Hi all, we are arrived at a critical point of evolution on this planet earth with the technology, sciences, economy, politics,conflicts of interest . The cryptomonneys industry and artifical intelligence and robotics have reached a level and the conflicts become very very dangerous for the humanity like a whole.
The UN are lets tell it lost with these parameters and unfortunatelly the power is not in the hands of the most wise humans, definitelly not it is a fact . We have actually the potential to improve this earth and the qualities of all lifes of this earth., animal and vegetal but these conflicts can destroy this natural evolution.
The humans have created many different groups and we are not unified simply . A very few number understands this unifiation and pure universal altruism , they prefer their interests and wills and it is a very very important point , Us in europe and usa, we are the west and we have our past and we are considered by the others like imperialist systems and it continues with these new technologies and monney exchanges , and frankly the others are not going to accept because simply they cannot compete, they have not built their societies in the same way, they cannot acept and adapt, they have even not the choice, they cannot find their ways, they cannot built their pots .
So the real question is , it is not a reason at my humble opinion to create a WW3 tp solve this .......because if the power was in the hands of wise humans everywhere , they could find the roads of harmonisations , but this force created with AI, internet, robotics, cryptomonney have reached a so powerfull level that it is a problem , it is overwhelming for the global humanity, and increase so the tensions and conflicts , it is very simple . So the only one aim to create a WW3 is to run over this reality, are you all consious of this , the world we know is a phasis of transition and is lost and is going to change radically, the problem is this phasis of changement, it takes time and the war is not the solution simply, there are other better solutions,.
I fear really because we must absolutelly create something new , a new step of evultion with concrete adapted solutions but we cannot choose this ww3 for this new evolution, it will bea catastrophe. The omplexity is better than the simplicity, the simplicity is the war and is not the best solution. We are one, we are all linked on this earth, we are one humanity, even the religious extremists, even the unconscious capatilsts, even the most ideologial sociolists and communists, so please dear high spheres of power, don t listen the bad words and solutions , don t choose the easy way. We increase quickly in number, we evolve very quickly ands they exist these solutions of adapation and all we can be in a win win instead to have a big fight destroying all and a big part of this humanity, we are going to simply destroy ourselves and even our inventions and technologies, we don t need this. The richest like the poorest, we don t simply need this. Everybody has only one vote , it is maybe simplistic but concrete......