Dear SNP. Gupta,
Thanks for the comments and I wish you the best of luck in the contest... I will take a look at your essay. But I have to be honest, I am not very smart when it comes to the nuts and bolts (actual math) of physics / cosmology. I just know what I see in my mind and what I feel in my heart are very strongly connected (mindless math). My visions show me that the singularity is outside of our physical universe and why we are needed to give eyes (actually all of our senses) to God to experience reality... All that life has to offer, both good and bad. The thing is we have a choice to be good or bad and my main goal with this essay is to hopefully start waking people up to this reality. That we are all God (within our own parallel/ alternate universe) but we have to coexist in this shared universe (space) and I hope we all start choosing good. And I don't care what religion people follow or if they are atheist.. as long as they choose love over hate, we will create a world we can all live in...
Take care and God bless!