Hi Georgina,
I know I have commented to you on my blog but I thought I had better re-inforce what I said here. Yours was the first essay I printed and read. I read it twice to my wife translating to her since I understood what you were saying. She asked me to vote publicly for her which I did early on.
I have now read and commented on about 30 essays. It has been a full time job that I have taken seriously during these Covid19 isolation times. I have explored many nooks and crannies and found some like minded journeyists on the way. But you were the first I found that shared similar interests.
I developed my theory of time some 5 years ago, although it had been a lifetime in the making. It has served me well, and even just yesterday explained the Andromeda Paradox away. So I get excited from time to time, when I use my own insights.
Yesterday I critiqued Carlo Rovelli's essay on Presentism and Eternalism, and found that I did not agree with him on the definitions of presentism, which is why I think my relative verdandism makes more sense.
We much touch base on the time topic after this essay comp. is over.
Best regards
Lockie Cresswell