I should add..

Part of what I am trying to do is assure that humans get to the singularity first, rather than the machines. I am all for truly intelligent machines, and we are likely better off if they are smarter than they need to be, but we need to give human beings the edge. If we were better able to encourage the natural evolution of the learning process in our young people, we would help them to maintain the natural advantage humans have over machines, but efforts to systematize education have forced children to be more mechanical rather than allowing them to be more human. So the emphasis of the human angle in your essay is appreciated.



1st response:

Where did I say "...'each difference of view' leads to war..."?

I did say, "Competition must be allowed between religions, between approaches to technology, and between approaches to the environment." in the paper and "The room for different views may be had if the views include tolerance for other views (as the rise from tribes to chiefdoms suggests) and include the cooperation with the different views." in a reply.



In regards to Total Simultaneity, I should mention two ideas worth examining. First off; you should check out Phil Gibbs' "Theory of Theories" which is explained in his Event Symmetric Space-Time book, and also in some articles in Prespacetime and on viXra, as part of his Cyclotron Notebook papers. In brief; the concept is that there is a collection of all possible applicable Math in theory space, which exists in a kind of superposition where reality manifests as a path integral involving condensation of all possible theories that explain certain results. In a way, what is real is determined by the density of various possibilities being a consequence of different theories - all at once - rather than only one theory at a time being true.

Also of note is Paola Zizzi's "Big Wow" theory of Cosmology in a Computing Universe model that involves a massive superposition where what causes particular threads to decohere is a sort of conscious awakening for the universe as a whole. This reasoning is based on the calculation for superposed qubits in the pre-decoupling universe, and comparing that to Penrose's calculation of superpositions in microtubules in the human brain - finding them to be of the same order of magnitude. Zizzi concluded that the universe's "Big Wow" event is what caused our specific universe (and others) to congeal out of the primeval fireball. I'll try to point you to the right papers on arXiv, once I've had a chance to look it up.



    Thanks a lot Jonathan,

    Indeed I know Phil (my articles are also published with Huping Hu's "Scientific God Journal") but did not know that he published this items, I await your info


    • [deleted]

    Fellow Comrade,

    You wrote, "Life , from its origin on, has influenced our planet, the result is now a planet with 7 billion people". Who can argue this? And probably the influence is proportionate to time of existence which means it will continue to expand like elasticity. I hope it will not get to the braking point according to Robert Hook with time! How will this feeding bottle you called earth sustains the population explosion and guarantee the survival of humanity?

    It is interesting you wrote about the sun as the source of energy. Let's tell the world to use this energy in proportion to the balance of the 7 billion people inter-relating with other creatures in the universe and the natural habitat.

    Your article counts and worth ruminating.

    God bless.

    Gbenga Michael Ogungbuyi

      Hi, Wilhusmus,

      My email address is .


      Raymond Law,


      Dear Wilhelmus,

      I enjoyed reading your essay.

      Although consciousness is an abstractive concept....I believe that I have made a physical connection of the processes involved. The paper in the following link gives such connection.


      Ken Seto

        Sorry....the link for the paper is as follows:


        Thank you for writing this essay, Wilhelmus. It is very thought-provoking, and I am especially intrigued by your remarks on the illusion of matter. This tracks closely with my own thinking along these lines. It seems that beyond space and time, matter and energy, there has to be an underlying dimension, without form or substance. Whether it is called consciousness, information, aether, God or anything else, it clearly possesses some organizing force or else there would be chaos. Or perhaps there is chaos, and I am merely suffering from the illusion of the organization of matter. In either event, the promise you offer of a time of heightened consciousness on this planet and in its environs offers hope for the future.

          Is this the Wilhelmus that I had the discussion about "What is Nothing" several years ago in the Quantum Physics forum? If so, our discussion spawned my treatise about a method and pathway to control space-time.

          My position was that "Nothing" does not exist in an environment coupled with relativity.

          Quantum Entangled Singularities


          The building of relativity through the model of quantum causality.

          Axiom of Choice extended to include Relativity


          So the idea of Quantum Consciousness is of interest for me. Consider our short 30,000 years of technological significance and our pathway of growth and our desire to evolve. Now consider the potential of civilizations that are billions of years older technologically then ourselves. The likelihood that they have already done what we propose to do is obvious. So having them be a part of every atom within us is not beyond consideration; i.e. related to quantum entanglements.

          Your abstract caught my attention, I will read your essay next.

            From James Dunn

            FQXi Submission:

            Graduated Certification for Certification of Common Sense


            You might find the Princeton University Global Consciousness Project interesting. Since their first and on-going research related to human event based non-random event signatures, researchers have developed an online interferometer coupled with a website interface. The experiment has no push button. The object is to "Will" the outcome of photons related to the interferometer. I have used this experiment. "IF" the data collected is analyzed correctly, there is surprising correlation that intuitively should not be present.

