It is the system we live under as well, it will not be sustainable forever.
Global Collaboration
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Michael McKay Hello , thanks for coming on FQXi, I know it is sad, this vanity, greed , this normality accepted, ....that destroys our potential about this collective consciousness, all what wants the humans is to satisfy their vanity and also this wallet for the majortity, they are not ready I believe to be united and make a difference. Here on FQXi the members are relevant but they are too much occupied with their life and have been already satisfied in being recognised so they don t care, they care only about themselves, I find this sad because we shall change nothing if we are not united and FQXi is the best place because the members are the smartest of this earth and in logic the most aware of global problems, I am sad in a sense , this vanity and the fact to be all divided in trying to find our place in this global system is a sad reality, if the institutes like the future of life institute, FQXi and others more the thinkers relevant in philosophy and the scientists aware of this universal altruism could be unified and if they focus, we shall be taken seriously by the high spheres of power in being concrete with these adapted solutions, with the help of celebrities also and some universities. The humans must be conscious that we have destroyed this Holocene in a short period and that our actual ways of life shall imply an ocean of chaotical exponentials soon , I don t understand how is it possible that nothing is made concretelly, of course there are many systems working but they are divided and this vanity does not arrange the problem unfortunatelly ,
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Fqxi is a wonderful platform and the members are relevant, several are Nobel Prizes even. I have created this forum to unite and create these solutions like I said. Alone I cannot success, and I know that the members are occupied with their lifes , Jobs or others. That said this project is possible if and only if we are a concrete strong team, the high spheres of power, the medias, the institutes....shall listen and help only if the team is concrete and relevant, me I work my theory but I am not known like several members, so with the help of members and celebrities , it is sure we can success because the systems shall tell, this team is relevant and concrete simply , so we can listen to them and what they have like solutions of win win for this planet. The butterfly effect can be a reality if we focus and if the persons, thinkers, members, celebrities follow , I don t want to be the leader of this project, I just believe strongly that it is possible to improve the global systems with determinism in considering all the parameters. We are all divided and alone, it will be ok only if we are united and with a concrete team , relevant .
Dear all, don t hesistate to take the time to write some ideas for this project Global collaboration, a better global system is possible if we focus and if the the solutions are concrete and if the team is relevant , friendly
You know dear all, when I discussed about my problems of epilepsy at hospital to psychiatres and psychologs that I like the sciences, the philosophy, the origin of the life, this and that , they told me but steve you know there are 2000 people on earth interested to this, so I was surprised, the persons like this are not better, they are just a minority, and in this group of persons they are exceptional cases having had the chance to study in the best universities the maths, physics, philosophy in details and they have a Phd , that gives excepttional papers from persons like Einstein, Penrose, Wilczek, Fermi, Dirac, Von Neuman,,,,,, My aim is to create a foundation for these persons not understood and not recognised to share their ideas, to learn more and to be helped , many are maybe in depression or isolated , they can even be persons without education in india, africa,south america,europe, china, everywhere in fact , so the fact to help is essential and to recognise them and with this foundation they can evolve and learn more to give to humanity maybe good things, This kind of foundation can be relevanmt for the global collaboration and also to help these persons . Alone I cannot success, we must sometimes be helped and for this this normality accepted must be a little bit forgotten also, the problem is that the humans follow only the wallet or the celebrities or .... in small private circles , we shall not change the things like this,
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The planet can be well for all lifes but a problem foundamental is the mind and this psychology lacking of universal altruism and love . The governments can be improved in laws but a minority of business men govern all and they possess the productions of arms, weapons, fuel, gas, energy, technologies, food,phytopharmacy , meds and convice the politicians sometimes even in corruption to put laws to keep this global power.The capitalism or the communism they are not the problems nor the ideologies or religions , the problem is that a minority in these high spheres of power don t work for a global better planet for all and this money permit to pay all when they want where they want , and the majority believe it is normal and like this and so we don t act concretelly together and even sometimes the persons seeing clear are put in the silence, they exist these solutions and some governemental laws must be created to evitate all this , because frankly with these actual global parameters we are going to have