Consciousness as Foundation of the Physical World by Dr Narayan Kumar Bhadra
Some valuable speculated characteristics of the new energy source SU(6):
In the theory SUT of SU(11), it is possible after symmetry breaking by exchanging the bosons of SU(6) into SU(5), the strength of SU(6) gradually decreases with increasing the strength of SU(5) then another symmetry breaking GUT of SU(5) for the appearance of matter elements with decreasing strength of weak force of SU(2) & increasing strength of strong forces SU(3) as a result creating different material elements for constructing parts of lives otherwise for nonliving purposes creates animates & inanimate. The characteristics of SU(6) like as weak force of SU(2) hence interacts with electromagnetic force of U(1) (as it creates magnetic monopole) in the framework of SU(6) × U(1) creates local consciousness, it's behaviours also lepton-like but quark-type thus it's strength assumed to be very strong which changes exotic matter fluid into different kind of ordinary material elements including Bio-Elements within the bounded conscious close body-system like humans & others as parts within the close conscious physical universe where SU(3) of QCD helps to form matter particles through Quarks.
Details are explained in my articles. Our physical universe appeared by a phase change system from another phase. Comparing like Gas-Vapour-Liquid phases. Initially our matter universe appeared after symmetry breaking of the super unified energy group SU(11). Then sub energy group SU(6) are so strong that it changes the exotic matter fluid into ordinary matters then everything. So, before 4-dimensional GUT universe including black hole the universe filled with exotic matter fluids. Thus our physical universe actually unfolded with 10-dimensional Space-Time instead of 4-dimensional Einstein's universe. Black hole is a nascent stage of a birth are associated with 6th & 5th dimensions for the unfolding physical universe arising with adiabatic stage, whereas (10-7)-dimensions having no adiabatic stage due to its flatness.You can compared the black hole stage with nascent initial stage of human birth.
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Dr Narayan Bhadra
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Dr. Narayan K Bhadra Hi Dr Bhadra , I have myself a general idea about all this, here is the main points SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) x U(g) x SU(4)
𝐸 = 𝑚(𝑐² + 𝑋𝑙²) + 𝑌 = 2 𝑚𝑐²
We have probably deeper fields, particles and a deeper philosophical origin also than just this general relativity like primary essence and photons oscillating, hope the LHC or others shall find soon relevant results,in my equation and the Yang Mills theory, I have simply considered this dark matter and dark energy, and a fifth force appears also being even the main chief orchestra and is informational and antigravitational, I develop all this idea with a tool that I have invented the spherical topological geometrical algebras, regards
According to the laws of thermodynamic, matter energy of our physical universe i.e Einstein's Space-Time & Matter obviously created from something instead of nothing, i.e obviously it will maintain the conservation law of energy without of the Einstein's constant.
According to the Einstein's GRT, real time can't defined outside the gravitating sphere.
I therefore considered, that our wider universe having two divisions locally & nonlocally. For mathematical solutions considering a Complex Space-Time i.e having two parts like real part & imaginary Space-Time(imaginary means universe belonged then other phase), then applying tensor calculus, solving found three type of energy tensors instead of two type tensors of GRT or Friedmann equations where we considering two are usually as before as of negative pressure & matter energy density but I considered the third tensor representing the latent energy density. The present dissertation of fifth force which now confirmed by Fermi-Lab and others experimental laboratories. An interesting result found after solving my new considering energy tensor equation that our physical matter universe actually unfolded with 10-dimensional Space-Time instead of 4-dimensions where (10-7)-dimensional flat Space-Time, which is similar to String-Theory or Super Symmetry Theory. Another way,
I then considered an extension laws of Standard Model of Physics by using of Lie Algebra i.e. introduced a new GUT theory called SUT (Super Unified Theory) of Gaussian Unified theory SU(11) instead of GUT of SU(5), the symmetry breaking of SU(11) found a new energy source of SU(6), other is GUT of SU(5) & U(1) where the new energy group SU(6) playing an important role for everything.
After considering the material or so called physical universe as real and it appears by a system of phase-like transition similar as state appears through Gas-Vapour-Liquid stages, we found an stage of dark matter appeared after symmetry breaking of SUT of SU(11) where the energy force created by SU(6) changes the exotic matter fluids into ordinary matter otherwise SU(6) are responsible for another symmetry breaking of GUT of SU(5), responsible for Quantum Entanglement, this energy force are Quark-Type but Lepton-Like are tightly binding formed lumps of matter or softmatter for the creation of Bio-Elements etc. i.e this force are responsible for the creation of animate & inanimate. SU(6) creates a new kind of electromagnetic force in the framework of SU(6) × U(1) with Quantum Gravity, it carries Quantum Information thus creates Local Consciousness as well as we introduced a series of new energy sources by using mathematical laws of Lie Algebra as SU(12), SU(24),......., all are in the type of weak force SU(2) of SM but carries nonlocal information and created nonlocal Consciousness. SU(6) principally like weak force but its strength gradually increases as we go from local to nonlocal or towards matter state to nonmatter.
Dr Narayan Bhadra It is an interesting idea about the quantum gravitation and the consciousness, have you thought to consider the non commutativity and non linearity for this quantum gravitation that we cannot renormalise and quantize. Here are some ideas,
The notion of using skewed lines, if it is deviated from traditional straight geodesics, could possibly emerge in these alternative quantum gravity approaches, especially if they involve discrete or fundamentally different geometric structures at the smallest scales of spacetime. I don t know if it is possible , we need to make experimental observations also for these unconventional geometric structures and the physical framework. in the quest to develop a theory of quantum gravity, the assumption of linearity, particularly in the context of quantum mechanics and its application to gravitational systems, has been a subject of scrutiny and exploration.
The QM operates traditionally in linear framework where the superposition principle combinate the linear combinations , and it is there that the challenges appear for this QG in taken non linear nature of the GR., if we take the GR and the curvature of the spacetime by matter and energy , so it is non linear because the gravitational field influences the geometry of this said spacetime giving curved trajectories for the paticles and the concept of gravitational waves, when we try toi unify this GR and the QM, this non linearity implies the problems that we know, must we modify the linear structures of this QM to converge with the non linear nature of this gravity with the non commutativity, maybe in utilising innovative mathematical formalisms with non linear aspects , but it is not easy because it must be consistent with the observations , a big puzzle.
It is complex all this for the gravity behavior at a foundamental level , if we want to unify this QM and the GR in formulating a gravitational quantum force like the electromagnetism, the weak force and the strong nuclear force, so the challenge is deep because the nature of this gravity is the problem and the non linnearity , the distribution of matter, energy in this spacetime give also variations in potenmtial energy, and so the geodesics is important.
The energy distribution becomes the problem for the linear QM where we must solve these divergences and infinities. Somethings it seems evident myust be modified and the kinetic and potential energies in the hamiltonian and the constraints so are a key at my humble opinion to merge this GR and QM,
It is what I try to do with the spherical topological geometrical algebras that I have invented and the spheres like foundamental objects if we consider the geometry based quantum description and the algebraic structures with operators and properties , so the discrete structures are considered to be the spheres and the volumes and motions are important, The non commutative geometry with specific chosen algebraic structures so become interesting for the deviations from classical mathematics and QM,
the Quantization of the spacetime can be discrete in function of partitions utilised and the mathematical tools so also , so the operators and equations capture the behavior of foudamental objects with specific algebraic framworks , and so the hamiltonian considers the dynamics of these spherical objects towards a QG in trying to solve these divergences, problems of linearity and infinities.