Hi Steven,
"My hope is that some of what has been shared between us earlier, will encourage you to follow up on what I share in my essay now."
That I still need to do. I was studying it, but, my exchanges with Steve Agnew began to take up my time. That seems to be subsiding without resolution. You might find that you agree with this statement: Resolution is not a consequence of what takes place here at FQXi.org. But, so that I am understood by any readers: FQXi.org does provide a quality record of who said what when? If resolution comes about that will help as a reference wherever it turns out that resolution is possible. I haven't found that place yet. Theoretical physics protects itself not only from dissidents, but also from any outside source that might present the solutions that they have failed to provide. I don't expect any of them to be reading this.
"It isnt like my theory delves in obscurities like added dimensions, or some other intangible."
Definitely a plus in your favor.
"My concept is very simple in this respect, that I point to two equality's and say, "consider the possibility this equality exists because energy flows from A to B"."
Here is where I hesitate to agree. The reason is that energy is not a property. It is a calculation of force times distance with the resulting sum being what is called energy. Theoretical physicists will vehemently object to my statement. That is because energy is what replaces cause. Cause never appears in physics equationss. The right side of an equation consists of initial conditions while the left side of an equation consists of final conditions. The only place in an equation that cause can make its appearance without being part of the right side or the left side is as the equals sign. The equals sign is usually read as the magnitude and units of the right side equal the magnitude and units of the left side. However, my opinion is that it can also be read as the conditions of the right side of the equation are changed into the conditions of the left side of the equation. In other words, cause is represented by the equals sign. I am suggesting that the equals sign can be read as "is changed into". So, my opinion is that: It always remains the case that we only learn about effects and not about what is cause. We compare initial effects that have been previously gathered as empirical evidence with another set of effects that we gather after an experiment has been performed. We see their change. We find that the conservation laws provide that their magnitudes and units will be equal. However, it is obvious that the effects have changed. The cause of that change is unknown. At least it is unknown as a certainty. We are free to propose what the cause may be.
"And that it is a simplest type of relationship, a conversion from work potential into work."
Your last statement quoted above is the most like physics freed from theory. work has the same units as does energy. However, it differs in that its result is useful. Make that 'purposeful'. Work, just like energy, is force applied across a distance. However, when one refers to 'work', the magic that theorists imagine that energy, like a wizard, can perform to change the Universe from particle creation and chaos to human free-will, is not implied. Rather, the use of the word work acknowledges that there are effects, and, there must be cause, but, without trying to claim that a dumb mechanical process is as good as a wizard. The most that can be said about cause is what it does. So, setting the wizard aside: Saying that work is performed is as far as the mechanical interpretation of physics will allow us to go. Theoretical physics thrives on the pretense that the wizard exists, not as a God of course, but as energy. It is the greatest fraud of theoretical physics to teach that intelligence can arise from dumbness. I expect that we probably disagree on this point. Disagreement and discussion is good. My exchanges with professionals may not make it appear that I feel this way. It is their demeaning attitude all the while that they lack several important answers that causes me to challenge them back. You are welcome to challenge me back. I don't have all the answers. If I mixed up right from left in my earlier part of this message it is because I am left handed. Please read my intent as speaking about an initial side of an equation becoming a final side of an equation. I won't go back and check it.
I will return to talk about how a photon imparts force.
James Putnam