"Can the Laws of Physics be Unified?"
It seems to me that I have not done a good job of explaining my viewpoint to string theorists and to critics of string theory.
First of all, who do I think are the 2 best critics of string theory: Answer: Burton Richter & Sheldon Glashow. What is my thinking on the "String Wars"? Google "witten magic mystery and matrix". Consider 5 questions:
1. Is string theory the "only game in town" for unifying quantum field theory and general relativity? I say yes. 2. Does string theory predict general relativity theory? I say yes. 3. Does string theory predict quantum field theory? I say yes. 4. Does string theory predict nonabelian gauge symmetry? I say yes. Does string theory predict supersymmetry? I say that string theory with the infinite nature hypothesis predicts supersymmetry but string theory with the finite nature hypothesis predicts no supersymmetry, i.e. no superpartners at all. What do I say is wrong with the thinking of string theorists? String theorists seem to think that nature is smooth, differential, geometric, and higher dimensional in terms of spatial dimensions. I suggest that their thinking is a kind of half-truth. I suggest that there are precisely 64 basic particles. In terms of the interior of the multiverse, these 64 different particles by means of their independent motions create 64 dimensions of virtual spacetime. Each matter particle has 3 dimensions of linear momentum, 3 dimensions of angular momentum, and 1 dimension of quantum spin in the matter-quantum-spin-dimension. Each antimatter particle has 3 dimensions of linear momentum, 3 dimensions of angular momentum, and 1 dimension of antimatter-quantum-spin-dimension. Altogether, the motions of the particles create a 72-ball of virtual particle motion. This 72-ball somehow allows the monster group and the 6 pariah groups to guide string vibrations on 3 copies of the Leech lattice. This set-up somehow creates a mathematical bridge between the Fredkin-Wolfram network and and an approximation to string theory with the infinite nature hypothesis. In order for string theory with the finite nature hypothesis to work it is necessary for string theory with the infinite nature to "almost work". The most important insight is that string theory the infinite nature hypothesis implies supersymmetry and no MOND, while string theory with the finite nature hypothesis implies MOND and no supersymmetry. I say that Milgrom is the Kepler of contemporary cosmology and that the empirical successes of MOND imply that at least 1 of Newton's 3 laws of motion are wrong. Consider (± 1st law, ± 2nd law, ± 3rd law), where + means true and - means false. Milgrom thinks that the basic problem is with the 2nd law, but I think that the basic problem is with the 3rd law. By introducing a nonzero dark-matter-compensation constant, the result is the mathematically simplest modification of Einstein's field equations. An easy scaling argument then allows the approximate recovery of MOND in the Newtonian approximation. I suggest that Newton and Einstein wrongly assumed that gravitational energy is conserved. I suggest that some gravitons can escape from the boundary of the multiverse (where all direct measurement occurs) into the interior of the multiverse (which has immense "Fredkin heat"). By making 3 different modifications to Einstein's field equations it might be possible to provide physical justifications for Milgrom's MOND, the Koide formula, and Lestone's heuristic string theory. These 3 modifications might provide a new starting point for quantum gravity. Am I completely wrong? Maybe so.