over short distances movement might be teleportation
the sound that the ear receives tells something about the geometry of the air molecules
on the other side of the hearing sensory organ, the sounds( music) that the brain likes tells something
about the brain chemistry, that is a Q M physical phenomena, so an alien with better voice/hearing might have batter intuitions of the quantum realms, (i haven't researched the topic, maybe there are already sci-fis written🙂))))doubt, because the sound of the voice is a blind spot for the writers)
tell me what music you like so i can understand how your brainworks

makes about 100000 light years of large, so imagine if we want to communicate it needs millions years to reach a point of communication,

wishful thoughts , because of that , it would be nice just to sneak in see of certain aspects of the overall entfernt [de], remote[en] presents could look like,

lets say there is a connection, there is something that a person or many can do to see /observe /interact remotely ,
like in an Olympic celebration fest with lots of people or just a person sitting at a desk,
there are not that many ways to do that , nor the place at the distance

maybe they are so remote such that we don't try to reach those places
what else can i say the scale seems roughly similar number of neurons/ number of stars
maybe A<B<C<D<E<F<G<H<I<J<K<L<M<N<O<P<Q<R<S<T<U<V<W<X<Y<Z
A= the very small, Z= the very large
an other intriguing essay has proposed a trick to tackle all those tremendously terrible scales simultaneously
< is just an appearance, maybe there are other connections , like a jump from U to F ,

why it would matter if a cat move a thing (a paper on a desk ) two millimeter to the right or someone press a keystroke two millimeter downwards that launch a photo editing program. both actions seems to have very very different consequences maybe they are in a way the same,not that different, in terms of effects on large distances

two followed up versions
a) maybe if the cat move the paper five millimeters instead of two, there is an effect on a remote galaxy
b) the ideas that conscious entities (the cat or the person) can come up and move things change something are fairly limited and they are special in their uniqueness, from the gianormeus/gzillion space of choices the cat moved the paper two millimeter and not otherwise and that should be appreciated and respected (maybe in an experimental mode)

(computer) science is about reducing cases ,unclutter the mess, shortcuts, fast,
there is an experiment with a droplet of bitum that last about a hundred of years to test its viscosity
how to chose long term experiments worth doing, are there other options beside randomly and intuitively , or what is your rationality mind model. the mind look like a slow computation , are there other such slow interesting things

how) are those slow processes like the decomposition of a rock /erosion ,or cell division relatable with remote large things like a galaxy formation or the the same things on a different remoted rocky round body that gravitate around a star on a galaxy at the edge of observable universe?

    cristi marcovici it is this special relativity wich implies that we cannot communicate in a kind of present, even in communicating at c it needs in our galaxy thousands of years and millions between galaxies like I told. It is really a problem of technologies,. For the consciousness we have not still really understood also why we are conscious, there several approachs like the model of Penrose and Hameroff and the collapses of waves fiunction, the objective orchestrated reduction, the microtubules and correlated radiations but we have no proof about the origin of consciousness, I have a model but we cannot affrim . There are probably deeper fields, particles , parameters to consider but we have not still found them, there are a lot of deep unknowns that we have not explained like this hard problem of consciousness, the quantum gravitation, the gap mass problem, the dark energy, the dark matter,the gluons problem......the LHC and the scientists try to find explainations and proofs but not easy.

      is this special relativity wich implies that we cannot communicate in a kind of present, even in communicating at c it needs in our galaxy thousands of years and millions between galaxies like I told.

      i have not mentioned that there is something that make the entire road at a certain speed, i was more into something in a way connecting, that happens at the same time in multiple places .
      like a bowling device that place all the pins at the same time,
      or the four wheels of a car that keep the entire car on the road
      or Splatter Painting a la Jackson Pollock ,or perfume droplets on a surface
      or the cables that keep a bridge from not falling or
      (with this examples you may argue that there is adiference in order of actions a timing order,i look for cases/examples that happens at the same time, no matter how far)

      particle /events /whatever to have common sources /correlation /at large very large extremely large distances

      i mean if a telescope does observations it is seeing stars galaxies quasars, not (random characters)
      ldifhqlwe or jhdsfbkasjdfglisor kfjkjfggergeqoqueo9qb composed with hdfliwhfqw and interacting via fsadifguhwiu having the shape of dfkgskjfhw.

