Thanks jrc,

From your last comment it appears that you haven't grasped the significance of my derivation of 'clock slowing' ( = time dilation ) in absolute space and time, i.e., (3D+T)-ontology. A brief review is in my reference 17, while more complete treatment is out for peer review.

Two things are frustrating. First, the complexity of SRT prevents any comprehensive treatment in a few pages such as an essay; second, as you note, is that it's an attack on the beliefs of everyone who has a physics education, with consequent psychological issues.

The alternative, of course, is for me to decide that truth is not worth the trouble, because they make it trouble to cross the party line. Not gonna do it.

Thanks again for your interest and support.

Warmest regards,

Edwin Eugene Klingman

It's my pleasure to play! And your essay is an excellent playground, so thanks for the opportunity Edwin, much appreciated.

"The universe is conscious, but the awareness does not come from the equations. It comes from the primordial field evolving to where we are today. You're living it. You'll never get an explanation that produces awareness, it's there to start with. You might find this frustrating. I think it's great. Enjoy it!"

Again, I concur, and am never frustrated but rather have only ever enjoyed fundamental ontology! And yes, you, me, and the pan-psychists all agree that the universe is conscious and that we just have to posit consciousness as a fundamental physical property ... which also means we need to rethink what the physical in physicalism means, but probably only if you care about the current (deplorable) state of the philosophy of science. And I definitely think your primordial C-field is a better way to go for the reasons I gave above.

However, as for your contention that we are incapable of discovering what or how 'conscious awareness' is or arises, simply because 'we are it' therefore it's a fundamentally unknowable fundamental property and we should just leave it at that ... well that contention would depend on how you might define the term 'consciousness' ... which (perhaps annoyingly) is where the philosophy of mind starts.

And if you care about the philosophy of mind then just positing 'C' as a fundamental property attached to a primordial gravitational field doesn't answer what it is that is being attached. If we refuse to define what C is then how do you define what a C-field is, or how it interacts with gravity, matter, and the generation of (3+1)D patterns via our neuronal processes? Do you even need to posit C for your (3+1)D neuronal mass flow theory to function?

Otherwise, what is 'C' such that it can be a primordial property of a C-field?

Dear Edwin,

"There is no problem with the math of the Lorentz transformation;

the problem is in the ontology, i.e., the nature of physical reality."

I have written that there is a mathematical problem with the derivation of the Lorentz transformations. I can take correction. Here is why I have said the above: I wrote:

The Improper 'Derivation' of the Lorentz Transforms by Einstein


In order to make the clearest case for how the mathematics is carried out, I will use the common simplified example of the light source and the two observers all being located at the same point before any activity occurs. At the start of the activity two things happen. One observer leaves the initial point with a relative velocity with respect to that original point called the origin and moving horizontally to its right.. At the same instant the the moving observer begins to move, a light pulse is sent out from the origin in all directions and equal distance.

There are a few more assumptions included in the derivation. It is assumed that these new transforms will not apply to length in the orthogonal directions. It is also assumed that time is not to be treated as unidirectional, which leaves it being omnidirectional. In other words, Equations for the vertical directions, if they include 't', for example velocity, may need transformation. I mention this because the derivation will be made for the horizontal direction to the right as if it is one dimensional. However, the handling of 't' gives it a simultaneous three dimensional treatment.

There is an origin where both observers and the light source wait for the action to begin. At the same time One observer leaves the origin with a velocity v and moves horizontally to the right. Simultaneously, a bubble of light is released from the origin and moves away from the origin at the speed of light.

Part of the wave front travels along the same path that the moving observer is on. It speeds on ahead of him in the same horizontal direction to the right. Both observers see that same wave front. Both observers measure the speed of that wave front with respect to themselves. They both measure the speed of it as C.

For the stationary observer, the speed of the light presents no surprise. However, for the moving observer, it is expected that the speed of light will measure less than C by the velocity of the observer. That does not happen. Regardless of the magnitude of v, the moving observer measures the speed of light moving ahead of him as traveling at the speed C.

There is a mathematical step coming up that I haven't seen in a long time, but, it bothered me as being mathematically unwarranted from the first time I saw it done. In the early part of the derivation of the Lorentz transforms, the observers write their equations for their measurement of the speed of light. The distance between themselves and the leading edge of the light is simply the application of the Pythagorean theorem. That measurement is divided by time t1 for the stationary observer and t2 for the moving observer.

