Essay Abstract

Substrate-targeted programing (STP) is a programming paradigm that consists of programming languages, frameworks, and methodologies where the programs are compiled into objects of a specific substrate. The compiled objects - which are not machine code objects of a conventional computer - may have uncomputable features that are outside the standard Turing machine model.

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Philip Thrift writes on programming theory at his blog,

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Dear Philip Thrift,

I see you've been hit by a 1 and 2 score by some who do this to new arrivals. I'll bring you as high as I can and think you'll rise as more read your essay.

"The material semantics of a program derives from the properties of the material substrate of its execution."

I've done quite a bit of FPGA design, but had not come across the substrate oriented programming you discuss here. It is quite fascinating.

I also find the following fascinating: "In addition to conventional and physical semantics, some might expect (assuming an experiential nature of matter. This (A panpsychist theory posits "psychical" states in matter in addition to the physical - like charge, mass, ... - ones:)"

I believe that you might enjoy my essay where I treat essentially these same ideas from a slightly different perspective. Deciding on the nature of time and space.

I would be very interested in any comments you might have.

Edwin Eugene Klingman

    Thank you very much for the nice and informative comments.

    I will ready your essay this weekend.

    Philip Thrift (@philipthrift · Twitter)

    5 days later

    Dear Philip,

    You are conducting a very interesting and important line of research, taking into account the current information revolution and the crisis of understanding in the philosophical basis of fundamental science, including the problem of the nature of information and its place in the scientific picture of the world.

    You write:

    «Physical semantics would define the semantics of certain types of unconventional programs (like bioprograms of synthetic biology) in terms of their physical, chemical, and biological properties. In addition to conventional [8] and physical semantics, some might expect (assuming an experiential nature of matter. This (A panpsychist theory posits "psychical" states in matter in addition to the physical - like charge, mass, ... - ones:)»

    If you recall the famous words of A. Einstein "God doesn't play dice with the Universe", have you ever tried to solve the code by which God created the Universe from matter, taking into account your philosophical and professional views and approaches?

    Second question: in my picture of the world, the category-noumenon "ontological (cosmic, structural) memory" occupies a central place, is its semantic core. And in your picture of the world-what is the main category?

    Third question: What is your attitude to "ternary" and analog computers?




      Thank you for your comment and questions.

      I will have to think some more about these issues, but as Galen Strawson writes here, "matter is a mystery":

      Perhaps in addition of the canonical fields of matter

      there is a psychical (consciousnessics) field.

      Analog and quantum computers also make us of "unconventional" technology and so should be part of the mix as well.

      Philip Thrift

      (@philipthrift · Twitter)

      and what is in that picture , a bacteria with metalic gears ? metals i believe have antimicrobials effects.

      The photo is

      rom MaxSynBio - Max Planck research network in Synthetic Biology

      more at

      I would prefer consciousness-realist materialist to panpsychist.

      @philipthrift (Twitter)

      shortly after posting the comment i remembered something long forgotten . why i got interested in to the quantum mechanics i wanted to redo an experiment of this person - Dean Radin - - he said back then, that he has evidence for people anticipating the future in small amount, the video is not down even today.. ( i mean talks at google -12 years ago ))

      6 days later

      Dear Philip,

      Thank you very much for your clarifying answer and good links. I score high marks on your important ideas.

      I invite you to also see my ideas .



      7 days later
      • [deleted]

      Dear Philip Thrift!

      We carefully read and discussed everything. There is something to think about. The scientific perspective is visible. We evaluate your essay as much as possible - 10 points! Your ideas are very close to us! We are implementing a startup project on the development of fundamental ontology for the integration of different ontologies of subject areas. We are creating a digital platform for this integration. Perhaps we can even establish mutually beneficial cooperation with you.

      Truly yours,

      Pavel Poluian and Dmitry Lichargin,

      Siberian Federal University.

      Dear Philip Thrift!

      We carefully read and discussed everything. There is something to think about. The scientific perspective is visible. We evaluate your essay as much as possible - 10 points! Your ideas are very close to us! We are implementing a startup project on the development of fundamental ontology for the integration of different ontologies of subject areas. We are creating a digital platform for this integration. Perhaps we can even establish mutually beneficial cooperation with you.

      Truly yours,

      Pavel Poluian and Dmitry Lichargin,

      Siberian Federal University.

      3 years later
      question: this webpage contains  alphabetic * names ? 
      answeremphasis: two names are missing := uana florean cosma, flaminia crisu manea felicia maria

      a person/student might not like his own name, or if the name doesn't have enough scientific resonance, for the teachers that are interacting , this brings selection bias , the same layers are being named in the above mentioned article

      o solution might be use visual ideograms, avatars/ aliases, or change name use (earn evaluation) nicknames often (or use lots of names)
      not to get stucked in the same traits /abilities/ to develop and evolve through many interactions

      science is not waiting to be picked up, there must be an unsettling active search


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