      so there is a starting correlation just by having roughly the same things
      maybe there are other thigs"entaglend",that can help develop some sort of pseudo comunication,

      lets say i live in a multiple rooms apartment and roommates and there is only one fridge , food deposit chamber with a common kitchen/ each has access however, there is no communication between the individuals,(maybe even they even don't know that the other individuals exists) if each individual in parallel goes shopping take in to account what is already there , in the deposit in this case is simple to establish a communication via the products available in the kitchen and the new ones added,

      back to particles comparison/ the individuals are the particles , what would be a common conceptual kitchen ? how to find it?, if something happens in a conglomerate of star system in rotating spiral A maybe something else not that different/complementary must happens in the conglomerate star system rotating spiral B and C

      the original question was more in line with how a dialogue with an alien could happens,mostly in terms of brain and language ,not in to physics of general relativity or other things related for witch i have no clue. sure, im' interested to know more but also i aim for a certain learning interaction , namely:

      conversations with images drawings or other intermediated by other mediums anything beside letters and sound association of concepts, a things that particularly,unfortunately does not happen in schools / universities. (at least while i was a student/ undergraduate)
      visual science dialogue
      visual science interaction

      even in my above example with the nice voice sounding extraterrestrial phone conversation , the hearing of sound and spoken sound is still in a way the incipient start of an image/ picture graph, animation. imagine an enviroment where echolocation happens differently , or the the out of earth being, has a voice coming from interesting biology , that help to have good intuitions of the physics of sound in spaces.

      all of this can be rephrased / resumed in the question how one can communicate a map using voice words , or with a song

      Steve Dufourny what i have the impression from your answers is that you claim if earth is far to observe remote universe in its present,then the galaxies, stars, dust,whatever, quasars , do not exist in the earth present moment.

        She lays out several of the current approaches to tackling space-time, some of which I take to make the distinction between space-time and matter relatively minimal. I find the devil in such things is in the construction of both tractable and beautiful mathematics and in proving or calculating enough that other people can see that there is some hope of it being useful.

        cristi marcovici we must relativate our observations and this time in a sense relativistically speaking but the universe is what it is with its conmsological spheres and objects, regards

        yes, to remain on the same topic.
        important to mention, while writing the above post i have used search engine /wiki to look how a word is written

        so now i write the phrase :

        maybe the universe is filled with separate countries of "entanglement" that are there since of its start, and those are situated over other (separate) landscapes like the gravitational interactions

        so i can write the word entanglement even if i haven't been to a school where this word is explained to me nor being formerly verified if i can understand it in an adequate setting.

        maybe there could be an attention like - hey do not use this word here with some warning effects, or in an extreme to not be able to write it at all.

        maybe what i meant is something else like some new form of physical connection phenomena, instead of that word the way is used by established physicists.

        if the typing on a computer may allow such verifications, by contrast in real life a person can say any words he want

        the inventions of written tests , where teacher can make comments over what the student has written - is a major step towards thoughtful communication . what does this mean? , are there alternatives ?

        the real life conversations have emotional baggage inflections , that are easy to slip over .

        to an extreme imagine an different society where voice is used only for emotional communication maybe songs only .

        4 months later

        A little about generated quasi reality.
        Space-time is the ‘space’ generated by the observer, device or organism from processing of received sensory inputs, coming from the existing external environment. Allowing awareness of limited, relative semblances of existing things and happenings as phenomena.(Made using the photons emitted by the object and, it is proposed, transmitted as pre-light between source and observer [https://vixra.org/abs/2311.0087]) I.e where observation products are displayed. This includes the products of vision, photographs, and 3D space-time graphical representations of received data.
        Limited: eg. made from the incomplete spectrum of photons emitted by the object and transmitted as pre-light, and relative🙁a sub set, pertaining to a particular viewpoint)
        The gravitational field and electric and magnetic fields have been traditionally presumed to be in space-time, it having been taken to be the external environment.

