Assume dark-matter-compensation-constant = 0 and string theory with the infinite nature hypothesis is empirically valid.
Lestone's theory of virtual cross sections might explain the numerical value of the fine structure constant.
Lestone, J. P. "QED: A different perspective." (2018). Los Alamos report LA-UR-18-29048
If Lestone's theory of virtual cross sections is empirically valid, then does it require a new uncertainty principle?
According to some of the string theorists, spacetime is doomed. If spacetime is doomed then is a new uncertainty principle required? What are the criticisms of the following?
There exists a (finite) Lestone-maximum-mass > 0, such that for any massive elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics,
(standard deviation of position) * (standard deviation of velocity) тЙе
(reduced-Planck's-constant/2) / (Lestone-maximum-mass) .