Dear Peter,
I have read your essays in the past, and you always have something interesting to say. You have "simplicity" in your title, and I agree that the fundamentals should be simple. However, although you identify many problems with orthodox theories, your solutions are less clear and simple.
You might be interested in my own essay, "Fundamental Waves and the Reunification of Physics". I propose that slight modifications from classical physics give rise to a consistent unified realistic physical picture on all scales. There are no point particles or gravitational singularities; abstract spacetime, Hilbert space, and entanglement are mathematical artifacts. Electrons are distributed wave packets. Space and time are separate, and are defined by frequency and wavelength of these real waves, which can shift in a gravitational potential. This gives rise to the phenomena associated with general relativity and quantum mechanics, without requiring separate mathematical formalisms. This neoclassical synthesis is far simpler than orthodox theory, and is subject to direct experimental tests.
Best Wishes,