        If space-time is taken as ‘ground floor reality, observer independent reality is the foundational basement level, from which experienced phenomena are emergent.

        Observer independent reality, the foundational basement level, is location of base substance, it’s altered distribution due to matter affecting pre’light’ paths, and charged particles and their movement, creating forces that can be depicted as flux in space-time.
        Interestingly this means that space-time really has no base substance because it alone provides no sensory input by which it can be detected, only the results of its interaction with matter or particles. It accounts for both fields of macroscopic and astronomical physics and quantum behaviour, namely evidence of wave interference after double slits or beam splitters, when paths are reunited.

        Foundational passage of time is due to the changing configuration of all existing. It is uni-temporal, i.e. unitary, observation independent and hence the same everywhere in the external environment.\ observer independent object reality, transmission , from beginning to end , of unseen pre-light, takes longer in proximity to mass but speed of transmission happening is not diminished. This makes separation between emission and receipt longer. Traversing the separation takes longer than if the distorting mass was smaller. The bigger the mass the more effect. Curvature of light path in space-time, due to curvature of space-time, is an illustration of the effect of this delay on the observed phenomenon. Emergent time being produced from signal receipt. But the illustrated phenomenon is not causal; Space-time not being the existing material external environment.

          It may be useful to breakdown the production and processing of received information, to consider what sort of processes are involved in generating personal quasi reality of which we are conscious. Although the processes in vivo may not in fact be clearly separate and stratified.

          Basement, Level 1. analysis, Level 2. association, Level 3. synthesis Level 4. Reasoning, Interpretation or conclusions.

          Basement, Object reality-foundational level reality-
          matter and photons in ubiquitous base existence- production of potential sensory data i.e. potential stimuli
          Non relative as observer independent.
          Home of whole truth, alluding to the famous tale of the blind men and the elephant. This is where such a whole, material elephant source would exist. Source of all relative viewpoints based on existing truth.

          Level 1, Image reality– emergent ‘reality’ - generated product of sensory receipt and processing.
          Which signals are received depends upon location and attention of the observer. Transaction of image formed on retina, by received input photons, into electrical signals that are transmitted via nerves to the CNS. Filtering of inputs due to intensity and wavelength. Only a portion of the spectrum of ‘light’ can be absorbed by the photo receptors and photo receptors have individual sensitivity to intensity. Image formed in visual cortex from received electrical impulses.
          Finding lines and edges in images for example, pattern recognition. Generation of attributes such as colour allowing discrimination; qualia. Association of learning and memory and shown context allowing later identification, attribution of meaning, in context understanding including names, emotions, names and associations of generated attributes such as colour.
          Ability of an organism or device to use the visual product for navigation may result, Rudimentary awareness, such as occurs with blind sight -it’s production can involve automatic unconscious working of a device or sub conscious processes within living organisms.
          Numeric Level 1 quantification. Generation of measurement products from input sensory stimuli.

          Level 2 Perception (of an external reality or environment) An aspect of wider consciousness. *
          Continuation of processing from level 1 - association of learning and memory and shown context allowing identification, attribution of meaning, in context understanding including names, emotions, names and associations of generated attributes such as colour .
          *Consciosness can be regarded as how it feels to be an individual, monitoring itself. Awareness of; What, who, where in relation to external local environment, awareness of functioning and regulation of body and mind and self talk.
          Consciousness in includes; awareness of the self both as a whole organism and ‘disembodied’ thinking mind, Self talk, awareness of the state of the body (generated from information received from it -experienced as feelings.) Includes awareness, due to processing of internally produced information sent to the CNS, of; breathing, air hunger, change of heart rate, of orientation within environment, and balance, gastro -intestinal issues, nausea, pain, nutrition hunger, thirst, wakefulness, sexual arousal , ( Awareness of emotional state, (Emotions, the feelings experienced due to information received from the body as a result of the effect of hormones on it)

          Level 2 Result of processing of input numbers or quantified results.

