Dear Lockie
I enjoyed reading your essay and found it very stimulating. It's good to see that the responses you received were so positive.
I would like to add some thoughts on the "wave particle duality paradox." I totally agree that it is absurd to assume that particles possess a form of schizoid behaviour where it's either a wave or a particle depending on the whim or actions of the observer.
Maxwell demands that you must not ignore the magnetic moment of the electron, even when stationary, but especially when travelling at constant velocity. The magnetic moment of the electron has several degrees of freedom: it can radiate due to precession or radiate due to rotations or tumbling. Think nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) or rotational spectra, neutrons atoms and molecules also contain magnetic moments. A fast electron can gain angular momentum on interacting with a surface or a force, the result must give rise to radiation in almost all orientations of the magnetic moment. Because of the very small diameter of the electron gamma rays would be generated for practical initial linear velocities. Imagine a squash ball containing a magnet inert-acting with walls, wouldn't Maxwell's Equations insist on radiation? The paradox of Young's two slit with electrons is solved with this approach!?
Good luck Lockie