an enormous global problem soon due tensions and the arms and weapons that we have created are don t forget powerfull now ,all is a question of consciousness in the choices and universal altruistic love and the UN must be stronger and sort all these systems putting us in the shit and taking the power everywhere without considering this universal improvement for the well of all lifes, this earh suffers too much , it is a catastrophe, we could be so well globally , we are arrived at a time and potential where all can be harmonised correctly. If the chaos arrives with a global war and if one push the button due to unconsciousness and conflicts of interest , the others shall follow and it will be the end of the world we know, a world wich has evolved in 2000 years for a better but the foundamental problem of unconsciousness it has not changed , what do the UN , are thYy also put in this silence or what, it is now that we must solve and harmonise all governments and qualities of lifes, This UN is weak simply
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Is it an utopy to want to change the world , I don t think, it is possible in all cases. Must we accept the actual quiet evolution with our actual parameters on earth or must we accelerate the process in improving foundamental parameters. All is there. It is just a choice , and the fact to take the time to do it . FQXi is the good place , because the members are relevant and if we describe well the global adapted solutions., so we can be taken seriously by the UN, the solutions generally are simple, and of course after it is adapted in details in each countries but the generality is very simple about the economy, the ecology, the sociology, the politic, the education, .....but all is based on this economy because it is the catalyser of all, this money is the driving force of this planet like an energy in fact , it is like a tool wich must be utilised with consciousness , logic, universalism altruism also.The humans need to be reasured globally , the psychology is an important point also. I repeat but a foundamental problem is the acceptation of a kind of normality , we follow all a system and we try all to find our place . Martin Luther King has told , I have a dream, I have one too , I have the dream that it is possible to change the world for a better with concrete adapted global solutions, in all cases we are even obliged to change, you imagine how many humans on earth we shall be in the future, do you see even if we have evolved the psychology on earth and the sufferings for the humans, the animals, the vegetals, what are we if we don t try to change this planet and if we accept this actual normality . The world has divided the humans, the majority are divided, some of course are unified like in a society or a foundation or an enterprise.... , but generally we are divided and only the fact to satisfy this vanity or the wallet unite the humans, I find this sad . I insist always on this vanity like a main problem and it is not false I believe , we are all vanitious and even the humans the most aware of this universal altruism and even the smartest . It seems so that to have this revolution it is just a bout the fact to be united, to be humble, to be in team and convice these high spheres of power in considering all parameters. The win win for all seems also a main point , the project global collaboration is not there to disturb the richest or the poorest , no it is just this win win at all levels of the global society the most important,. The fact to improve this globality in improving the qualities of lifes shall permit simply to decrease naturally the odd psychologies furthermore, they really need to be reasured the humans and only thes ehigh spheres of power can do it .
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i have not looked and verified at the exact numbers i tend to believe is true
all the forest that was in the 15 century is half the forest today
a study case - the wide crop/ grains gathering tractor that has increased the quantity of production
because the size is wide and favors flat surfaces this might have also favored deforstation
what if this is being reinvented to handle crop inside forest, i mean the wide spread field crops should be mixed with forests and the tractor redesigned to go agile between trees
forest capture carbon and brings rains
this project is a proposal for plantation of a trillion tree
i think is an emergency to plant trees (entire new forests)
---more links how forest attract rain
marcovici alexandru
Thank you for the links. interesting idea. The vast monoculures of crops may not be if the forest is designed toproduces, with spatiaL and temporal, intercropping, anple food of other kinds.
It is maybe time to act , we have many global problems to solve,the conflicts of interests , the climate change, the number of humans on earth, the psychology , lost of global ecosystems on earth and in the oceans , pollutions of soils, oceans and atmosphere, problems of waters and recyclings, vegetal global biomass, productions of food, mutations and adaptations of is now very very serious more the actual problems that we have and possible dangers also due to AI, cyberwars and ideological economical problems, frankly what do the UN and the high spheres of power, we are going to have chaotical exponentials soon. It is more than sad because the solutions exist to improve all on earth for better lifes for the animals and vegetals , our potential is there but we don t do it, we can utilise the money like an energy and stabilise many things with the consciousness and adapated solutions but no it is not made.