          Application of required mathematical procedures for purpose. Relations among existent particles, objects, parts or materials or that were phenomenal at measurement will be shown as semblance in the processed input. Patterns/ consistencies among the processed can lead to mathematical formulation. Mathematics can be applied to achieve a certain purpose. Perception generated will depend on the mathematical model used (how well it models the relations that existed at measurement) as well as input from Object reality (extracted from absolute truth) or Numerical level 1. (extracted from limited, relative truth)

          Level 3 Synthesis Manufacture of ‘personal quasi reality, ‘how the world is ‘as I see it ’, from own perspective. Models of reality and current narratives may come from; friends and acquaintances, family’s teaching, school teaching and further and higher education, own personal experience/ patterns of perception, traditional media, social media, learned religions sources, learned political ideology, other secular models or narratives such as by reading books.
          Synthesis of perception into current model of reality and narrative descriptions. (Not actual truth, because of limitation of input and what sub set of input is sent for multiple levels of processing, as well as limitations and fidelity of current model of reality and narratives to partial Object reality. Misleading or false models or narratives used for synthesis of perception will affect the personal quasi reality formed making it have even less likeness to Basement Level Object reality.

          Level 3 Delusions and fantasy
          Disruption of synthesis due to malfunction because of illness, or structural damage or. Alcohol, or drugs. Eg, delirium, hallucination, psychosis, drunkenness
          Fantasy; imagination-synthesis, using self generated input, rather than input from existing external environment. Creation of alternative realities such as fantasy happenings and worlds . May be used as plot for books, films, games. May be useful in re-imagining manufactured quasi reality obtained from synthesis of perceptions based on objective reality derived inputs.

          Level 4 Interpretation or conclusions.
          Use of level 3 synthesis to reason or explain happenings, make sense of the world, from own perspective.
          Passage of Emergent time is produced from the outputs of processing of sequential signal receipt. Different emergent passage of time is generated by different observers according to signals received

          Discussion points

          1. We should not be surprised that the quasi reality produced by synthesis, usually assumed to be reality, is consistent with the model and narratives used in its production.
          2. The formative models and narratives are foundational to the believed quasi reality but not the Basement level foundational Object reality.
          3. Quasi reality is individually generated, using the individuals experience and learning including models and narratives.
          4. Similarity of personal quasi realities relies upon similarity of experiences and learning, as well as similarity of models and narratives.
          5. Similarity of experience can derive from living within a group exposed to the prevailing culture/s of that area, foods, music, customs, Exposure to same films, TV, books.
          6. Models and narratives can be scientific dogma, be religious, be other secular models
            including pseudo science and popular conjecture. A cohesive social group is likely to have shared models and narratives whether believed to be true or not by individuals.
          7. AI and Social media algorithms endanger social cohesion; by taking up a lot of attention that might be expended otherwise in shared social and cultural pursuits, Lessening their influence, and over individualizing experience. Giving quasi realities that are less similar to each other because of deprivation of shared experience and shared models and narratives. Making it less likely the individuals will agree, as they are not starting from ‘common ground’.
          8. Different cultural groups will also have different quasi realities (‘how the world is’, as I see it). Knowledge about the models, narratives, and experiences used in synthesis of their world view can give insight into attitude and behaviour.
          9. We can not assume all ‘not mentally ill’ people by virtue of being people, or because there is a belief in one true reality, will have similar quasi realities/world view. This is a problem for globalization. Local conditions and cultures vary and so does quasi reality. ‘One size does not fit all’ though we might wish it was not so.
          10. This model may be helpful in addressing; ideological differences or differing moral stances, religious differences, differing scientific views, differing background both social and environmental, different education, lack of ‘common ground’ due to depleted social interaction and technology driven division, in order to enable constructive conversation between the parties, and form suitable responses to fit the circumstances.

