Edwin Klingman,
[My pledge: goo.gl/KCCujt] First I will assess your essay, then discuss your conclusions. Positives:
-- Wow, you know your targets well! I sort of kept hoping for Maxwell to drop by to, but it would have distracted Einstein from the main topic. I think the main reason that Einstein never modified SR after GR forced him back to the ether was , well... he couldn't quite figure out how to do it? You really need a more modern computer modeling concepts of how to handle binding times to implement the virtual frames with absolute fidelity, and that concept suite and was flatly not available to him. So ironically, he stayed block universe to keep SR happy, even as he defined a unique "ether slice" sequence that was curved but on average remained orthogonal to your universal simultaneous time.
-- I like very much that you pulled out the GR ether connection. People still are shocked by that, and at the time Einstein's fellow physicists tried very hard to pretend Einstein never went back to the ether. There is an attraction in the mathematical symmetries of SR that is incredibly appealing to many folks, especially if you are mathematically inclined. The idea that such symmetries might be nothing more than virtual limits in a reality that like to fake people out does not appeal in the same way, unless you happen to be more computer-science-ish in mind set.
-- You pull in lots and lot of really good, highly specific threads of though, though there are so many that a seriously deep look at them could take days or months (or years).
-- Your conversation format is entertaining, though at times it makes it a bit difficult to recognize exactly what the main point is going to be.
-- You pull in lots and lot of really good, highly specific threads of though, though there are so many that a seriously deep look at them could take days or months (or years).
-- Your conversation format is entertaining, though at times it makes it a bit difficult to recognize exactly what the main point is going to be.
-- My standard complaint: The intent of the FQXi request as I read it was to write an essay on how to recognize a fundamental theory, rather than write an essay to provide a fundamental theory.
Now, let's see if I understand your point (I may not!). When you end by saying:
"the fundamental nature of time as universal simultaneity"
I think you are saying that there exists a singular curved foliation of spacetime, which Einstein in his post-GR years would have called "the ether", in which all causality unfolds at the "same time" (e.g. as measured by a hypothetical solid sheet of tiny clocks all making synchronized hand-shake time measurements with their immediate neighbors).
That is of course utterly heretical to SR perspectives, because it would make that single foliation absolutely unique and the only "real" source of causality. However, again, it is not even all that difficult from a computer simulation perspective to define structures in which the primary foliation creates asymmetric embedded virtual foliations -- other frames -- that internally look exactly like the primary frame though a combination of directionally-dependent early and late binding of causal events in the primary frame. In fact, you can do that so well that there is no way to distinguish internally between the cases... which is of course exactly what SR requires!
Again, assuming that I'm even understanding you correctly, your frame of temporal simultaneity would almost certainly be the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) frame, the frame that has undergone the least number of acceleration-deceleration events over the history of the universe. As long as matter in that CMB frame remains unaccelerated, any other matter in the universe that "come to visit" the lazy CMB matter will be guaranteed to have less elapsed time; that is, the CMB frame will always have the fastest time in such comparisons, and no arrangement of other matter in the universe can overcome that speed advantage, no matter how you arrange the test.
The CMB frame will also be the only frame that "sees" the real minimum energy of the universe as it looks out and assesses the total relativistic energy of the rest of the universe. Any frame moving relative to the CMB will see overly high energy totals.
So, your "single simultaneous time" will both be the fastest possible time in the universe -- which just makes sense if it is the real driver of all causality in all possible frames -- and it will be the home of the only accurate "view" of the total mass-energy of the universe.
Finally, I think a test for the existence of such a primary frame - that is, for your simultaneous-time ether foliation -- may in fact exist, but it will necessarily be a very subtle test. I brought this issue up in a comment under Del Santo (topic 3017).