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Georgina Woodward thanks for sharing Georgina, It is so important this global ecology , the fact to plant trees and also the improvements of ecosystems with many studied plans of vegetals and also the composting and reinsertion of this compost in the soils with argilo humic complex if argils are there , the food chains begins also with thismicro biology of animals , fungis, vegetals of this compost and after with ecosystems studied with trees, we harmonise with a diversity of plants and flowers to atract the other animals . In the oceans also we must act and the method of multiplication is correlated with different technics, The humans we must understand that we cannot reach the points of equilibrium without a revolutionary global improved ecology, all governements must take their responsabilities in fact and a town like new york can also focus on better ecologies and show the example, the parks are not sufficient. In all cases it is possible, the compost is easy to do with the carbon and natrium from the vegetals and the multiplication of vegetals also and after the animals multiplicate themselves if the ecosystens are well made with a good diversity of trees, small trees, shrubs, perennials, my humble opinion it must be a priority of the UN these soils, ecologies,and oceans. Regards
Steve Dufourny
Hereis some more good news. There is so much news that isn't goodr recently , it is easyt to feel hopeless and helpless. Hope you enjoy this.
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Answer to Tim Maudlin on facebook about the nuclear threats.
It is a general point of vue linking the comportements, but indeed we can analyse the details with the politics and these nuclear strategies. I agree that the experts are better to extrapolate this than these politicians if the consciousness of course is correlated, but we must accept also the reality about the conflicts of interest and the business of arms and weapons and the disuasion globally speaking. The USA and its nuclear weapons strategy is primarily focused on deterrenceto prevent adversaries like a nuclear retaliation and it is very important for the politicians and the international relations if I can say , they have partners and the deterrence of nuclear attacks is a kind of priority for the USA and its allies and the consciousness d tell them that it is only in extreme circumstances, it is there that the theory of game of von neunman becomes relevant about the disuasion to keep the vital interests of all countries .They so all update their strategies in udas like in the other countries like russia or china and others. The nuclear threats are mainly global international political and startegic goals to reasure the allies and deter the adversaries, they all make this and the business of arms and weapons and researchs profit of this situation.The diplomatic efforts are important but are just a part of the strategies, so the arms control and non proliferations are a complex topic generally speaking , because the military capability , the diplomatic relations,the global security is one thing but the business , the conflicts or interest, the differences in ideologies an other and if we insert the psychology and the past of humans on this earth, so we understand better the complexity . Hope the consciousness universal in the future will permit a better global collective consciousness with less differences, the UN has a big responsability with the high spheres of power . During that several plant seeds , others utilise phytopharmaceutical products if you understand what I mean....regards
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The USA has created a thing that a few number are able to understand and accept, they have given this AI but they have it since many years and they have even maybe created a thing more than just a superintelligence , IBM ,openAi, darpa and others have paid the best scientists, researchers and genius since many years focusing on technologies and maths , physics and computing problems and they have reached levels beyond the human accpetation, that is why they cannot tell it due to the human psychology , but be sure the world is going to change and not a little bit!
Maybe not still this consciousness but intriguing for the exponential technologies and the evolution, and if the panpsychism , the pantheism and materialism are linked for specific quantum mechanisms and that all is conscious at its level, so it becomes more than intriguing, the world yes is going to change but we don t know the effects and it becomes an ethical problem , this thing can help but can also imply serious problems , furthermore there is an other global problem about the conflicts of interest and the competition in this capitalism,hope the high spheres of power can find the points of equilibrium, I have created a forum on fqxI , Global collaboration to unite and create global adapted solutions and convice the UN, the high spheres of power, but the problem is that we are not governed by the wisest humans , it is the money wich govern and the richest, the billionaires are even secretaries at this UN and all these richest want to keep the power and interets. so they don t really listen to the general thinkers seeing clear , we are arrived at a critical point of evolution for the earth and the humanity, it is now that we must find the best adapations for the well of all lifes of this Earth,
The power of this technology is intriguing . And the world is not governed by the wisest humans, so it can be in the hands of several systems and that is why we can have this WW3 because others countries know that it is not possible to compete. Like I told the conflicts of interest are an important point to consider and we know all that we are not governed by the these most wise and universal humans and systems, The Power and this money have always been a problem creating these conflicts, I hope that this UN is going to be concrete and wise and find the best adapted solutions , we are all humans on the same earth afer all and we have the possibilities to improve many things for the well of all lifes animal and vegetal of this Earth it is just choice, we speak about the consciousness, the intelligence, the choices here on FQXi, but generally and globally also it is important to utilise this intelligence, consciousness to take the good choices ....
marcovici alexandru there is surely a good correlation between climate change and forest depletion. Forest must also be graded in low density and high density forests.