This is not the problem that I mentioned and will be getting to next. However, this part assumes that time may be different for each observer. This assumption is leading the solution toward time-dilation. We don't have that solution yet, but by providing for its possibility in the mathematics makes the mathematics 'look' for it. In other words, whether it is correct or not, if there is a mathematical way of expressing it using what is in the setup of the equations, it can be expected to appear as part of the result.

Now for the problem I have been leading up to. There are two equations for the measured speed of light from the perspective of each observer. The expressions consist of the distance written in the form of the Pythagorean theorem divided by the time. Time t1 for the fixed observer, and, time t2 for the moving observer. They both measure the speed of light as C, so the distance divided by the time is set equal to C. Nothing wrong there yet. Measured velocity equals C. This can be written as Measured velocity -C equals zero. We have measured velocity 1 minus C equals zero. We also have measured velocity 2 minus C equals zero.

The problem is the very next step. We have two equations set equal to zero. Since zero equals zero, the two equations are set equal to each other. The problem has appeared. Any equation can be written with everything on the left side and zero on the right side of the equals sign. Any two equations can be set equal to one another in this manner. There is nothing about this practice that seems justified. I can write any number of nonsensical equations by writing them so that they are equal to zero and then setting them equal to any other equation prepared in the same way.

I mentioned earlier about putting the assumption that there could be two different rates of clock time into the equations gives direction to the mathematics that if it is possible for a solution to include two rates of time, to find that solution. Here in the problem just explained. setting two equations equal to one another just because they are written as both being equal to zero, appears to again give direction to the mathematics to find, if possible, an expected or anticipated solution. I see the mathematics being manipulated to head toward a particular kind of solution.

It could be that the solution will be the one that does best fit with physical reality. I don't see it that way because one of the solutions is that there are different rates of time simultaneously. I find no direct empirical evidence to support the solution called time-dilation. It may be that the speed of light varies, which seems far more physically reasonable to me. Many relativity type of effects can be accounted for by a remote perspective of a varying the speed of light instead a varying speed of time for each observer. There is a challenge in trying a new method of solution. This mainstream simple example used to achieve the Lorentz transforms is appears to physicists as a reasonable problem to solve.

It needs to be shown that an undirected solution, as opposed to the mainstream solution which gives some appearance of having been mathematically directed toward a solution, doesn't present us with a varying speed of light, then there is a conflict with the idea that the speed of light varies.

A derivation of the Lorentz transforms is at this link:

The equation that I spoke about where two separate equations were set to zero and then set equal to each other is the first equation on the equation line D3.

Getting back to the simple problem that is being solved. Going any further with the mainstream mathematics is not really worth it. There are several mathematical steps that need to be done. And, there is a lot of explaining the needs to be done. However, the Lorentz transforms are the solutions to that problem and, physicists have been using them for a hundred years, and like them. So the list of the Lorentz transforms is really all that most users need to know. Here is an introductory video about Special Relativity, using easy math:

With regard to maybe there being an alternative solution to the mainstream example problem; one can just use normal length and normal time keeping and the solution is that they will measure the speed of light to be different. Maybe the speed of light does vary, but it doesn't vary in that way. It is the case that all observers will measure the speed of light to be C when measured locally. Measured locally means that the equipment used to measure the speed of light experiences the same environment conditions as does the light who's speed is being measured. So, it looks like I need to consider a possible third solution.

I am looking to generate a better example problem that, after setting up the initial conditions, the mathematics will provide its own non-directed solution. I will include a few more paragraphs for the purpose of showing you what my thoughts are.

Here is a different problem: There are again two observers. They are in different environments. For observer #1 there is a beam of light coming toward him and beginning to pass him. Observer two is experiencing the same problem but is not located with observer #1. The environmental conditions are such that the light passing by observer #! is moving faster than the light beam that is passing by observer #2.

Each observer sees the beam passing by them and the beam passing by the other observer. The beams are traveling horizontally in the same direction. Observer #1 is located high above observer #2. Observer #1 measure the speed of the light passing by him and finds that it is traveling at the speed of C. Observer #2 does the same and finds that the speed of the light passing by him is C.

