From James Dunn
FQXi Submission:
Graduated Certification for Certification of Common Sense
You might find the Princeton University Global Consciousness Project interesting. Since their first and on-going research related to human event based non-random event signatures, researchers have developed an online interferometer coupled with a website interface. The experiment has no push button. The object is to "Will" the outcome of photons related to the interferometer. I have used this experiment. "IF" the data collected is analyzed correctly, there is surprising correlation that intuitively should not be present.
So by what mechanism can this remote manipulation occur?
Since the Princeton University Global Consciousness data shows a response indicating near instantaneous interactions, the tendency is to lean toward quantum entanglement or related quantum relationships.
A sidebar conversation related that potentially everyone's subconscious mind is connected to everyone else. This then accounts for all inconsistent but non-random paranormal activities like telepathy, clairvoyance, ghosts ... Why ghosts cannot in-general be photographed even when seen. They occur as manifestations within our minds.
As such, global consciousness is a form of quantum consciousness. As subconscious influences, our minds are never making decisions isolated from the whole.
In a piece I wrote a couple of years back, I explored the potential for one level of our afterlife to exist within this structure. All our lives if we are connected actively with everyone else, a system of relativity can potentially evolve that does not totally depend upon the personality source. When we die the global consciousness contributions of the individual continue interacting at least in-part at the subconscious level of everyone still living. To me, the Ten Commandments made much more sense from this perspective; the protecting of the soul in an afterlife. If part of your soul is supported by your enemy, would you kill them?
This was a mind map based upon what I was exposed to at the time. As I have been exposed to new relationships, I have not yet found cause to modify the potential of our soul being held in all people's still living.
The Quantum Consciousness you describe may indeed exist as our soul. But keep in mind until experimentally attempted to disprove these relationships, and failing to do so, there is no firm basis for making these assertions.