Mr Brown

I greatly appreciate your conclusions concerning primate consc...


John L

Hello Mr Brown,

It is beautiful general work.I asked if you knew the works of Oparine creating amino acids with a kind of soap mimating the primordial soap billions years ago on earth.I am remembering that he has created arginin with a mix with HCN H2C2 CH4 H20 HN3... more add of E like uv, hv,heat,electricity....That shows us that HCNO is like gravitationally coded and that emergence due to complexification of matter is an evolutive reality.The mass increases even.Consciousness is of course correlated like our brains.The number of interactions and particles imply an emergent consciousness.It is fascinating in fact.Thanks for sharing and congratulations, good luck also for this contest.

Best Regards

    Thank you for pointing out Oparin's research -- his theory seems to have been on the correct path.

    You are welcome.I liked his works.I rank a little of all.It is in ranking that I found my theory of spherisation.I was facinated by these encodings and increasing mass.We see that in fact the informations, gravitational permit this increasing mass and complexification.Thanks for sharing the iron sulfur hypothesis.ine ase - .....gravitation electromagnetism.It is a simplistic vue but the universal generality seems working on this road.Even the man and the woman.We encode,we evolve, we sort, superimpose,syunchronise,these informations of evolution.Fascinating is a weak word.

    Best Regards

    Dear Brown,

    Simple natural reality has nothing to do with any abstract complex musings such as the ones you effortlessly indulge in. As I have thoughtfully pointed out in my brilliant essay, SCORE ONE FOR SIMPLICITY, the real Universe consists only of one unified visible infinite surface occurring in one infinite dimension, that am always illuminated by infinite non-surface light. Reality am not as complicated as theories of reality are. All primates have a complete surface that blends in with the surface that surrounds them.

    Joe Fisher, Realist

    Dear Mr Brown,

    The AI seems a specific rational mathematical method.We can with the automata indeed mimâte.The consciousness that said is an other story considering this Arrow of time, entropical.We are a result of encodings due to this evolution of mass.The complexification of matters is a reality and our consciousness is appeared with this increasing mass and correlated brains.We arrive at a point where we must rank so these informations.The computing utilises the binar informations,the universe utilises informations photonic and of gravitation also.These informations are different.If now the quantum computing converges with these quantum informations in utilising the 3D and that these binar informations are extrapolated and synchronized.That becomes intriguing considering the number of interactions of a hard drive mimating the synaps and brains like biology.We arrive at an important deontological question in fact.It is really intriguing considering this gravitation and the main gravitational codes.In logic the singularitiesz,personal considering our soul cannot be touched or approached ,but it is intriguing.The AI is a new era in fact where our consciousness to us the humans must be universal and altruist because these kinds of Tools need a good universal governance and good Securities.Our World W Web is a new tool and this tool changes our social interactions and its is revolutionary.We have created a tool and this tool is going to embark us towards a new era of sharing of informations.The future convergences are fascinating.Best Regards

      Sorry when I would say deontological I have bad translated I have said like in french,the good word is ethical.Sorry for my English.

      The question at hand: mathematical basis to aims and intention. The author does a good job at putting on the table all the elements that might contribute an answer to the question in one way or another. He does not provide however any particular answer or solution of his own to the problem. An essay generally well written.

      Your brilliant essay is actually a future research program and scientific compilation for a physics of consciousness, Mr. Brown. Concerning your questions at the end of the text, I would like to point to the Hebrew sages which imply that the 'ten sayings of creation' (the Memra in Aramaic) were 10 vibrations which comes close to 'cosmic music'. Rashi pointed to the fact that Bereshit starts with a decisive grammatical part missing, i.e. we are not being told of which beginning we learn. Consequently, the physics of the (human-animal) mind is indeed a new frontier of science. Best: stephen i. ternyik

        Hello Mr Ternyik,

        Fascinating these cosmic music, they turn so they are these sphères :) could you tell us more please ,I am passionated by this infinite entropy above our physicality.God does not play at dices like said Einstein.What are the ten sayings of creation?


        Mr. Dufourny, please look for my responde at your LinkedIn account. Best: S.Ternyik

        A cornucopia of interesting-ness. I too think Wolfram's cellular automata have interesting things to show and "tell".

        11 days later

        Hi David,

        I felt like a boxer's speed-bag while reading your essay. You raise so many good questions and the quotations were sharp edged. There seemed to be a deeper current in your piece, but it felt as though it was meant for someone other than myself. Would like to have had more of your own thoughts made explicit.

        Best, Don

          Most of my thoughts are errors or minor extrapolations of other people's thoughts. My guess is that Ray Kurzweil is the world's greatest living genius. (Google "ray kurzweil" for more information.) My guess is that the world's 3 greatest living scientists are James D. Watson, Sydney Brenner, and M. Milgrom. For my thoughts on Milgrom's MOND, google "vixra david brown".

          Can anyone think of a physical meaning for the following?

          196883^(8 + 1/(4 *5) + 1/(32 * 125) + 1/(256 * 3125)) = 4.165875883 * 10^42 (approximately)?

          From my publication "Einstein's Field Equations: 3 Criticisms" ( "...