Observer #1 looks at the light passing by observer #2 and finds that its speed is substantially less than C. Observer #2 looks at the light .passing by observer #1 and finds that its speed is greater than C. Each observer used their own meter stick and clock located next to them. They don't see anything out of the ordinary when they measure the speed of the light passing by themselves. However, they measure each other's speed of light very differently. This finding does tell us something important. Their meter sticks for sure are not the same length. The difference in the lengths of their meter sticks should be enough to account for the differences in measurements of their own passing light and that of the other observer.

However, there is something about their two environments which changed the length of their meter sticks. Does it also affect the speed of light or perhaps the rates that their clocks tick at? The meter sticks don't answer that question. They may vary linearly or maybe not. What we do know is that the Lorentz transforms have been working and they are not linear. This example problem may have different solutions from the Lorentz transforms, but the results must be nonlinear and probably will look analogous to the Lorentz transforms.

Returning to the questionable mathematics of the 'derivation' of the Lorentz Transforms. I think that the two odd looking mathematical steps are unwarranted but they are both necessary because they are what lead to the time-dilation equation. It is a forced result. The inclusion, in the set up of the original math conditions, of a term that prepares the way for time to be transformed will not result in time dilation if the mathematics that follows is completed with normal mathematical steps.

Normal mathematical steps would not include the process of setting up the two equations where everything is moved to the left side of the equals sign resulting in each equation being set equal to zero. Then the illogical looking step of setting the two equations equal to one another simply because zero equals zero saves the derivation so that time dilation can appear in the results.

A normal mathematical step would have divided both equations by C with Ct in each denominator. Both equations would have been equal to one. Setting them equal to each other would have been a natural mathematical step. However. Ct would have been in the denominators of both equations. By moving all terms to one side of each equation and setting them equal to zero and then equal to one another, the product of speed of light C and t was not in the denominators by rather appears as a subtracted term in both numerators. This is obviously a cheat step that was necessary for the solution to include time dilation.

End of excerpt.



It truly has been a pleasure. Rather than attempt to answer your last remarks in a comment, let me point you to a recent essay that tackles some of these issues.

The Nature of Mind

It won community voting but was knocked down to 2nd because of a timing issue at close of voting.

I hope it answers a few more questions.

Edwin Eugene Klingman

Hello Edwin...

I consider GEOMETRY, as a discrete language of graphic primitives, to be the most descriptive and universal language branch of maths, and I greatly enjoyed your utilization of graphic primitives...i.e. cartoons... to expose imprecise mental constructs that are constraining perceptions of Reality.

Obviously "relative" to the train station observer, the combined railcar speed @ .9c and the kiddie car speed @ .9c exceeds the maximum speed of light as c, but glass railcar walls do not facilitate our ability to know whether a system internal, "self aware" entity can perceive speed in excess of c?

I recently read Stephen Wolfram's "Finally we may have a path to the fundamental theory of physics and its beautiful", and in Feynman tradition he skillfully employs graphic primitives... i.e. causal graph foliation angle of 45 degs.. to explain why an observer can not go "faster than light", but as you demonstrate in your analysis of professor Susskind's? graphic presentation of "relativity, geometries that are inconsistent with reality can be convincing.

To say, as Stephen does, "to make our observer go "faster than light", we can see that can't work" is not the same as to conclude that a physical entity cannot be made to travel in excess of c, with respect to an observer... i.e. one can NOT know whether the kiddie car @ .1c would disappear from the train station observer's visual perception range.

Stephen's graphic analysis infers an "elementary length" of 10-93 meters, which he makes note, is "very small compared to the Planck length ~10-35 meters that arises essentially from dimensional analysis", and in that Lorentz invariance is only verified down to the scale of the Planck length, the reality sampling rate range of a "self aware" entity is not a verifiable constant.

That is to say that even if perception of a maximum distance/time can be shown by Stephens's graphic presentation, to be "relative" to the sampling rate range of a "self aware" entity, we still can NOT establish a "self aware" entity's visual perception range relative to the speed of light c.

Ontology mandalas have a very long history... i.e. are rumored to have been drawn as sand paintings on cave floors... and I agree with you Edwin, that it is essential that "One must make metaphysical choice commitments to ontology", and deductions derivable from one's ontology must be consistent with Reality.

