"..that was more logic, than physics," I think logic loosing out to calculators is what has stopped theoretical & comprehensional advancement! Feynman only said "shut up and..'use them'." when he said QM etc was "too complicated" to understand. So a provisional measure. I've now show it CAN be understood! A fundamental change! - but perhaps I'm to late and the skills have been lost.
On cosmic redshift; Same skill shortage; I showed an 'absolutely simple' geometrical cause years ago; VIDEO Time Dependent Redshift
Is man really to dumb to understand or 'believe' it? You tell me. The 'rubber sheet' analogy works fine as simply the dark energy density distribution around the condensed 'nodules' of (spin) energy we call 'matter'. However - that IS 'space' and it IS then anisotropic in energy density, just as a gas may be until the particles evaporate again. How is that at all crazy?
I agree doctrine is largely nonsense, but as most other ideas are groping in the dark people are bound to cling onto something. With just a little light I've found a it all clicks into place very simply. No-ones found flaws, and my papers cite pages of consistent 'anomalies' resolved etc. But it's just too unexpected and unfamiliar for most to make the leap of faith.
That's the human condition.(or please do tell me if it's ME going mad! lol)
Very best