This cryptomonney industry intrigues me, it seems that when it is concrete the societies creating the token like bitcoin, ethereum, xrp, stellar and others so it can permits to make the persons more rich and so if they are responsible and universal, so they can create jobs and help this planet and lifes. It is a significant financial revolution because it can change the interactions between individuals and business with the money and so increase the opportunities. That improves the economical freedom.
Now if the universal altruism is part of this revolution it will be a wonderful parameter for this evolutive earth. The fact that it is decentralised and in full exponetial expansions is excellent if the responsability of persons becoming more rich is a reality.
The system created with the DeFi and their protocols is very relevant because it permits mainly a democratization of financial opportunities. It is also important to consider the financial inclusion beause with internet and this crypto revolution, so it can even permits to trade this crypto and make gains without banks in the lost regions.
It will improve the cross border payments without the traditional financial system. And even it can be cheaper and faster. That is a pure economic freedom .So that will help the developping countries. It is well so it is decentralized without being controlled by governments and institutions. That permits more controls for individuals simply .
Furthermore , the security and privacy are imporved also compared with the traditional payment systems centralized. And it permits also a kind of protection against the devaluation even if it is very volatil . So yes it will help the planet is it is well utilised in being responsible and universal and altruist.
That will boost the entrepreneurial projects, the social causes, the charitable organizations, the environmental movements, and this and that.
Even if the mining has an impact on the environment due to the PoW systems and cost a lot of electricity , so create carbon emissions, paradoxally it gives more money to balance these negative effects and find solutions with this universal altruism of entrepreneurs improving the world. There are probably alternatives to this PoW for less energetical costs and less wastes , ethereum I believe work about this with their Proof of Stake PoS wich cost less energy and others focus on greem and sustainable initiatives.
Hi all, we are arrived at a critical point of evolution on this planet earth with the technology, sciences, economy, politics,conflicts of interest . The cryptomonneys industry and artifical intelligence and robotics have reached a level and the conflicts become very very dangerous for the humanity like a whole.
The UN are lets tell it lost with these parameters and unfortunatelly the power is not in the hands of the most wise humans, definitelly not it is a fact . We have actually the potential to improve this earth and the qualities of all lifes of this earth., animal and vegetal but these conflicts can destroy this natural evolution.
The humans have created many different groups and we are not unified simply . A very few number understands this unifiation and pure universal altruism , they prefer their interests and wills and it is a very very important point , Us in europe and usa, we are the west and we have our past and we are considered by the others like imperialist systems and it continues with these new technologies and monney exchanges , and frankly the others are not going to accept because simply they cannot compete, they have not built their societies in the same way, they cannot acept and adapt, they have even not the choice, they cannot find their ways, they cannot built their pots .
So the real question is , it is not a reason at my humble opinion to create a WW3 tp solve this .......because if the power was in the hands of wise humans everywhere , they could find the roads of harmonisations , but this force created with AI, internet, robotics, cryptomonney have reached a so powerfull level that it is a problem , it is overwhelming for the global humanity, and increase so the tensions and conflicts , it is very simple . So the only one aim to create a WW3 is to run over this reality, are you all consious of this , the world we know is a phasis of transition and is lost and is going to change radically, the problem is this phasis of changement, it takes time and the war is not the solution simply, there are other better solutions,.
I fear really because we must absolutelly create something new , a new step of evultion with concrete adapted solutions but we cannot choose this ww3 for this new evolution, it will bea catastrophe. The omplexity is better than the simplicity, the simplicity is the war and is not the best solution. We are one, we are all linked on this earth, we are one humanity, even the religious extremists, even the unconscious capatilsts, even the most ideologial sociolists and communists, so please dear high spheres of power, don t listen the bad words and solutions , don t choose the easy way. We increase quickly in number, we evolve very quickly ands they exist these solutions of adapation and all we can be in a win win instead to have a big fight destroying all and a big part of this humanity, we are going to simply destroy ourselves and even our inventions and technologies, we don t need this. The richest like the poorest, we don t simply need this. Everybody has only one vote , it is maybe simplistic but concrete......