like to present the idea of multidimensional speed,
which serves to be an extension of the concept of framerates and their
purpose. For starters, the reason that there are even directions available
for dimensions to use for the sake of their formation, is because of the
way that framerates will appear and disappear at their own rates, as
though they were moving to a personal sense of cadence, with there being
so many framerates fluctuating at different velocities that a symphony
would be performed at the quantum level. So in the process of that, an
axis of any variety, whether as a line, curvature, or something else entirely
would stem from causing framerate oscillations to fluctuate at the
necessary rate for several framerates to move coherently in a
synchronized fashion, for if not, there would be the perception of
framerates popping in and out at a seemingly random rate, and at places
that would be unpredictable at best; which means that the intervals used
to gauge the distance in rates between the oscillations of framerates
would have to be consistent with one another, if it's to work- the tempo of
sorts. Suggesting that speed is instrumental to the formation of directions,
and as such, dimensions, because speed itself is in possession of directions
and dimensions of its own; in essence, making this so, through applying
the approach that was previously stated about how to utilize framerates
for the intent of designing tesseracts, to then provide speed with the
capacity to compound its speed until its functionality is operating with a
sense of multiplicity unlike what was known for it to have. Such as the
endeavor of having several cubes overlap each other to produce a
hypercube, the same can be done with speed, in order to make it possible
for any number used to measure the rate of fluctuations taking place with
framerates, to acquire the ability to act as multiple numbers at once, or a
superpositioned number as I prefer to call it. Inevitably granting individual frequencies the means to oscillate at a rate that would allow for the speed
of such to move as if it were to be in the midst of mapping out the entirety
of a shape in real time, all while doing whatever else that the use of the
velocity of the oscillating framerates is being intended for. Or to put it
differently, the speed of the frequency involved with measuring the rate of
fluctuations with the framerates can also be determined by having each
number be treated as though it were vibrating, with that vibration
representing its embodiment as numbers, along with there being
additional numbers for it to be moved to, so as to create a
multidimensionality with the vibrational component of these numbers,
and therefore, the frequencies that will be accessible because of this
phenomenon. Given that the numbers set as coordinates for both cubes of
the tesseract constructed through this method, would have no other
option but to fluctuate as well, even if the numbers were to be the same
numbers for each cube, which proves that these numbers are not only to
induce a form of oscillation, but that all numbers are probably
experiencing that very thing, unbeknownst to most, because the
conditions were never devised to place numbers within the position of
being analyzed in such a way. And with that being said, what to take away
from all of this, is that numbers can have just as much a sense of
dimensionality to them as dimensions can have numbers be applied to
them in a similar form; as the amount of numbers and dimensions that can
form from this will grow into infinitum, because their interdependent use
of each other enables them to have mechanisms to classify all of the
individual variations that can be devised. Although, if a number were to
find itself fluctuating between that of several numbers, all of which are
numbers that are operating under the notion of their preconceived ideas
of structure- the conventional sequence for numbers to have which allows
for the field of mathematics to function in the current way that it is able to
do so- they would need to have their own system to rely upon; which is
why I imagine that numbers like these are also capable of supporting techniques for moving themselves along their specific version of a number
line through using any form of math like arithmetic or algebra to the more
complex varieties of such, in the same way that it would be accomplished
with ordinary or non-fluctuating numbers, just by being willing to be
comfortable with their structure lacking what is familiar to us; even
though we were already introduced to that structure, simply from having
to use the one that we are always involving ourselves with. But I'm sure
that it doesn't seem that way to most, so I'll describe it like this: If all the
numbers that we use, which are rigid and focused into a singular identity,
were to actually be in a constant state of shifting between numerous
expressions of such, then that would mean that the structure of numbers
that we are often using, is without a doubt, arbitrary in its design. And if
that's so, then it would be plausible to consider that the order of anything
is entirely the effect caused by having been exposed to a system with
enough frequency, that the instinctive tendency to predict potential
scenarios or conclusions, as a way to cultivate a sense of trust with that
system, through actively injecting our grasp of its dynamics to whatever is
going on with it, only demonstrates that our desire to adhere to the idea
that any modality, even mathematics itself, is something which is absolute
and infallible, is why we have been able to use it to the extent that we
have thus far. However, the reliance to that methodology has led to
obscuring any chance of recognizing an alternative path. That is, until a
moment when it can be realized that a methodology of any kind is surely
to be settled on the foundation of manufactured continuity, the same way
that any two framerates can technically be positioned near enough to
each other in duration, that the message of their connection would be
conveyed, according to the vantage point of the observer- often at the
expense of that individual being able to catch a glimpse at the
innumerable amount of oscillations conducive to making it feasible for
anything to be perceived, because of the fluctuations needed to have a
line form through the perception of multiple points emanating from that to produce the sight of a line, or a curve being formed through the same
process, just with lines instead of dots, regardless of curves also being
embedded within lines- but I digress. The real evidence to all of this entails
envisioning a curve as a single framerate, with a line being close enough in
position to where the curve would have been, had it been its framerate
which was being utilized at the time, to make it doable to have these
framerates oscillate like a tesseract is being formed, all so that an axis type
that is neither just a line or a curve is usable; yet the proof isn't solely due
to it being existent. It is because a point placed along the path of this axis
type would mean that it is always going to be simultaneously aligned with
a line and curve, as both states are relentlessly in flux; and if that is able to happen, then any axis type, shape, or dimension is exempt from being able
to claim that its formation stems from it doing anything other than that. In
a nutshell, the fluctuation of framerates occurring per unit of time needed
for the formation of any dimension to take place is just like the idea of
there being a dot, a space between that dot, and the dot that is to follow
it, with that space between the dots acting as the symbol and the effect of
the time that wasn't measured; for it's believed that dimensionality is
about finding a way to fit multiple points of perspective next and around
each other, when it's really about discovering the means to do that
through having them overlap each other- like having various axes
intersecting to form a shape. P.S. Although framerates can just as easily be described as frames, like numbers, framerates are defined by the frames
that they are in relation to, which means that they are constantly in a state
of being both a collective and individualized embodiment of information.