That being the case, I have for over 20 years based my ontology GEOMETRY on the structural GEOMETRY that emerges from a spatial singularity encapsulating a minimum/indivisible temporal quanta (QT) pulsed Point Source emission, of a directionally unbiased distribution of Space-Time Energy, as minimum/indivisible spatially defined quanta (QE).

REF: Unified Quantization of a Sphere (UQS)

In that Stephen's work provides foundation for a QT, c value much greater than c as currently consistent with Planck's constant, discrete 3D Space, and spatially defined Energy quanta, I am encouraged in my ontological commitment.

I also agree with Stephen that a fundamental rule underlies the ontology of Reality, but analysis of 2D graphs that represent an isolated sample range of 3D Reality is inherently perturbative... i.e. not conducive to investigation of a fundamental rule for 3D Space... and Stephen runs up against age old "something from nothing" model rejection criteria... i.e. "the Universe had input at very beginning".

Historically, one's ontology not only requires a fundamental rule for its spatial GEOMETRY, but also a compatible fundamental rule for emergence of its dynamics.

That being the case, my ontological fundamental EMISSION rule for a QT pulsed, single Point Source QE emission, within a unified minimum/indivisible spatial unit (QI) quantization GEOMETRY, is the requirement for resolve of spontaneous, harmonious QE/QI distribution throughout the entire system on each pulse (QT), by an emerging networked intelligence whose root architecture is the unified unit quantization of the Space, as defined by the UQS spatial singularity... i.e." a consciousness field that is self-aware and capable of interacting with matter".

REF:UQS Directionally Unbiased Point Source QE Emission)

As you have demonstrated, graphic primitives are still interpretive, but animated spatially defined Energy icons... e.g. QE... within a digital CAD environment... i.e. SIMs... can verify interpretations are consistent with Reality, and visually enhance cognitive leaps required for application of fundamental principles.

REF: - Topic: "Modeling Universal Intelligence" by Sue Lingo

or as an .html document "Modeling Universal Intelligence" by Sue Lingo

Yes, 10 years of FQXi open submission essay contests have facilitated exposure to the diversity of individual ontological models, but the field of Reality consistent models seems tp be narrowing...i.e. the search for a fundamental principle is being served.

Thanks Edwin, for your contribution to perceptual clarity... and I a looking forward to reading your "Recent papers [1,2,3] discuss century-old issues associated with the ontological problem".

Sue Lingo

UQS Author/Logician

    Hello Edwin...

    My bad!!

    The text in above comment reads: ... c value much greater than c as currently consistent with Planck's constant...

    It should read: ... a quantum of action much smaller than currently consistent with Planck's quantum of action


      Hello Professor Klingman,

      I thought about your quantum field of consciousness, I have thought a lot also about this consciousness. In the past I considered that this consciousness is an emergent propertt due to evolution of biological Brains but after a deeper analyse I see differently and I consider that all is conscious probably. Because I consider that the main energy beyond this physicality is an infinite eternal consciousness and in my model this energy is transformed in energy and matters from the central cosmological sphere. I consider so like I told you 3 main finite series of 3D coded spheres, one for the space and two others for the fuels , photons and cold dark matter and when they merge they create our topologies, geometries, properties of matters with fields and particles. So I consider that all is made of particles and not fields, but I understand your model probably correlated with the strings and the fields and this 1D main field , or geonetrodynamics. I see just differently considering a kind of gravitational primoridal aether , this space is coded and from this eternal consciousness. We search answers to this universal puzzle, and I beleive that this consciousness is the main source , like main energy. This energy after in being transformed and coded create our physicality, so we can indeed consider that all is conscious at its level of conscious, probably that the number of particles encoded is proportional with the consciousness and the evolution is important also. It is complex to encircle all this, but we try to reach these unknowns. the big difference in my model of spherisation and these 3D coded spheres is about the main essence, I consider particles coded but we can converge at my humble opinion with the fields. The particles for me are more foundamental, the fields are just a resuslts of contact and encodings of these 2 fuels that I have explained made of coded spheres.


        My pleasure, Ed,

        I'm not much for partisan warfare either. And as you say its too complex to cover in an essay or casual exchanges such as this.

