Is it possible that Milgrom's acceleration law is wrong? No, because Milgrom, McGaugh, Kroupa, and Pawlowski have elaborated too much empirical evidence in its favor. There are only 2 possibilities: (1) Newtonian-Einsteinian gravitational theory is 100% correct but appears to be significantly wrong for some unknown reason. (2) Newtonian-Einsteinian gravitational really is slightly wrong. How might alternative (1) be a physical reality in terms of string theory and supersymmetry?
"I think few people appreciate that the main difficulty for DM is that the host of regularities pointed out by MOND, if taken as just a summary of how DM behaves and interacts with normal matter, suggests that these two matter components are coupled and correlated very strongly in many ways." -- M. Milgrom
"Dark-Matter Heretic", interview of Mordehai Milgrom by Michael Szpir, Jan-Feb 2003, American Scientist
Can string theory with the infinite nature hypothesis and with supersymmetry explain MOND? I think that the answer is 'yes', but the explanation is mathematically awkward. Assume that MOND-chameleon particles exist. These hypothetical particles would have variable effective mass depending upon the nearby gravitational acceleration. Assume that some of the superpartners of ordinary particles can yield WIMPs that are also MOND-chameleon particles. How might such WIMP-MOND-chameleon particles mimic a violation of the conservation of gravitational energy? In the standard form of Einstein's field equations, replace the -1/2 by -1/2 dark-matter-compensation-function, where this function depends upon unknown parameters. In the Newtonian approximation to Einstein's field equations, chop up gravitational acceleration into zones where the gravitational acceleration is approximately constant. If the dark-matter-compensation-function is approximately constant in the approximation range where MOND applies, then we get an approximation to MOND. Also, the false assumption that the WIMP-MOND-chameleon particles DO NOT have variable effective mass would lead to the false impression that the "dark-matter-compensation-function" is REAL. However, the "dark-matter-compensation-function would be an invalid assumption which IS APPARENTLY CORRECT under the false assumption made concerning the WIMP-MOND-chameleon particles (the false assumption being that these hypothetical particles DO NOT have variable effective mass). How might MOND-chameleon particles be explained? Some of the superpartners of ordinary particles might have a weird, unknown correlation with Einstein's curvature scalar R. Such a weird correlation might arise from a D-brane charge that shows its effects upon MOND-chameleon particles but not other particles. The weird correlation might arise from a Higgs-MOND-chamelon field -- in other words, there might be two Higgs fields -- one that has been discovered and an undiscovered Higgs-MOND-chameleon-field that interacts only with MOND-chameleon particles.