Quantum Force Theory
Instead of there being Dark Matter or Dark Energy, it is just as plausible to
consider that the mass of an object will always shift in response to what it
is doing and how it is being affected by its environment. As the mass of an
object will switch into various states of being, as though they were
functioning in accordance to something similar to the binary model,
except with the amount of options for such being greater than just that of
either 0 or 1. And if that particular dynamic is the reason for the seemingly
arbitrary increase or decrease in mass within any specific object, then it
would behoove us to imagine that the phenomenon of Quantum
Entanglement is involved; that the entanglement between multiple
celestial bodies are instrumental to the compounding effect of their
masses, which ensures that their masses will fluctuate as a result of any
difference that might take place within its environment- thereby making
gravity and quantum fields interdependently in reliance of each other. Or
it's just as much likely that all the forces are intertwined with each other
due to Quantum Entanglement as well. So in that sense, it's probably the
case that Quantum Entanglement is the effect of having the wavelengths
of several particles resonate with each other by oscillating the frequencies
of those wavelengths at such a rate that with each passing moment in
time that the oscillation process of resonance is able to occur, the power
of each particle or component of that resonance would be able to grow or
diminish in strength, depending on the rate of that oscillation process,
which means that the force formed and emitted from any particle is going
to be the result of the oscillation process of resonance that is Quantum
The Meaning of Quantum Entanglement
What most people who are familiar with the concept of Quantum
Entanglement will think about when they ponder the existence of it is that
of the notion of several particles being interconnected to such an extent
that the shift in spin of either one of them will lead to the other particle
being affected in the same manner, instantaneously. But what they aren't
able to deduce from that is the possibility that it's not just the spin that is
being affected, as well as it being feasible that the particle which was
observed as having been affected by the shift in spin from another
particle, then is functioning as an overt, specific, and limited
representation of the effects of Quantum Entanglement, with an
expanded account of its effects being that of any particle having the
capacity to affect any other particle in any particular way, and not just in
regards to its spin. This means that an interaction between any group of
particles is the result of them being entangled with each other; and by
that being so, the process involved with writing code, for instance, is
basically dependent on this being an accurate assessment of the
phenomenon that is Quantum Entanglement, otherwise the programming
of any software would fail to occur in response to this being the way that
it is. And that's because in Quantum Entanglement, information is
immediately shared between several particles through having the spin of
an individual particle lead to the altered spin of another particle. So if such
a thing were to happen, then the effects of repulsion or attraction
between particles, just for example, would suggest that the transference
of data is inherent within the process itself; that just might make it so that
the entanglement of several particles is somehow the byproduct of an
individual particle having an aspect of its frequency vibrating at the
necessary amount to have it be in resonance with the frequency of the other particle that it is affecting, which in turn would have it function like a
GPS device that is honing in on the coordinates of the other particle, with
other ways of affecting a particle being something which stems from a
different part of their frequency being in resonance with each other;
essentially painting the picture of each particle being something which
consists of an entire code within itself, just like any strand of DNA would-
as the particle's equivalent of genes would serve to function as the
determining factor to whether or not another particle will respond to the
initial particle in a specific manner. For it's similar to using a radio in order to have itself tune to the frequency of the radio broadcast, as the
matching of these frequencies between the listener and transmitter is
enough to ensure that the information is able to convey itself, except with
the difference being in the way that the capacity for transmission and
reception is present on both sides. What's also worth noting is that each
particle is not in possession of or embodying just a single frequency, it is
constantly in the midst of hosting a series of frequencies, with one of
those frequencies being the same as the frequency of any particle that a
particle would be able to interact with, and potentially serve to disrupt an
overt case of Quantum Entanglement between several particles, while at
the same time having another one of the frequencies of any specific
particle being different enough to the several particles entangled with
each other to help that particle with shifting the frequency of the
entangled particles, entirely because of the part of the collection of
frequencies of the particle which was different to the overall frequency of
the entangled particles' frequency. I also imagine that the specific way
that each of the frequencies of a particular particle will interact with each
other, in the end is what determines the exact force that a particle will
emit or be affected by; that the difference between forces like Gravity and
Electromagnetism is solely the result of this dynamic occurring within
particles, along with the effect being compounded through entanglement.
So if anyone were to feel inclined to read the full manuscript that this
portion of the publication comes from, then they will be able to do so
through reading the book: Quasi-Dimensionality: An Accidental Blueprint
of the Infinite Improbability Field by the same author as this paper. It is on