          I suggest that there might be 3 possible modifications of Einstein's field equations. Consider Einstein's field equations: R(mu,nu) + (-1/2) * g(mu,nu) * R = - κ * T(mu,nu) - Λ * g(mu,nu) -- what might be wrong? Consider the possible correction R(mu,nu) + (-1/2 + dark-matter-compensation-constant) * g(mu,nu) * R * (1 - (R(min) / R)^2)^(1/2) = - κ * (T(mu,nu) / equivalence-principle-failure-factor) - Λ * g(mu,nu), where equivalence-principle-failure-factor = (1 - (T(mu,nu)/T(max))^2)^(1/2) -- if dark-matter-compensation-constant = 0, R(min) = 0, and T(max) = +∞ then Einstein's field equations are recovered. .... Our universe was born 13.82 billion years ago. It would have expanded forever in the dark energy and inflationary mode of Newton and Einstein, but for the fact, noticed by Milgrom, that Newton and Einstein were not quite right. Gravitons, unlike photons, gluons, and all other fundamental particles, can sometimes escape from the boundary of the multiverse into the interior of the multiverse. This process of escape, appearing as dark energy, causes a slight excess of gravitational red shift known as dark matter and a slight excess of flattening in spacetime known as Milgromian inflation. Thus our universe expands, collapses in one Planck time interval and is reborn every 81.6 ± 1.7 billion years."


          Seems to reveal a script of the inscrutable, the unfathomable, the mysterious: The universe: something from nothing; Life from non-life and mindfulness arising from mindless mathematical laws. Not sure about the relevance of Milgromian Cosmology accounting for no dark matter in your mix. Wolframian computing and universal meaning?

          Your essay does make one think though. I have some of the same script.

          Jim Hoover

            For more information, google "mcgaugh dark matter", "mcgaugh dark matter youtube", "kroupa dark matter", "kroupa dark matter youtube", "wolfram automaton", and "david brown vixra".

            Dear Brown,

            You have written a fine essay.

            As you mentioned Milgromian Cosmology in the title of your essay (though I did not find any discussion about it), I want to say few words about it before we go further into your essay. This Milgromian cosmology uses different types of formulae just to explain Galaxy rotation curves. These formulae cannot be used anywhere else. The main problem they faced is Dark matter was not detected experimentally.

            Just for comparison sake let me tell you about Dynamic Universe Model. This uses its SAME set of singularity free equations at Micro particle level, Solar system level, Milky way level or Universe level... No change. This model predicted that there is no Dark matter and came true after 9 years. This model says no Dark energy, no Blackholes, No Bigbang etc... This model's prediction of existence of blue shifted Galaxies came true after 10 years through HST. There were many results including VLBI, Pioneer anomaly etc. For your information Bigbang based cosmologies use 40 percent of Galaxies in the Universe. Remaining are neglected.

            Your discussions on popular science books is very good. The Wolframian Computing did not become popular somehow. It is probably non availability of higher level popular programs ,

            You raised the real good question of experimental Consciousness...

            Thank you for the nice essay...

              4 days later

              Does deterministic string theory work because the monster group represents bosonic string theory and because the interactions of the monster group with the 6 pariah groups allow the interactions of bosons, leptons, and quarks to be modeled?

              Are there 6 basic quarks because there are 6 pariah groups?

              Can anyone think of a physical meaning for the following?

              196883^(8 1/(4 * 5) 1/(32 * 125) 1/(256 * 3125)) = 4.165875883 * 10^42 (approximately)

              (coulomb's constant) * (electron charge)^2 / ((newton's constant) * (electron mass)^2) =

              4.166 * 10^42 (approximately)

              196883^8 = 2.25769747 * 10^42 (approximately)


              196833 is related to a Lie group representation of the monster group. The factor 8 arises because the eight 3-tuples (u,u,u), (u,u,d), (u,d,u), (d,u,u), (d,d,d), (d,d,u), (d,u,d), (u,d,d) represent up quarks and down quarks interacting with bosonic string theory.

              Google "monstrous moonshine" for more information.

              I predict that Milgrom will win the Nobel Prize within 5 years.

              I say that my 3 most important ideas are:

              (1) Milgrom is the Kepler of contemporary cosmology, and MOND will provided the basis for the empirically valid interpretation of string theory.

              (2) The Koide formula is essential for understanding the foundations of physics.

              (3) Lestone's heuristic string theory is essential for understanding the foundations of physics.

              Is gravitational energy conserved in terms of the Newtonian approximation? It might or might not be conserved -- physicists should study the empirical evidence.

              Crick's "What Mad Pursuit" is the best book that I have ever read. On page 107 of that book, Crick wrote, "What makes people really appreciate the connection between two fields is some new and striking result that obviously connects them in a dramatic way." I believe that the Fernández-Rañada-Milgrom effect is just such a striking result. I believe that Milgrom's MOND will connect astrophysics and string theory in a profound way.

              Fernández-Rañada and Tiemblo-Ramos suggested that astronomical time might be different from atomic time. I suggest that astronomical time is definitely different from atomic time. I suggest that dark matter has positive gravitational mass-energy and zero inertial mass-energy. Am I merely a crackpot? Am I wrong in suggesting that the Gravity Probe B science team misinterpreted their own experiment? Is Milgrom the Kepler of contemporary cosmology?