you are simply weak and afraid for me in conclusion, you are scared to death my friend , it is the same problem that leads to bullying

it is well what I thought, you are scared to death , you fear and you are parano simply

yes you are unfortunally , but you can give your scaredness to god lol and take his big trust and LOVE and live peacefully here on Earth.

People need guns to defend themselves from bullies.

Dear all,

This thread has veered heavily off-topic, and included apparent implications of proposed genocide. As such I am issuing a single warning: Interact with one another without resorting to insult, insinuation of repressive manipulation or bullying. The alternative is that I will directly enforce the terms and conditions of use of the FQXi forums.

I do not have the time nor the patience to police this kind of debate, nor will I adjudicate any squabbles here. I reiterate that this is the only warning you will get.

Direct replies to this post will be deleted. Interact with respect or not at all.

Mr Sloan, you are right, all is deleted, this forum is not for this kind of discussion, regards, thanks also for this professionalism , friendly

We must respect the rules and what tell us Mr Sloan, we have exagerated between us Jason, I wish you all the best, even if we disagree I like you really, friendly

Hi Steve,

My position hasn't changed. I still hold those two basic principles of respecting freedom, rights, and also allowing people the freedom to pursue wealth through Capitalism.

Any drama that may have occurred is merely an indication that my position is firm.


:) I accept your choice and I am tolerant, I prefer that we discuss about global solutions and not about politics and religions , so could you tell me if you have interesting solutions to improve this planet , all can be analysed, the economy, the ecology, the technology, the system of education, .... the most important is the general system and specially new and innovative ideas, regards

The tolerant solutions are all about allowing people their religious and political freedoms. These same lessons have been playing out for thousands of years.

I can understand but please let s develop concrete solutions for the globality if you have solutions rational , regards

17 Goals to Transform Our World

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries - poor, rich and middle-income - to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

Can these different areas be discussed?Attachment #1: Screenshot_2020-08-26_The_Sustainable_Development_Goals_Our_Framework_for_COVID-19_Recovery.png

    Thanks Ulla it is very relevant these 17 goals of program of the UN , the sustainability is so important.

    Hi Ulla,

    I'm stuck on the first one "no poverty". I mean, what if someone doesn't want to work? Are you going to just give that money, food and a place to live? Who is going to pay for it?

    Ulla presented a list that said to end poverty. But I just want to know how you will deal with people who just don't want to work.

    No Jason, in my no poverty model you do not have an unconditional right to a base income. Although the base income is used as a benchmark as a mathematical function of half the GNP of a country / or say a US state. You find the base income via a formula taking that 100% of the population play along.

    If you chose to be poor you are not poor, or maybe mentally ill. Those are exceptions, so let's first focus on the main rules.

    My model of the brain shows that there are four speeds of brain that can in an easy exact scientific way be discerned and validated on a video as proof. Anyone can learn to spot this and thus trust this but only a few actually need to be good at that. These are the minority with clear resounding voices. The 10% fastest thinkers only get the highest grant when they become voluntary civil servants and as long as they behave themselves.

    The same goes for the 10% slowest thinkers. Yet they get an even so many quanta less that the fastest thinkers, under the same conditions.

    You only behave yourself when you get your diploma and keep in training on the jobs where the block model also shows your talents lie. As long as everything stays within a normal distributed exceptions there will be no need to find out what's wrong and intervene. It is in everybody's interest that say a neurologist comes from the 10% fastest thinkers and you buy the guy via this grant to go study and keep in training the rest of his working life. After 72 you slow down yet keep active.

    Half the grant has a claw back in the form of insurances and the like that is democratically in the 50% 1 vote system decided. Say you most buy in on press of your choosing minimum say $ 100,- and maximum $ 400,- of the given grant. You thus buy a free independent press of your choosing. Etc.

    Say that 25% of the press is indeed a voluntary civil servant, yet the community believes that we have too many press. Well then they can be asked via volunteers who wants to become teachers instead.

