an other idea to improve systems is about the NGOs, we know that it exists many NGOs helping on ground , they work for a better world, it exists a little bit of all , they permit to decrease the sufferings and they take into account the priorities, there are doctors, nurses, faith people, and they try to improve what they can improve in helping. My idea is simple, we can create a kind of international center to make synergies and interactions between these NGOs, for example is one has too much food , and that an other needs food, so we help to distribute it , the same for the meds or others, it will permit to improve the NGOs working for a better world.

24 days later

Hi all, I am occupied here in finland in creating several projects like a nursery for plants in biological organic culture, and I work about the publications of my theory , but I will not stop this young project of global collaboration to convice the UN with concrete global solutions where all wins, I know that all you are occupied in your life also , but we must try to solve, the fact to work in skilling team and with the MIT can make the difference to convice. We need also authorities and a system professional, I cannot do all myself, the complementarity and cooperation are essential, best regards

20 days later

I insist on the fact that we must prevent the future with a new revolutionary industrialisation. It is a foundamental due to several parameters. I see only one global solution , the industrialisation of our solar system with rationalism and wisdom. We can of course colonize Mars but due to a different gravitation we cannot live at long tern for the lifes , so the best is to create artificial gravitation mimating our gravitation g on earth and the only one solution is to create wheels in orbits and the rotation will imply this g . This solution is foundamental to create jobs correctly , all governments can participate. These projects are enormous, we know I repeat that the AI arrives and many are going to loose their jobs, so we must find solutions actual and for the future generations. How can we arrive at points of equilibrium without this ? it seems not possible. The UN must be logic and take its responsabilities, I ask me if they are skillings in fact ? the planet must be reasured , for this they must find the roads of adaptation with this world bank and the governments, we must give water, food, energy, jobs, hope to majority , if we don t make this it will be the chaos soon you know. How is it possible to accept this knowing that the solutions exist because our potential is incredible simply, it is a logic step of evolution. Mars is there also to help in creating industries to utilise the matters disponible, we can do it , it is just the UN wich must take its responsabilities and forget a little bit their lifes and think about the solutions and the future. If they don t make it, they are simply not skillings to govern these persons and the vanity or richest families and societies are not the problem, the problem is to be aware that all wins without exception, not only the humans but all lifes of pour earth.

    I know how this planet turns, the majority of leaders and authorities have made the business schools and have a MBA , the politicians, the leaders of societies and enteprises have studied the economy and the strategies, and unfortunally a few number are universalists- The miost important for them is to make money, live well and satisfy their ego , a few number are ready to act globally with consciousness. The greed, this vanity, the power, the money, this and that, it is just this the most important for them, eat in the best restaurants and buy the best things and they are happy, they have successed their lifes and they are proud furthermore. The other problem is the vanity of authorities in theoretical physics for example and them also they follow the system and thinks they have successed their lifes, I know all this, I know that it is not easy to follow my system, but I tell you frankly dear authorities and memebers of FQXi , please if you understand this universe and the universal altruism, so please help me , forget your vanity and forget the bad tongs , act and utilise your consciousness, me alone I cannot success , I just want to act because it is possible, forget the non universalists vanitious finding a problem for the most simple solution please, be real conscious universalists, you understand this universe and the evolution, so please give me your concrete solutions with humility, it can be the biggest revolution of all times here on FQXi.

    11 days later

    Happy spherical new year to all,

    I have seen that Elon Musk works about this indiustrialisation of our solar system, he is focused mainly on Mars, It is a man like him that we need in this team, I insist on the fact that these wheels in orbit mimating our g gravitation are important , on mars we can just live at short term for the lifes, we d have a problem due to a different gravitation at long term. Elon Musk is a kind of visionary and he has the potential to make innovative things due to fact that he has a lot of money, it is like this that turn this planet, the money governs all and permit to create , I have no money unfortunally like him but if he can help us in this project, I will be happy . It is an obliged step of evolution for our earth, we must do it for the well of all lifes.

