Yes, thanks. I understand you don't agree Einstein's final conceptions, or free fermions around all bodies increasing with v, as Unruh, probes etc. (Though I assure and can show you that IS what's universally found!) But we must all focus on and follow our own paths with all rigor, and close agreement isn't a valid scoring criteria! (you do excellently on those!).
Your approach is very interesting and I agree the local 'gravity' view may help acceptability in many eyes. For myself I most strongly 'usefulness' i.e. in logically resolving anomalous effects. I've found that in extremis in the 're-emission at local 'c' schema, including the full ontology behind Declans code, and have looked for it hard in the tavern but you'll have to help me.
Last questions to help me rationalise your view and falsify mine;
1. Will fermions absorb and re-emit ('requantize') EM energy in your schema?
2. If so, may the re-emission be at c in each centre of mass rest frame, or what other speed would each electron select, and why?
Great chat. Another beer?