          Georgina Woodward
          "This includes the products of vision, photographs, and 3D space-time graphical representations of received data.
          Limited: eg. made from the incomplete spectrum of photons emitted by the object and transmitted as pre-light, and relative🙁a sub set, pertaining to a particular viewpoint)"
          It ought to say.....This includes the products of vision, photographs, and 3D space-time graphical representations of received data. Which is a imited portion of all the data emitted.
          Limited: eg. made from the incomplete spectrum of photo ns emitted by the object and transmitted as pre-light, and relative ( representable as a sub set of all the data emmitted by the object, if data was represented as a set ), pertaining to a particular viewpoint)

            Georgina Woodward
            Further changes'
            STARTS; According to the explanatory framework used here, space-time is the ‘space’ generated by the observer, device or organism from processing of received sensory inputs, coming from the existing external environment
            A LITTLE FURTHER ON;; The product is Limited: eg. made from the incomplete spectrum of photons emitted by the object and transmitted as pre-light, due to the specificity of photoreceptors as to the frequencies absorbed, and relative i.e. pertaining to a particular viewpoint.

              Georgina Woodward
              i'm think conclusions/Interpretation or conclusions is Use of current level 3 synthesis to reason or explain happenings, make sense of the world, from own perspective. Conclusions drawn by processing new perceptions using the personal quasi reality synthesized viewpoint. Ongoing updating of what appears to be happening and why in personal opinion. Perceptions incorporated into personal world view quasi reality or there is cognitive dissonance, which may lead to change of the quasi reality to fit the new perception reasoning should not be a separate level but just use of sythesisis level

                Georgina Woodward
                I have joined up the writing about time which had become separated and misplaced.
                '[Georgina Woodward, Uni-Temporalism, the Relation of Human Beings to Time and the ‘future’ of Time in Physics, 2016, viXra.org, viXra:1612.0389]
                Passage of Emergent time is produced from the outputs of processing of sequential signal receipt. Different emergent passage of time is generated by different observers according to signals received Foundational passage of time is due to the changing configuration of all existing. It is uni-temporal, i.e. unitary, observation independent and hence the same everywhere in the external environment. "

                  Georgina Woodward
                  Background and references

                  1. [Solutions: Addressing longstanding problems of physics Kindle self published Paperback – 2022, Woodward G, P]
                  2. [Making Progress by Thinking About Light Differently, viXra, Woodward, G., P., 2023 https://vixra.org/abs/2311.0087])
                  3. [Britannica, Gravitational fields and the theory of general relativity, via https://www.britannica.com/science/gravity-physics/Gravitational-fields-and-the-theory-of-general-relativit ,retrieved 16th Dec. 2923
                  4. [ Woodward, G., Uni-Temporalism, the Relation of Human Beings to Time and the ‘future’ of Time in Physics, 2016, viXra.org, viXra:1612.0389]
                  5. Sensory processing, Massachusetts general hospital, webpage retrieved Dec. 2023 via https://www.massgeneral.org/children/autism/lurie-center/sensory-processing
                  6. 6. [Wikipedia, The blind men and an elephant, via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant# ,retrieved Dec. 2023]
                  7. [Brain States: Top-Down Influences in Sensory Processing Gilbert1, C.D. and Mariano Sigman1,2 1The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York.”Neuron 54, June 7, 2007 ª2007 Elsevier Inc. ]

                    Georgina Woodward
                    Breaking down the production and processing of received information, in order to construct a model of the material reality human’s exist within and further realities generated through sensory input processing; Considering what sort of processes are involved in generating personal quasi reality of which we are conscious. Although the processes in vivo may not in fact be clearly separate and stratified.
                    That is potentially useful to physics, and in addressing current and impending challenges to human civilization; including modern day impoverishment of shared human interaction, disagreements of different groups and populations, having different worldviews, (due to differences in; faith, secular ideologies, dogma, education, life experience) with the potential to escalate to wars, and for use when carefully integrating AI and social media into human civilization.