        I'll look into your ref:17 but would expect it to balance with the concept in 3D+T of energy condensing to matter within a prescribed full field volume as a function of energy decelerating (negative acceleration) and continuously compounding towards a self gravitational center. Hence; the clock also slows in response to greater energy density. Colloquially one could say that there exists 'more energy in density to transit through' and the clock ticks along at a rate that reflects that increasing density. Mathematically it is very doable, and allows for using earth time as a benchmark for the clock rate.

        There has got to be more than one way to skin Schrodinger's Cat. I'll let you go for now, best as always jrc


        You are exactly correct. The increased energy density has increased equivalent mass density and inertial mass resists acceleration, hence slows down. All clocks are based on counting cycles, and all cycles of harmonic oscillators obey a Hooke's law-like equation. Thus acceleration in an absolute frame adds kinetic energy, hence mass and the clocks slow down. The analysis yields gamma exactly.

        This doesn't work in 4D ontology because the kinetic energy that derives from acceleration of the moving frame from rest (the 'railcar') is reset to zero when it's considered at rest in it's own 'world'. Instead, the time dilation/clock slowing derives from Lorentz transformation.

        It's always a pleasure exchanging thoughts with you. I wish you the best.

        Edwin Eugene Klingman


        I am so glad that our theories are converging in a fashion. I'm also glad that physicists are now beginning to consider consciousness; it wasn't cool to discuss this topic only a decade ago. And I notice that even your English is improving!

        Take good care of yourself and stay healthy

        Edwin Eugene Klingman

        Hello Sue,

        I have just read your essay and enjoyed it immensely. I not sure whether the computer-naive will appreciate your poetic analysis [think GW in your last essay] but I am computer competent and I loved it. I almost saw a Data General 1600 or Hewlett-Packard 2100 in front of me as you booted the hardware and the system experienced spatial differentiation over time with "address-mapped switch configuration...with which to query the entity's experience" [which showed up in lights].

        Of course the "continual pulsing" is conventional, and not necessary; just an efficient way to design. But your "entity that experiences differential/transformation over time" is applicable to the consciousness field-based model of absolute intelligence.

        In my terminology awareness is fundamental to consciousness, but intelligence is obtained by adding logic circuitry.

        I'm sure you see that your model of intelligence applies directly to my model of the brain in the consciousness field. The awareness comes from the field and the intelligence comes from the axon/synaptic logic circuitry.

        I suspect that a key difference is that the self-interaction of the distributed continuous but inhomogeneous consciousness field replaces an equivalent "addressable spatial occupancy map, within which to query the entity's experience."

        In short, I believe that by abstracting conventional computing at a very high level you have captured the essentials for understanding the intelligence aspect of the consciousness field model of the brain, something that most models of 'brain as computer' fail to do. Congratulations!

        As for my interpretation of some items in your comment:

        I haven't thought enough about Planck length to have an opinion about Stephen's much smaller length. I have come to believe that gravity is the substrate that the universe is made of/from. Einstein said that 'there is no space absent field', and I think that he considered the gravitational field to fill space. It serves as the local ether through which light flows as a disturbance in the field, pretty much the way Hertz thought of it. After last year's detection of colliding neutron stars we know that both light and gravity waves travel at the speed of light, c.

        Instead of space and time being 'mixed' by Lorentz, I associate the gamma as the inertial factor, increasing rest mass by the kinetic energy of motion through the local gravity. The heavier the inertial mass, the harder it is to accelerate, and the limit is imposed for mass with v less than c.

        I too consider geometry as fundamental and believe that the brain's interaction with the field as described produces 3D geometric shapes in the physical brain that mirror the shapes we see around us. Once these shapes are learned through eyesight, we should be able to recall them and play with them at will.