    Say a voluntary civil servant works for Trump inc. They will only do so when offered more than the grant via a normal contract. Yet it is easy hire and fire and easy quit as long as you serve your contract. For Trump inc. the cost of labor is then for the greater part gone also as a risk. Now having these civil servants does pose the risk that the community doesn't want Trump inc. supported in this way. Well then if Trump doesn't want interference simply pay enough so the employees stay as non-civil servants. In my model an entrepreneur is a money fisher in the pond of money. With this system there is a guaranteed money stream into the pond. You thus will get more millionaires. I.e. a normal distribution of income and wealth. As of natural human physics / robotics.

    Taxing success never hurts. Say Trump has billions of profit. It is in his own egoistic interest that it is pumped back into the pond. Furthermore the trick there is to make a division in private income and capital (to start it off you can of course deal with Donald how much he personally really needs? Does he indeed need a new larger nuclear aircraft carrier with a swimming pool on the flight deck every

    year in order to have the biggest? With the problem of his helicopter landing in the whirlpool? Anyway not money drives Trump per se, yet he kicks on esteem, the glorifying bit. Anyway the block model shows that there is no money gene in our DNA. So limiting the personal wealth will be simple for it provides low esteem via naming and shaming. Even Donald will comply.

    The other part of the trick is that Donald remains the boss over Trump inc. Yet the taxing is done via over profits of more than say 10% return on investment. Yet independent participation firms without say yet total control of books and goings on can insure that Donald behaves himself with in effect then taxpayers money over which he within the firm has the say. This trick in order not to slaughter the hen with the golden eggs as long as it provides sufficient dividend. Free country.

    And it provides Donald with extra financial security. Say his private wealth is at a maximum of $ 24 million per 4 years. And his $ 24 million aircraft carrier sinks. He may if it indeed is an accident and Trump inc. can financially take it, withdraw $ 48 million and pay half of that as taxes and buy a new carrier. Ergo more millionaires, no poor, no war.

    It will require the senate to change into a different sort of representation. That can be done via a test and if that succeeds the current senators will have become senators for life. You add on senators via the same system as we choose judges in the Netherlands. It will become an advisory and no longer law making body of 50% male and 50% female. All according to the block model. It will be in constant senate hearing as R&D. All part timers. That can give advice to anyone yet the senate is indivisible. One senator is no senator. It is a consensus model. The great limited power of advice.

    Then also the legal system in dealing with evidence and proof in law will change. No more plea bargaining and always the choice of trial by judge or jury. Yet even when the jury is chosen the jury needs to be formed in concordance with the block model as do the team of judges. You always have the right to a well-motivated decision even by a jury instead of a simple guilty / not guilty. And always a double fully renewed proceeding ergo twice a jury. And appeal and retrial possibility when errors have been made in concordance with the formula of Bayes. The later a fundamental Law of Everything. Because jury takes longer and you will notice that there will be hardly any difference in the outcome no one will choose the jury.

    Content people don't go to court. Content people don't flee their country. Content people don't make conflicts. At least justly content people don't.

    In this model if you actually indeed do what Jesus would advise you to do, and not do what he advises you not to do, then you will have heaven on earth in your life time. Jesus would advise you to study the block model and Bayes in order to attempt to reach a valid falsification of that.

    The only way that ca succeed is by doing the proposed tests. For it has already been slightly tested and it works. In the most part it is old school and this already tested by humanity many times over.


    How much of this plan can be implemented without doing away with the Bill of Rights? Or in other words, it just sounds like Marxism dressed up like Miss Piggy, with lipstick.

    And when you say "Jesus says to do what I tell you to do", then I'm out.

    You could make this easier by doing what they do in America. Give people a Bill of Rights & Freedoms. Give your citizens gun rights so that the people can share in the power and also have protection from both the government and bands of ruffians. Then, let people pursue prosperity in the form of Capitalism.

    If you want to actually help people feel content, tell them that they are doing good! Not this "Fake Racism" balderdash! Learn to celebrate people's differences! Don't divide people by race, gender and affluence.

    Don't BE GOD! Everyone knows that's fake. Let God be God!

    If you want to really help a civilization develop, figure out how gravitational propulsion works. There are already UFO's flying around. When you scoff at those things, the public already knows you're lying to them. How about actually trying to figure out how they do it.