    18 days later

    Hi Fqxi members, blogers , and all,

    This planet we know is not perfect and the humans also , but we evolve and it seems fondamental, the global system also evolves and so can be harmonised if we work with this intelligence, consciousness and free will correectly. I repeat , I know that all we are occupied with our own lifes , but I insist on the fact that the thinkers and universalists have a responsability , and that we must forget this vanity a little bit at my opinion. I don t want to be a leader of this project, I want real concrete global solutions of optimisation where all lifes win without exception. I have not created this project to imply political or economical problems, I just desire concrete solutions of harmonisation and they exist. If it was an utopy and an irrational project, I will shut up , but no they exist I repeat these solutions, we can really solve several things without disturbing the people, countries, ideologies, enteprises, lobbies, politics, societies, institutes ...The win win at all levels is essential , I must say that we are obliged to solve and evolve, it seems an obliged step of evolution. I don t want to give lessons to this UN , but I don t understand to be frank what they do knowing that these solutions exist , are they aware that we can have this global harmony instead of a future chaos and disorder. How are we going to solve if we don t change globally ? hoc can we give food, energy, hope, jobs, water to the majority if we don t insert new concrete universal parameters ? it seems not possible , can we accept this for the lifes of this earth ? all rational universal thinkers can understand this at my humble opinion forgetting this vanity destroying many things. The bad tongs and persons finding a problem for the most simple solutions shall not change this planet, the real universalists skilling yes. You know dear all, I am not better than the others, I have not all the solutions me, I have just some solutions in ecology and about this solar system , so the complementarity , cooperation are essential. I know that the members of FQXi are skilling and intelligent in sciences, so in logic they understand the generality and this universe and its altruism, so I d be honored to have their solutions for a better world. It can be the biggest revolution of all times , because FQXi is at New york, the world bank also, the UN also, and we can do it simply with sciences and consciousness. So please , put your ideas for a better world. Take care, and friendly.

    The technological environmentalism seems a key also. The potential of our ecosystems well utilised and harmonised can help the globality a lot. It is a foundamental, these ecosystems can permit to reach many points of equilibrium and all systems can converge. The industrialisation of our solar system also with these wheels need these balanced ecosystems. I have explained the importance of this composting at big global scale and the vegetal multiplication more the harmonisation of interactions between animals, and vegetals. It seems not possible to reach these points of equilibrium without these parameters. The composting I repeat possesses in a small part an incredible diversity of animals and vegetals and it is the begining of the food chain, I have tested thje majority of families , the resulsts are very relevant, the natural resistance is correlated and the quality of growths are optimised when we add argils and mineral salts and oligo elements. The technologies correlated with our ecology are still not so developped, we have many things to discover and utilise , the complementarity seems an universal foundamentals. This method in the time can solve also the climate problems more adaptations studied. The UN must take into account this at my humble opinion.

    7 days later

    It is in uniting the good persons, systems, institutes,...and in detailing concrete global solutions where all wins that we shall change this planet for a better. Alone we are nothing in fact and it is in this united logic and in teams with determinism, rationalism, universalism, altruism that we can improve what can be improved.

    10 days later

    I try my best to unite for this project, I speak about this global collaboration on linkedin , the aim being to create synergies and a team and create this book mannifest of adapted global solutions, if it is well detailed and made and concrete , they shall see that all wins and that we must change globally for the well of all. The most difficult is to unite I have remarked , the communication seems essential , I am not unfortunally good for the communication but I do my best. The most important is to be rational and logic considering this global system , I am not an authority , so it is not easy.

    10 days later

    Program suggestion.

    Aim: to create a group of say 100 people that have good opinions about how to unify Mother Earth so it will be a better place to live in.

    Not by pointing at failures, errors but to problems and their solutions. We don't want to create a feeling of doing wrong so we get an attitude of rejection and protection.

    We want to attract good people only,not so many needed at this stage. it can be scientists or common people. The ideas are the important, not education.

    We want solutions that benefit all, a win-win solution if possible.

    This group has to be interdishiplinary in a broad sense.

    - different worldviews, cultures, religions, politics, we point out that these are fundamental human rights, which we don't want to change.

    - we want solutions to global problems like ecology, economy, social systems, etc. a bit like the UN-program 30.

    - future employments with AI robotics, and the problems it give the human community.

    - industrialisation of space,maybe suitable for robots.

    - employment for common people. as some kind of obligation to create jobs,model from industry and waste program, AI-kindergarten etc, new kind of jobs.

    - enjoy the freedom is maybe not a good alternative. Here is a catastrophy lurking.

    - a basic salary for all citizens of Earth. Today the lowest salary is 2 eur. so this is a problem,maybe 500-1000 eur would be a goal. You are free to work more.

    - human population grow. One or two child politics was not good. Matbe some kind of 'rights' demanded to be a parent? These are always hard questions.

    - ecology. A big city like NewYork can be ex., change and show us the way to a sustainable life.

    - a certain amount of trees per area

    - green roofs, walls, architecture

    - light must reach the floor

    . communications to -fro the centers etc.

    - composting in a global scale

    - biological or organic production of food, incl. fish

    - energy production sustainable, following EU directives?

    - energypolitics is conservative, with difficulties to see new solutions.Now we live in an intermediate situation, where nukes are replaced with other sources. Fusion is still under development, wind, sun, water, hydrogen etc, has their own weaknesses, but are maybe a solution in this intermediate state. Wood, pellets etc biomass production could be linked to climate change prevention. Peat is not sustainable, because it takes too long to replace it. Whynot take benefit of the climate change and grow green energy? This intermediate situation will maybe last for 20 years?

