If you notice this: struggling to fulfil the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation, to name a few.

In a socialist system like we have in Scandinavia these are payed for by all citizens. This is the taxes.

I know that the water-law is different in USA, water belongs to the state. Here water belongs to all to use, with permission from state if it is a polluting or destroying system.

Also Nature belongs to all here. You are free to walk or pick berries, mushrooms etc. everywhere, except in front of houses.

I repect the rules of FQXi and the group, we must stay on topics, no religions, no politics, no personal attacks, we can critic but rationally and respectfully, thanks for your understanding to all participants.


I believe Scandinavia is part of NATO. With all that money you have available in your country, I'm starting to understand why president Donald Trump wants to make sure all of the other members of NATO pay their fair share of the costs.

'what if someone doesn't want to work? Are you going to just give that money, food and a place to live? Who is going to pay for it? '

Here the system is different for foreigners, immigrants and native citizens. In general if you flee your country and ask for a visa here you get all these for free. The socialist party and others in Belgium/Europe also work for this. It can be discussed if it is good to give people in dispair a favour, but this is the system here for now.


GLOBAL ECOLOGY: I beleive that it is a very important point for this earth and the points of equilibrium. We cannot live without these ecosystems and this sciences can be harmonised with consciousness.

These ecosystems have the potential to be utilised correctly, we can respect its foundamentals and improve and increase their interactions. The UN can understand with logic that it is an important piece of puzzle. We can of course depollute globally this planet due to many errors due to humans and societies and enteprises, the soils , the air and the oceans can be washed, that can give jobs.But for this the governments must take their responsabilities with concrete programs.

An other important point if the global improved ecosystem, we can multiplicate the vegetals and naimals and harmonise their interactionslike I told in creating a kind of studied global garden. The vegetal totipotence is essential like their multiplication and growth. A town like New York for example could have a calculated ecosystems mass of animals and vegetals in function of the mass of towns, the walls and streets for example can have animals and vegetals everywhere in harmonised interactions, that can give concrete jobs too and we can utilise their productions.

An other point essential for me in all humility is the composting at big global scale, it exists in a small part of compost many animals, fungis and vegetals and it is the basis of the natural food chain, furthermore they are excellent added to argils and oligo elements, mineral salts and others like perliut, vermiculit ...they permit to create optimised adapted argilo humic complex, the plants grow very well in these substrates. The compost can permit too to restabilise our poluuted soils and they permit also to increase the quality of our vegetals and so our animals eating them.

Our oceans too are essential , they must be depolluted and improved in the same reasoning in respecying their dynamics. The production of foods for our soils and oceans can reach points of equilibrium. We must be conscious that for us and the future generation these ecosystems are foundamentals, we cannot live without them, and even if we create systems in space in orbit like these wheels, we need them also. The O2 and H2O are so important that we must respect them like our soils and the air , it seems not possible to live without them , it is logic.

All this to tell that the UN for me must make a priority also about the ecosystems and their harmonisations , and the fact that they can create jobs for sustainable roads also is essential.

The nature around and its potential is unified with us, we are part of it, and we can utilise the sciences correctly.

    Finland does not belong to NATO, and this is not a question about poverty either. Start a new thread. Be polite. Thanks.


    How your homeland spends its excess income is entirely the decision of the voters. If socialism works in Findland, that's great! Capitalism works in America. Universal solutions don't work.


    I'm still waiting for the ocean level to rise hundreds of feet with the melting of the polar caps caused by excess CO2. Sorry to say this, but I think it's all fear mongering and political espionage. According to maps, the north pole melts every 500 years or so.

    capitalism and socialism harmonised work in Finland because they have understood that both are important, they take care of all their humans simply, it is simple in fact, it is always a balance the most important,

    Goal 8 reads: Sustained and inclusive economic growth can drive progress, create decent jobs for all and improve living standards.

    COVID-19 has disrupted billions of lives and endangered the global economy. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects a global recession as bad as or worse than in 2009. As job losses escalate, the International Labor Organization estimates that nearly half of the global workforce is at risk of losing their livelihoods.....

    This is also what we do in Scandinavia. We need a growth to be able to take care of the poor education, health, police etc. The system is built on growth.