            So by what mechanism can this remote manipulation occur?

            Since the Princeton University Global Consciousness data shows a response indicating near instantaneous interactions, the tendency is to lean toward quantum entanglement or related quantum relationships.

            A sidebar conversation related that potentially everyone's subconscious mind is connected to everyone else. This then accounts for all inconsistent but non-random paranormal activities like telepathy, clairvoyance, ghosts ... Why ghosts cannot in-general be photographed even when seen. They occur as manifestations within our minds.

            As such, global consciousness is a form of quantum consciousness. As subconscious influences, our minds are never making decisions isolated from the whole.

            In a piece I wrote a couple of years back, I explored the potential for one level of our afterlife to exist within this structure. All our lives if we are connected actively with everyone else, a system of relativity can potentially evolve that does not totally depend upon the personality source. When we die the global consciousness contributions of the individual continue interacting at least in-part at the subconscious level of everyone still living. To me, the Ten Commandments made much more sense from this perspective; the protecting of the soul in an afterlife. If part of your soul is supported by your enemy, would you kill them?

            This was a mind map based upon what I was exposed to at the time. As I have been exposed to new relationships, I have not yet found cause to modify the potential of our soul being held in all people's still living.

            The Quantum Consciousness you describe may indeed exist as our soul. But keep in mind until experimentally attempted to disprove these relationships, and failing to do so, there is no firm basis for making these assertions.

            Dear Wilhelmus,

            While appreciating your view of consciousness being the essence of humanity, I beg to differ with you on material as the created reality. Material too is fundamental to the Nature, at par with humanity and consciousness. No material has ever been created, but only transformed. Indeed, nothing, even the human consciousness, won't exist without material.

            Any way, I thank you for stirring human minds in a big way on appreciating value of human consciousness.

            Dear Will,

            I love your essays and the depth and knowledge of consciousness you share in them and as you know I consider you as my alter ego and I know that you feel the same way too. I totally agree with you that we need to nurture our children with this knowledge of consciousness and love for all which is the essential property of consciousness. Internet is the best medium to achieve this level of communication of free unlimited knowledge about all aspects of life and hence I chose to create a website that would provide information to all those who seek it in a easier way.

            Please see Any Body Can Do - Everything For Good which is a custom category search engine and a portal of portals.

            I have also blogged about the consciousness and included several videos on that topic in the everything section of the site. This is my way of contributing to the world of a tool to assist our children to gain the awareness for a better future on this planet in this duality of existence.



            Very happy to see you - Dear Author Wilhelmus de Wilde

            (I change of to call like this to better suit all ages)

            I would love your warning be for future: an over-reliance on the Artificial utility as:

            "Without electricity and computers mankind will now become in a chaotic status"

            Best wishes with the highest score for the passion and enthusiasm of you



            I enjoyed your essay.

            Here are some thoughts: I have often wondered whether theories of the multi-verse were liberating or merely throw the determinist web even wider. What good, really is my freedom, if leaving the house results in every possible outcome?

            As for the role of consciousness in quantum effects: isn't it really action we are talking about rather than consciousness by itself. Observation isn't passive but a deliberate action. We need to change our consciousness in so far as it influences our actions, but it is our actions that it a sense create the future, even if most of the future's aspects remain unpredictable and we are never sovereign over the shape it will take.

            Whatever those differences between us, I heartily agree with your comment on my post:

            "It is in my opinion the overall "mentality" that has to change from egoistic short term profit ideas to a long term non-profit sharing our potentiality mentality. The average age of a human being is just 80 yers and that also influences his actions when they are influencing his wellnes during this time, if we would age longer then we would perhaps have more attention for a future that is longer away as those 80 years..."

            Thank you for your thought provoking essay, best of luck!

            Rick Searle

            Thanks a lot for your encouraging words Gbenga.

            You and I are both dependant on the energy the sun gives us any moment

            so indeed

            we are ALL comrads and brothers


            dear Harlan,

            Most of the "NEEDS" are created by the "economy".

            We can however always "THINK FREE"


            Dear Ken;

            You place your E-strings in the brain.

            I argue that matter does not matter and also the brain is an emerging entity.

            I will read your article in full

            best regards


            Dear Walter

            You got me...

            Indeed my Total Simultaneity is for me a new explanation of the GOD perception (that gives me a lot of peace)...



            Thank you James,

            firm bases are not possible for emerging entities.

            Our soul is in my perception the coupling of the non-caused consciousness with its temporal causal part, in TS it is ALL ONE (GOD?)
