I am going to put in here what I used to reply to your comment as to my essay:
quoting upon what I said in your essay discussion
I have to commend you on a witty essay, and I liked it enough so I gave you a grade of 8. i.e. very well done
However, this is my nit.
The initial time step, call it either delta t, is either intrinsic within a system as done by Barbour in his essay about emergent time, or it is super imposed upon the system say by cyclic cosmological intervention from prior universes upon our present universe.
In essence, I would like to have a clear distinguishment made between emergent time, as stated by Barbour, or by some other agency, say as in cyclic conformal cosmology (penrose)
Aside from these nits, I frankly felt your essay was the most enjoyable one I have encountered in this contest and I am saving it as a gem.
Just because I raise this issue does not mean I disapprove. On the contrary I give you high marks and am asking for an extension of your dialogue to include the distinguishable choice I am referring to.
end of quote
Answering you was a pleasure, Edwin, but the choice I made was to include in time as in the form of Barbour,
And the super structure I used was to focus upon the cosmological constant as I referenced it, as a way to initiate the placing of time as I saw it in the present cosmos.
Hence, I worked with forming the cosmological constant, as a bench mark for initial conditions enabling the development of time as given by
What may surprise you. Edwin, was that I initially was to make my essay about time,and shifted to the cosmological constant as referred to in my essay after reviewing what I know of time, as a way to conjecture out an initial structure consistent with