Hi Edwin
You find agreements with me ? that makes two of us then. I've read your essay twice and I believe I well comprehend many of your intended points. And I might even be able to infer from it, opinions you only hint towards. Like a variant C, a consequence of photons being carried along with, trained by gravitational bodies in relative motion C+V, which serves as the photons preferred frame. I have developed a view that translates yours very well. But that's not to say I couldn't benefit from a third or even forth read. Deep subject, lots of meanings, some of which are only subtly inferred.
I expect you will appreciate this
Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, two fundamental theories of one world. However QM and GR have clocks in common, in terms of clocks being a study in QM (made of QM), and GR being a study of clocks (time dilation). Two fundamental theories, servicing one world and now one device? QM might be surmised, a study of forces. GR might be surmised, a study of time.
Clocks can be thought of as possessing a split personality. They possess a back end mechanical spring, the study of which might be termed QM force. They possess front end hands considered a measure of GR effects time dilation. These split personalities however are connected via a shaft, which makes their respective studies of force and time an equivalent. Which makes perfect sense in terms of the spring drives the clocks function. My earlier message coined the term "force dilation" which represents this property of the spring, which stands equivalent to the term "time dilation".
Force dilation a quantity which is entirely equivalent to effect of time dilation? Which term is more fundamental, or carries more useful meanings? Force dilation is a property of the spring which drives the clock, so that places it at the heart by virtue of being attached to cause. It causes the clocks function, the clock hands but follow. The front end of the clock is superfluous in terms of cause, like a puppet dictated to by a puppeteer. Time, a puppeteers puppet? Not flattering I know, but it makes my intended meanings clear.
Substitute the term of time dilation for the equivalent term of force dilation, then General Relativities effect is translatable as Quantum Mechanical effect. Theory can then be summarized in terms of, Clocks are QM devices (made of QM) which measure variable QM behaviour (force dilation) in relative motions and relative gravitational environments. One fundamental theory of the world, one fundamental theory that describes all behaviours exhibited by clocks.
QM is a study of forces, and relativity is redressed as a QM study of forces of bodies in relative motions and relative gravitational environments.
Relativity boils down to being merely the study of the modulation of QM forces.