Hay its great to see people engaging your essay with so much positivity and support. I'm half way through reading it, then will read it again to let its message soak in a little, then I'll post remark to your page. But yes, what I have read is very good. My days have been filled with camping and surfing, so I havent had a look through many other essays yet, but the couple that I have read are very good.
I'm going to be following your lead on how to conduct my voting. Based on what I have read of your essay so far, and from actually knowing your wider scope of work quite well, I feel safe in saying you can expect a boost from me in the final minutes.
I like yourself, left it very late to begin working on my essay. Infact I ran out of time while I feel I could have spent another week refining it. Actually I didnt even sort out the basics, like grammar and spelling, so thats pretty bad. Oh well. Thank you for your vote of confidence. I think it safe to say that my concept will be a test for anybodies sensibilities. But I think this will have more to do with peoples general reaction to unfamiliar concepts, than it will be a reflection on the soundness of the ideas. But it will take somebody with a right mindset and willingness to pry back the lid and view the inner contents, to see it represents a cohesive theory. That it actually works in a sensible and straightforward manor.
While you are reading my essay James, may I give you something else to keep in mind? My concept achieves something quite interesting. When we humans build a mechanical device to undertake work, we have to provide it with fuel of some type. We need so many liters of fuel to drive a car so far, and so fuel requirement is an ever expansive sum over time. However, our physics has anointed things called "fundamental forces" which can undertake perpetual work without requiring an energy source as an expanding sum over time. Gravity, mass and also an atoms electromagnetic field are examples I give of seemingly perpetual work being undertaken by this universe. Ok, pretty basic consideration. Now consider it in light of my essay proposition please?
If Auv (Dark Energy) corresponds to a regenerative field of space, which is metabolized by Tuv mass in a process which enables mass to perform work actions. Well, mass is what actuates gravitational acceleration, and is also the seat of an atoms electromagnetic field. So then we can say there is a continual energy consumption responsible for gravity and atomic work actions. This makes perfect sense in terms of Auv = Tuv.
Of course we then have to ask ourselves, how does Dark Energy achieve the magic of continual emergence? And I dont know, but it is a confirmed observation that it is, that it does. So this counts as no small piece of evidence toward my hypothesis.
The interaction between space and matter, Gravitational fields and mass sharing equality Guv = Tuv. Why equality? Because its a continual energy flow that enables mass. This is a very simple proposition, and the evidence lines up everywhere that it needs too. This concept pursued leads to an ever expanding range of considerations which only lend weight towards the argument. A good deal of hows and whys are answered that would not have been expected.
What I say here now cannot be considered unsubstantial or whimsical. It stacks up in so many different ways, against so many different considerations. If people are willing to test this idea, then they will discover it is as I say. And thinking in terms of Auv being a regenerative field of space which flows to mass, brings with it the consideration of a Darwinian Universal system of compounded physical complexities.