    - our seas, mostly oxygenation and eutrofication.

    - garbage in the waters.

    I linked to several actual projects on your FB wall,tr y to put it here? It could give a good understanding of what you talk of. Ulla.

    Hi Ulla, thanks for sharing these ideas, it is general and very important. We have discussed about these ideas together , a new global revolutionary industrialisation is essential also to stabilise the global econony where all wins, the ecolgy and the technology on earth and in space being foundamentals. This AI arrives and is going to replace many manual jobs, the UN must be aware of new rules and global laws for this AI at my humble opinion, the fact to give jobs to majority seems foundamental , that will catalyse all systems and all wins.

    A thing important is that new york also can show the road of a new era , the ecosystems can be improved , the vegetal studied walls and the composting is essential for the balance between animals, vegetals and minerals. The jobs correlated also are important. If a town like New york can do it, the others also , the water, the soils, the air , the recycling are so important to reach the points of equilibrium.

    I explained also this industrialisation of the solar system with wheels in orbit mimating our gravitation on earth with the rotation, it is important also and the ecosystems inside also, mars can be utilised but at short term , we d have at long term for the lifes a problem of adaptation due to a different gravitation. The 197 governements must take their responsabilities with the help of this UN and world bank , it is an obliged step of evolution for our earth and all wins I repeat. It could be well also to check this nuclear fusion quickly , the advantages are numerous.

    Thanks still Ulla for sharing these relevant ideas. I will answer and develop these ideas soon.


    Dear FQXi members , you are the smartest persons on this earth and in logic your consciousness is very developped also , I d be honored to have your ideas to convice the UN, it is important to optimise this planet , if we are a good concrete team with concrete well detailed solutions, they shall listen us this UN. I am persuaded that you have relevant ideas of global harmonisation, persons like you Professor Penrose and the others can make a difference , alone I cannot convice this UN. I ask you with humility to help me , I don t want to be the leader of this project you know, I just sincerely want to make a difference for this sphere earth. We can do it , together in complementarity. Friendly

    the thing wich worries me the most is the normality of the system, we follow all a system like if it is logic and normal, the biggest error is there, all the spheres of activity evolves and the majority of humans follow it and believe it is like this. The people works and try to adapt themselves and survive. We cannot blame this , but the problem is very important for the earth and its lifes and the future generations, we don t really change the globality , we don t really innovate for a better this global system, so the effects shall be simply soon a near future a chaotical system due to the human psychology and the numbers. What do this UN ? are they conscious that we cannot reach the points of equilibrium where all lifes animal and vegetal can find their places??? It is more than surprising , we have evolved in consciousness , so how is it possible and the conflicts of interest or the capitalism are not the problem, the solutions exist, so how is it possible simply ?

      This is an enormous problem this reality of normality. And furthermore the vanity , and ego don t arrange the problem , the individualism or the small groups of thoughts continue to nourrish this system due to this lack of universal altruism and foundamental global complementarity. The people ignore in fact this truth, it is totally odd and I repeat it is like normal, but no it is not logic and foundamental to think like this. We are youngs us the humans considering the evolution and we have created a system , we can improve it respecting these foundamentals that this universe shows us. But I ask me if the humans are ready and are able to fight this normality and this vanity and individualism. Hope we can change , the solutions are in our hands, are we able to create a better earth and a better future for the next generations or are we all endoctrinated by this normality, all is there in fact.

      An idea that I worked about is the geothermal sources. Their potential are relevant. We can create for example greenhouses and adapted mechanisms, if we add the composting , we can also utilise the CH4 methan, all is a question of engineerings simply and adapted mechanisms. The pressure and the temperature can be utilised even in the coldest places like here in the north. We can even add other energetical systems like the wind and the sun. The relevance is that with the argilo humic complex, the quality biological of plants is very relevant. I have thought a lot about this technic , it is just a question of good engineering.

        When it is too warm, we utilise the energetical systems disponible to decrease the temperature in adding the systems, the ventilators , the freezing systems and others.

        it is not a problem with a good computer and the good added engineered mechanisms, it is the add of systems the most important for points of equilibrium permitting the optimisation.

        We need also for this project authorities and celebrities and the televisions, I d be honored to have Mr Neil De grasse Tyson in this project, his celebrity can help for the different synergies, I know that he liked also my theory on linkedin, I hope he read this forum and that he can help us, it will be an incredible conscious revolution in being a good team skilling , conscious and multidisciplinary . I repeat but it is wonderful indeed to try to explain this consciousness but it is also very important to utilise for the optimisations....

        8 days later

        Dear all

        I have written article on beyond time and space and it's physical approach

        I will upload that when completed!


        Prasad Divate