Dear Edwin,
Thank you for your kind comments on my essay.
My friend Barry and myself agreed some 20 years ago that everything we discuss and theorise on is 'provisional'. We change our minds on ideas constantly as we flesh them out. We are always looking for the 'best fit' to current data and knowledge from a physical understanding point of view.
Personally I believe the 'demon' can take a snapshot of the Universe, as the roots of 'simultaneity' are not well considered, and are tied to a constant speed of light and relativity. My algorithmic TOE works via iteration. I consider an iteration to be similar to the tick of a master clock, yet my theory of time is based on the energy density at a point in space, which gives relative flow of time. A relative flow map of the Universe would match a gravitational map for the best part, but it also encompasses time dilation due to kinetic energy relative to the reference frame of an aether. I think of time flow as 'x' seconds per second, where the denominator is empty space (which we conveniently regard as here on Earth), an the numerator 'x' is a dilated time in the range 0 to 1. However tallying energy can be problematic as we do not understand 'dark energy' at all.
I am glad you like my version of presentism, as I personally find the alternative (eternalism or block universe) abhorrent.
I am currently reading your marvellous treatise" Everything's relative, or is it?" which I found in a link elsewhere. I am spending about 50% of my time in isolation reading physics essays, it certainly passes the time and relieves he anxiety!
Thanks again,