Hello E.E. Klingman,
The 2009 FQXi essay contest topic was "What's Ultimately Possible in Physics".
Your entry "Fundamental Physics of Consciousness".
In your abstract you state, "Because every physical theory assumes "something", that basic assumption will determine what is ultimately possible in that physics. The assumed "thing" itself will likely be unexplained. This essay will assume one thing......"
You then give a really good exploration of where you think that one thing assumed will lead and in the end prove out the second sentence of your abstract with these two concluding sentences of your essay:
"What is ultimately impossible in physics is to explain gravity and consciousness the essence of G and C (self-attraction, self-awareness, and the ability to act) will forever remain mysterious. This defines the ultimate possibility of physics.
You are correct, starting with "something" will always result in an unknown "something" resulting in the creation of more "somethings" to explain previous "somethings".
In this present 2020 contest your essay, "Deciding on the Nature of Time and Space" is very closely related to your 2009 one.
On page 9, you conclude, "In summary.......but no one has provided any explanation of how we are aware of 3D shapes in 3D space at arbitrary and mixed scales."
Both essays deal with no-things, gravity, consciousness, time, and space are all no-things, nothings, yet we know gravity and consciousness affect "things" and that effect we understand through our intuitive, "framework" of space and time, admitting space with or without things is no-thing and time with or without events is no-thing. Thus are Something and Nothing closely and intimately related as the ultimate opposites. But what is the relation between them?
The relation between them is what is created when you join them. MOTION.
Without motion there is no relationship at all between space and time in fact there can be no space and time because their existence is only realized in their unity in motion. And we KNOW MOTION EXISTS because we experience it as the unity of space and time according to the formula V=S/T.
Thus the unity of space and time in motion makes all 3 defined separately by their relationship to the other 2.
So that gravity is a motion in space, consciousness is a motion in time.
The space aspect of motion condenses by gravity into matter and the time aspect evolves condenses into consciousness the inward directing force within the matter itself. Because we only can focus on one aspect at a time one remains constant and the other variable.
In a universe where all is motion the 3 dimensions are created by the motion of our self-conscious awareness in this manner. A line is a motion, a movement in a direction not contained in the point. A surface is a movement in a direction not contained within the line and a solid is a movement of the surface in a direction not contained within itself to create the solid.
Consider the formula E=mc2. The only "thing" known in this equation is c and it has nothing to do with light, for c represents the speed of light, a motion and that is the common denominator between energy and mass and the reason each can be converted into the other for both are made up of motion. Mass is condensed motion and energy is that same motion expanded.
Comments appreciated,
Gerry Klein