There are two facts that have been established. First, the universe is Intelligently Designed by virtue of the physics constants being impossible to achieve by accident; odds of 1 in 10^10^148 are truly impossible. Second, God loves us. There are so many near death experiences where God, beings of light (angels?) have shown love to us; even when we've been bad. Modernists might question the whole "spare the rod, spoil the child" teaching, but an argument can be made that God follows that teaching whether we like it or not. The unavoidable truth and fact is that God loves us, even if God inspires fear in us. God is not required to live by our modern values.
The best that we human beings can ever hope to do is to use our free will to take care of one another, and make our outpost, out physical civilization as comfortable and safe for ourselves and our children, as best we can.