        With warmest regards,

        Edwin Eugene Klingman

        Thanks Professor Klingman,

        The convergences are important at my humble opinion. I understand about this consciousness that in the past it was not easy to discuss about this. Probably that the modern theoretical physics are more open to discuss about it. It is the same with the main origin of this universe, I know that the sciences Community is divided , a part considers that we come from nothing or by a kind of accident from an heat energy , the others consider a kind of creator with oscillations or fields like the strings theorists, or me and my particles 3D spheres coded , but we must recognise that we cannot affirm in fact, we have limitations, philosophical, mathematical, physical, we can just imagine, have intuitions. It is beyond our simple human understanding. But the universe and what we know actually can show us the roads, I see spheres everywhere lol, for me it is the choice of this universe , they seem foundamental, why I don t know really , but when I see the nature, we see them, the spheres, spheroids, ellipsoids....I consider in my model the deformations also important for these quantum 3D spheres, like an intrinsic Ricci flow in function of codes in these series, the other Tools that I utilise to formalise these 3D spheres are the Hamilton Ricci flow, the topological and euclidian spaces, the lie derivatives, lie groups, lie algebras, the Clifford algebras ,the poincare conjecture is not easy this formalisation but I evolve each Days. I have invented an assymetric Ricci flow also to explain the unique things , maybe in the smaller spherical volumes of these primordial finite series having the same number finite than our cosmological finite serie of Spheres. This number is important and the space disappears when we apply a decreasing of volumes and increasing of number from the central biggest sphere. I beleive strongly that this universe generally is simple, the details complex but simple in the generality.

        A thing important for me even if this sciences Community is divided is that the best past thinkers considered a kind of creator, like Einstein who thought in a god of spinoza, I see a Little bit like that in respecting this determinism, we can have faith and respect the pure determinism of our reality. Here is the list of these thinkers who considered a kind of conscious infinite creator, Einstein who said that God does not play at Dices, Planck, Tesla, Newton, Heisenberg, Maxwell,Galilei, Lie, Godel, Cantor, Rieman, Poincare, Lorentz, Fermi and so more , it seems that when we study the generality of sciences and search answers in philosophy and sciences , this truth that we cannot define appears like evident, we need something to code, transform this Energy. I respect the thinkers who don t consider this but I beleive that without this parameter, infinite potential, it is more difficult to encircle these transformations matters energy.

        ps lol thanks for my English, I don t learn it but I have improved it with the time in Reading and translating , I must imporve my grammar, so I will buy a book.



        One imagines that, if the primordial field is gravity, and if the density of our entire universe were concentrated in a Planck volume, that the field would explode outward with motion whose positive kinetic energy would equal and balance the negative potential of the gravitational field, what Feynman calls "the free-lunch model", so that the universe comes from zero total energy. I find that a very fruitful model to derive today's world from. Of course one must appeal to God to create that event, but I have no problem with that.


        Edwin Eugene Klingman

        Dear James,

        I should have been more specific. Instead of saying

        'There is no problem with the math of the Lorentz transformation..."

        I should have said:

        'There is no problem applying the Lorentz transformation..."

        Like you, I am generally unhappy with the derivations of Lorentz, which is absolutely necessary for special relativity. Because I cannot put graphics in a comment, I invite you to look at page 9 of

        []Everything's Relative, or is it?[/link]

        There I have reproduced a flow graph of Lucas and Hodgson showing up to 30 derivations of Lorentz, all of which have some problem in my mind.

        Since I pick on Susskind a lot, I will quote his derivation of Lorentz, particularly his statement about

        "the requirement that the speed of light is the same in your frame and my frame.."

        followed by

        "Whatever the relationship between the two frames of reference, it must be symmetrical."

        Both of these statements are wrong from a physical perspective (although of course they match Einstein's assumptions). They are geometry-based and ignore gravity.

        You say (4th paragraph of excerpt)

        "Both observers see that same wavefront (and measure it with respect to themselves). They both measure it as C."

        I disagree with this. Einstein says it is true because he had to do so to make things 'work'. But first, one cannot measure the one-way speed of light, period. Second, if one assumes a local ether as the gravity through which light propagates [as I do], then the moving observer (would) see C-v as the speed (if it could be measured). Even Einstein says so in his Relativity in 1952 in his analysis of his [faulty] simultaneity detector.

        So I disagree with your 5th paragraph: "Regardless of the magnitude of the v, the moving observer measures (the speed of light) as C."

        There is a way to test this. Einstein clearly states an observer can never measure his speed from within his frame. In the same reference I linked to above, on pages 41,42,43 I have designed a 'velocity detector' that makes a different prediction from relativity, based on my energy-time theory versus Einstein's space-time symmetry theory of relativity. So it's possible to see who's right. Sadly there is very little interest in experiments that could prove Einstein wrong.

        As for time dilation -- in Einstein's unphysical theory, it follows from application of Lorentz. In my energy-time theory it follows from the increase in inertial mass [shown in your eqn(27)] of kinetic energy, so that the moving inertial mass resists acceleration of the restoring force that all clocks (based on harmonic oscillators) have, and the clock slows down.

