Discussion points
- We should not be surprised that the quasi reality produced by synthesis, usually assumed to be reality, is consistent with the model and narratives used in its production.
- The formative models and narratives are foundational to the believed quasi reality but not the Basement level foundational Object reality.
- Quasi reality is individually generated, using the individuals experience and learning including models and narratives.
- Similarity of personal quasi realities relies upon similarity of experiences and learning, as well as similarity of models and narratives.
- Similarity of experience can derive from living within a group exposed to the prevailing culture/s of that area, foods, music, customs, Exposure to same films, TV, books.
- Models and narratives can be scientific dogma, be religious, be other secular models
including pseudo science and popular conjecture. A cohesive social group is likely to have shared models and narratives whether believed to be true or not by individuals. - AI and Social media algorithms endanger social cohesion; by taking up a lot of attention that might be expended otherwise in shared social and cultural pursuits, Lessening their influence, and over individualizing experience. Giving quasi realities that are less similar to each other because of deprivation of shared experience and shared models and narratives. Making it less likely the individuals will agree, as they are not starting from ‘common ground’.
- Different cultural groups will also have different quasi realities (‘how the world is’, as I see it). Knowledge about the models, narratives, and experiences used in synthesis of their world view can give insight into attitude and behaviour.
- We can not assume all ‘not mentally ill’ people by virtue of being people, or because there is a belief in one true reality, will have similar quasi realities/world view. This is a problem for globalization. Local conditions and cultures vary and so does quasi reality. ‘One size does not fit all’ though we might wish it was not so.
- This model may be helpful in addressing; ideological differences or differing moral stances, religious differences, differing scientific views, differing background both social and environmental, different education, lack of ‘common ground’ due to depleted social interaction and technology driven division, in order to enable constructive conversation between the parties, and form suitable responses to fit the circumstances.