Dear Wilhelmus,
I have just read your Essay.
I find it very nice, here are my comments:
1) I appreciate your abstract statements that "The special place of our planet and the fine-tuning of the physical constants is something we cannot influence but we have to appreciate." and that "Technology needs not to be an Existential Risk". I completely agree with you on these issues.
2) Your idea of a Subjective "Simultaneity Sphere (SSS)" is intriguing.
3) I agree with you that, concerning the present high level of interconnection and communication, "The good part is that we are able to assist our fellow human beings in disasters, the bad thing is that we are becoming more and more dependent on the "system" in the future."
4) I agree with your statement that "To clean the cradle we have to change our mentality and unite our efforts, also in order to fulfill the future needs needs .", but, sadly, I think that people is too much ignorant and egoist to do this.
5) I appreciate your recalling the anthropic principle. In fact, I am a strong endorser of it.
6) I agree with your statement that "as we are on the right place on the right moment in the right cradle, we are lucky!" Here I add Einstein's sentence that "The most incomprehensible thing ... It's like, why are we able to understand the universe at our level?"
7) Your answer to the fundamental question "Are we in control of our reality ?" is "Our consciousness is THE essential "tool" in creating the causal reality that we are aware of" is a version of the strong anthropic principle.
8) I think that your statement on the "non-causal/causal connection" is similar to the statement in Hawking's last paper "That is unitary, but chaotic, so there is effective information loss."
9) Has your proposing ONE field for all baryonic matter something to do with the Higgs fileld?
10) Your idea that "entering" in this way new dimension(s) that may reside behind the Wall of Planck" recalls me the quest for a deterministic quantum mechanics. I retrieve this issue in your conclusions when you claim that "In this Matter-Field illusion quantum physics is showing us already the first indications of non-materialistic reality, "real" objects merge to thingness and further abstraction."
I enjoyed in reading your work. Thus, I am going to give you an high score.