        I hope my response makes sense to you. I appreciate the effort you put into clarifying things.

        Your friend,

        Edwin Eugene Klingman

        Dear Edwin,

        Thank you for evaluating what I wrote about the derivation of the Lorentz transforms. I was rereading my message about an hour ago. That excerpt was from a ma reply I wrote to someone who requested my view. I think what i wrote should be rewritten for future use; however, what amazes me most is how very often when rereading my posts, I see obvious typos and worse. I do write a lot and am very active on the Internet; but that is not an excuse. Sloppy work weakens the communication. I apologize for posting that message without first proofreading it.

        In appreciation,


        P.S. I was Jim until I joined the Internet in 2001. I used my formal name James. Reading James felt odd, even maybe uncomfortable. However, 19 years have passed and I have comfortably become James. Now Jim seems odd to me.

        When we met near Castle Rock you were still Jim, but it's easier to do searches if we use only one name online. Ed

        Edwin Eugene Klingman

        Dear Ed,

        I see typos in my message here. I think that I am paying a price for not wearing reading glasses. Clearly I need to. Thanks again. I will read some of these other essays for a while with reading glasses on.



        It is exactly what I beleive about the origin of this universe and a kind of deeper logic Before this BB and inflation, this infinite eternal conscious , this energy that we cannot define has concentrated in a sphere , the central cosnological sphere and after transform and codes this energy in matters energy and create motions, oscillations and so create this universe in expansion in distributing the particles coded. That continues fruthermore, this conscious energy continues to code and transform this energy beyond our understanding and create still codes , informations, particles, the evolution seems important, what I find relevant also is that this conscious energy is everywhere but transformed in this central cosmologicsl sphere in my model. It is intriguing philosophically speaking. This balance seems essential, the entropy negentrypo, heat cold, photons cold dark matter, matter anti matter, order disorder, electromagnetism gravitation, we need a balance for the emergences of our reality. The zero total energy can be this balance with heat also and we can see it at zero just due to a difference with the heat and cold and so coming from this energy of consciousness. I asked me a simple philosophical questions, if this thing exists, a kind of God, why it has created this universe ? maybe simply this eternal infinite consciousness was alone and that we create a thing in improvement, the potential is infinite and it gives us an incredible hope considering this Project....It is also the meaning of my theory of spherisation, the optimisation evolution of the universal sphere or future sphere, we are inside a physicality still Young and in improvement...


        Dear Edwin Eugene Klingman!

        Thank you for answer. I read your essay and references. I found only the same cause of the problem, which has been creating paradoxes and conundrums for 100 years, i.e., presumption that Lorenz length contraction, time dilatation etc is real.

        You wrote: "I believe your paper confuses the Doppler 'apparent length contraction' with Lorentz length contraction."

        Answer: Nothing is confused. The Lorenz length contraction, time dilatation etc is apparent. Lorenz transformations are correct and work well. They make it possible to calculate the real value from the measured apparent value or predict the result of measurement at high velocities.

        You wrote: "They are paradoxes because the equations are simple, but the ontology is unrealistic."

        I agree - the ontology is unrealistic if it is assumed that the measured or observed values are not apparent but real.

        Good luck in contest

        IlgaitisAttachment #1: Time_Dilatation_Real_or_Apparent.pdf

        Der Edwin Eugene,

        You wrote an enjoying, interesting and provocative Essay, despite my ideas on special relativity are different from your ones. To understand this point, it could be useful stressing that I did not like the answer that Susskind gave to your question about the meaning of "seen from the stationary frame". In my opinion, the key point is that the law of velocity addition permits to write a SOLE Lorentz transformation between the stationary frame and the frame of the "kiddie car". In other words, the final velocity obtained through the law of velocity addition "makes glass walls" the walls of the train. Thus, now the observer in the stationary frame needs no more to see the "kiddie car" through the eyes of x'. Instead, in physical language, the observer in the stationary frame sees the "kiddie car" through its proper eyes by using the final velocity obtained through the law of velocity addition in a SOLE Lorentz transformation.

        In any case, I enjoyed in reading your Essay. Thus, I will give you a high score. Good luck in the Contest.

        Cheers, Ch.