    Here you can read about Lean economy, built on a system with a small growth, or a more balanced system. Is it vulnerable or stable?


    it is an other problem the climate and and others, there it is the adaptation and concrete calculations of adaptation the most important, the governments must prevent

    we are numerous now on earth and some places are more difficult than others , all is a question of good governances it seems to me for these adaptations and preventions if problems arrive, regards


    Opportunity zones work by giving people and corporations a series of capital gains tax breaks for investing in opportunity funds, which then invest in zones, and holding those investments over time.

    Seems they are not proved to work. But this is clearly a try of Trump to go in a more social direction. Odd that he had to sabotage Obamas try to get a free healthcare then.

    Here low-income people also get support from the community. We have funds for stimulations of sustainable living etc. Taxes are graded.

    This sounds a bit hazardous: tax breaks for investing in opportunity funds...

    In Sweden they have a very bad experience of such funds. Many lost their retirement money.



    I definitely support president Trump's idea of helping businesses with multipliers to their own efforts. Instead of just giving people free money like socialists do, you make their efforts more effective.

    Capitalism gets people to invest in their own community. Giving away free money makes people dependent on the government.


    I offer for your consideration...

    In order to weather the current and coming storms; we must move from gut reactions to heart reflections and from feeding the energy of fear to sharing the energy of love. This is not easy in the modern age. But it is what's required to evolve from an adolescent to an adult mentality.

    I have recently published a collection of Octonion Poetry that offers a roadmap for how to move the mood of humanity from one of competition toward global cooperation and collaboration to solve the world's problems. That document is attached in preprint form for this discussion.


    JonathanAttachment #1: UnityOnenessNumbers-OctonionPoetry.pdf

      Guess how much faith I have in governments and the science community that tell me we have to shut the economy down to resolve global warming? I'll give you a hint. I'm glad president Trump pulled us out of the Paris accords.

      Let me know if you come with solutions that are not trying hurt the United States.

      Jason, the aim is to find solutions where all wins and where we hurt nobody, we must also consider the different cultures and ideologies and find the best adaptations, the sciences and the consciousness can do it, the UN have 17 interesting goals, and they can be improved in adding concrete ideas where the win win is a reality, in fact we must hurt nobody simply, the USA , india, china, europa have a big responsability , there are many countries, not only one.

      Countries that have a national heritage should be encouraged to express their nationalist instincts.

      Everyone should be encouraged to discover their own personal mission, goal or role in this world; and to fulfill that goal to the best of their ability.

      Differences in beliefs should be settled with debates, arguments.

      Every human has certain inalienable rights to include the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

      Governments are in a position to make deals with hospitals, doctors and pharmaceutical companies in a way that will lower health care costs without creating an unfair burden upon these same institutions.

      People have the right to self defense. If that means owning firearms, then let them be encouraged to train properly.

      Keep taxes low.

      Let people start businesses. Let those businesses be protected by proper law enforcement and court systems.

      the problem is more complex, of course we must adapt us in respecting the heritages of all countries, we are on a planet with many differences, and the extreme nationalsim is not good forme, the leaders must be responsible, we tend to wards a global unification in creating a kind of global village harmonised. The fund become essential to create enterprises and weneed indeed to create jobs and wealth, but we know also that many are not real universalists and that sonme enterpises imply problems, but it is an other story. The law enforcement court systems also must be neutral and universal, we know that all court systems are not always universal unfortunally, we return so at the good governances and responsible powers, without this , we cannot reach the points of equilibrium. It is really the universal improvement the most important for me in all centers of interest and spheres of activity. The freedom is foundamental but we know also that the human nature and unconsciousness also are paramters real unfortunally. The problem is complex Jason, not so simple in fact. The models of each countries are in function of their heritages but no model is perfect due to this human naturem that is why I insist on these responsible governances. It could be well to take all the best laws and systems of each countries and discuss and harmonise the laws of each countries also.

      Hi Jonathan, thanks for sharing your beautiful paper about these octonions, I like these lie algebras also, I consider them in my model, I just consider finite series of 3D spheres instead of strings or points but that can converge because they oscillate also these 3D spheres, the hopf fibrations on surfaces can be relevant, mainly in my theory to rank the quasi particles, thanks still, take care, friendly