Georgina Woodward
A description of what is meant by ‘Sensory processing,’ is given here , Sensory processing, Massachusetts general hospital, webpage retrieved Dec. 2023 via
The following analysis involves breaking apart the supposed production and processing of received information, can be used in order to construct a model of the material reality human’s exist within, and further realities generated through sensory input processing; Considering what sort of processes are involved in generating personal generated quasi reality.
Basement level, Object reality;
This is where production of potential sensory data i.e. potential stimuli occurs. It is non relative as this reality is observer independent. Home of whole truth, as in Object material reality, alluding to the famous tale of the blind men and the elephant.[ 7].
This, basement level reality, (Object reality), is where such a whole, material elephant source would exist. Source of all relative viewpoints based on existing material truth. ‘Separation‘ of noumeneal (A term especially associated with Kant, denoting things as they are in themselves, as opposed to things as they are for us, knowable by the senses (phenomena) Oxford, material object reality from phenomenal, generated realities;
Emergent, (produced by observer), Image realities, include such ideas as ; basic Image reality, perceptions, Quasi realities, both involving further processing.
Level 1
Which signals are received depends upon location and attention of the observer. Transaction of image formed on retina, by received input photons, into electrical signals that are transmitted via nerves to the CNS. Filtering of inputs due to intensity and wavelength. Only a portion of the spectrum of ‘light’ can be absorbed by the photoreceptors have individual sensitivity to intensity. The images Image formed in visual cortex result from received electrical impulses.
Level 1
Ability of an organism or device to use the visual product for navigation may result, Rudimentary awareness, such as occurs with blind sight -it’s production can involve automatic unconscious working of a device or sub conscious processes within living organisms. Generation of measurement products from input sensory stimuli. Image formed in visual cortex from received electrical impulses. Analysis of image Generated product of sensory receipt and processing. Finding lines and edges in images for example, pattern recognition. Generation of attributes such as colour allowing discrimination; qualia. Association of learning and memory and shown context [allowing later identification, attribution of meaning, in context understanding including names, emotions, names and associations of generated attributes such as colour. ]
Ability of an organism or device to use the visual product for navigation may result, Meaning by that rudimentary awareness, such as occurs with blind sight . It is likely that rudimentary visual production can involve automatic unconscious working of a device and sub conscious processes within living organisms. Generation of measurement products from input sensory stimuli. Image formed in visual cortex from received electrical impulses. Analysis of image Generated product of sensory receipt and processing. Finding lines and edges in images for example, pattern recognition. Generation of attributes such as colour allowing discrimination; qualia. Association of learning and memory and shown context [allowing later identification, attribution of meaning, in context understanding including names, emotions, names and associations of generated attributes such as colour.]
]evel 2 Perception
(of an external reality or environment) An aspect of wider consciousness. *Continuation of processing from level 1. association of learning and memory and shown context allowing identification, attribution of meaning, in context understanding including names, emotions, names and associations of generated attributes such as colour . *Consciousness can be regarded as how it feels to be an individual, monitoring itself. Awareness of; What, who, where in relation to external local environment, awareness of functioning and regulation of body and mind and self talk. Consciousness includes; awareness of the self both as a whole organism and ‘disembodied’ thinking mind, Self talk, awareness of the state of the body (generated from information received from it -experienced as feelings.) Includes awareness, due to processing of internally produced information sent to the Central Nervous System, of; breathing, air hunger, change of heart rate, of orientation of body within environment, and parts in relation to each other, joint tension and balance, gastro -intestinal issues, nausea, pain, nutrition hunger, thirst, wakefulness, sexual arousal, (Awareness of emotional state, (Emotions, the feelings experienced due to information received from the body as a result of the effect of hormones on it)
Numeric Level 2
Result of processing of input numbers or quantified results. Application of required mathematical procedures for purpose. Relations among existent particles, objects, parts or materials or that were phenomenal at measurement will be shown as semblance in the processed input. Patterns/ consistencies among the processed can lead to mathematical formulation. Mathematics can be applied to achieve a certain purpose. Perception generated will depend on the mathematical model used (how well it models the relations that existed at measurement) as well as input from Object reality (extracted from absolute truth) or Numerical level 1. (extracted from limited, relative truth)
Level 3 Synthesis
Making personal quasi reality, ‘how the world is ‘as I see it’/ What’s happening and prediction based on that, from own perspective. Models of reality and current narratives may come from; friends and acquaintances, family teaching, school teaching and further and higher education, own personal experience/ patterns of perception, traditional media, social media, learned religions sources, learned political ideology, other secular models or narratives such as by reading books. Synthesis of perception into current model of reality and narrative descriptions used. (Not actual truth, because of limitation of input and what sub set of input is sent for multiple levels of processing, as well as limitations and fidelity of current model of reality and narratives to partial Object reality. Misleading or false models or narratives used for synthesis of perception will affect the personal quasi reality formed making it have even less likeness to Basement Level Object reality. Predictions formed are correspondingly likely to be inaccurate.
Perceptions are incorporated into a personal world view quasi reality or there is cognitive dissonance, which may lead to change of the quasi reality to fit the new perception Level 3 Delusions and fantasy Disruption of synthesis due to malfunction because of illness, or structural damage or. Alcohol, or drugs. Eg, delirium, hallucination, psychosis, drunkenness. Fantasy; imagination-synthesis, using self generated input, rather than input from existing external environment. Creation of alternative realities such as fantasy happenings and worlds . May be used as plot for books, films, games. May be useful in re-imagining manufactured quasi reality obtained from synthesis of perceptions based on objective reality derived inputs.