According to Denef, Douglas, Greene, & Zukowski, "By defining a cosmology as a space-time containing a vacuum with specified properties (for example small cosmological constant) together with rules for how time evolution will produce the vacuum, we can associate global time in a multiverse with clock time on a supercomputer which simulates it."
Denef, Frederik, Michael R. Douglas, Brian Greene, and Claire Zukowski. "Computational complexity of the landscape II--Cosmological considerations." Annals of Physics 392 (2018): 93-127.
arXiv preprint
Does string theory with the infinite nature hypothesis allow too many vacua? In terms of string theory, is it possible to understand why Milgrom's MOND has many empirical successes?
In the article "Did the Universe Just Happen?" in the April 1988 issue of "The Atlantic Monthly", Robert Wright stated, "I talked with Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate at the California Institute of Technology, before his death, in February. Feynman considered Fredkin a brilliant and consistently original, though sometimes incautious, thinker. If anyone is going to come up with a new and fruitful way of looking at physics, Feynman said, Fredkin will."
It seems to be that there 2 alternatives: (1) Feynman overestimated Fredkin. (2) The string theorists have underestimated Fredkin.
Assume that Majorana fermions do not occur in nature.
In the Standard Model of particle physics, there are 36 different quarks, 12 leptons, and 13 bosons, giving a total of 61 fundamental particles. Add 3 bosons: graviton, axion, and inflaton. Do 64 dimensions of particle paths correspond to 64-dimensions of uncertainty based upon h-bar and alpha-prime?
Why are there 6 basic quarks? Consider 2 other questions: What is measurement? Why does measurement exist?
Let us consider 3 beliefs:
(1) Quantum information is irreducible. (2) Measurement is an activity that experimental physicists do. (3) Measurements occur because experimental physicists want them to occur.
Now, consider 3 alternate beliefs:
(A) Quantum information reduces to Fredkin-Wolfram information. (B) Measurement is a natural process that separates the boundary of the multiverse from the interior of the multiverse. (C) Measurement always occurs in terms of quantum information, but quantum information is merely an approximation generated by Wolfram's cosmological automaton using the monster group and the 6 pariah groups.
Are there 6 basic quarks because there are 6 pariah groups? If the answer to the previous question is "No!" then my guess is that string theory with the infinite nature hypothesis is the way to understand the foundations of physics. Is it possible to understand MOND in terms of gravitinos with variable effective mass based upon nearby gravitational acceleration?