So the DM cold is encoded so in the space vacuum of the DE , that implies so other fields and axions. Lets consider one field of this DE and one field for the quantum gravitation and an other for the quantum chromodynamics. They are new scalar fields. The mass so are under specific mechanisms, like I said I need help to formalise all this with the series of 3D spheres and their volumes and motions, rotations,oscillations. If the densities and volumes don t change, it is relevant. We must better understand this mass and the higgs was just a part of the problem, it lacks probably still something with the higgs too and the axions so are there to solve.

The other field , the main informations from this vacuum of the DE are very very intriguing and fascinating too , this field generally balances the whole but possess too codes and informations permitting the comportments of this SM, and permit furthermore the mendeleev table,the chemistry , the biology and maybe the consciousness , so this field is very incredible in its properties, that is why we need qutrits for the quantum computing probably.


the DM so encoded permit so to create an axion wich is coupled to create a graviton simply, I don t affirm, but there is mechanisms to study about this DM encoded like the photons are encoded too in this vacuum of the DE, the axions are not only for the QCD , they are everywhere like the photons in our SM.

In fact in resume, the particles of our standard model are the result of 3 series primary that I explained probably, the DE possessing the main codes and creating a field and made of particles and after this DE encodes the photons and the cold dark matter and so we have all the other particles emerging from this logic, at this moment we just know a very small part of this puzzle with the 3 known force and fields and the fermions and bosons, we must better understand the other fields due to this DM encoded and this DE possessing the main informations and so we must just find the mechanisms correlated, we have several mechanisms to know still mainly with the axions and the other due to this DM encoded and the biggest secret is to find this main field of the DE , and the particles and fiuelds of this DE thjem are more than complex considering the informations , this field cannot be geberalised in fact , it exists many different codes in this field permitting the evolution, the mendeleev table, the chemistry, the biology, the consciousness even

the relevance with all these mechanisms is that in fact the number ofparticles of DM encoded can be correlated with the mass, if the field of this DE is specific , so the mass too ......

the universe is simple generally, the number of photons or DM encoded permit simply to increase the forces and the mass and the fields are correlated simply and after for the diversity of the mendeleev table , it is the same logic in functions of photons and DM encoded and after for the chnmistry and biology the fields of this DE permit them ....

We can too extrapolate logically this dark energy and the antimatter, if the 3 systems that I explained merge together to create this ordinary baryonic matter , so all these mechanisms of fields and particles explain logically all this, the electromagnetic fields, the gravitational ones, the matter, the antimatter,the bosons, the fermions, the axions .....the antimatter is a balance too , in fact it is always a question of balance gravitation and antigravitation and electromagnetism, it seems evident , and if it is correct the matter and anti matter are not just under mc2 for the annihilation but the DM and the DE too must be considered in the equation, that is why we ave my intuitive equation .

It is really these fields of the DE wich make all at my humble opinion, it balances all with its main codes and informations permitting to give the properties to these photons and cold dark matter encoded in it. If the 3 series primary of 3D spheres are correct, it is very relevant now to consider them. If a photon or a particle of DE or a particle of cold dark matter have the same number of Spheres and in fact they are simply different for their properties , so now it is relevant to analyse this puzzle when they merge to create this baryonic matter and the SM. We can explain the majority of our unknowns even. The fact too that this DE seems anti gravitational is fascinating , we need an anti gravitational field to explain the SM and its stability .

If it is correct, we are arrived at a new era for our physics and the technologies correlated incredible considering this quantum gravitation and the antigravitational field , if we check these feidls of the DE and these fields of the DM encoded and the quantum gravitation, you imagine the revolution. In all case they are in ou SM and interact differently yes but interacts and there are roads to check them. We have focused too much on the GR and photons alone and the thermodynamics correlated and electromagnetism, now it is a new era really . A revolutionary new era ....

We must understand better these new scalar fields of the DE and cold DM at all scales ,at this comsological scales too and in our SM. The GR and the photons alone were not the only one piece of puzzle, it is not possible, the fields of this GR are not the cause of this matter baryonic.

7 days later

The couplings become the keys , and the gravitons so which atre not here the quanta of gravitational waves but due to the couplings of photons and cold dark matter with the scalar field of the DE. There are derivations to do in fact.

How to formalise the lagrangian for these couplings and this reasoning. How must we consider the fields and forces. I said that we have generally 9 fields and 5 forces but we can add too the effects of this main field of the DE and so we must add 4 other fields to the 9 fields due to the couplings and our SM. the main field of the DE that said being the main chief orchestra and being antigravitational so permits the balences and the photons and the cold dark matter encoded permit so the other fields , 8 fields and we know actually 4 , the electronmagnetiem, the3 weak interaction, the nuclear ones end the higgs, but we must find the 5 others and the 4 others of the DE seuperimposed more the main one of the DE.

The scalar quantities, the vectors, the tensors so are under specific mechanisms and it seems difficult to know them due to fact that we have not still proofs of these interactions and couplings and mechanisms. But in logic if the 3 systems are essential to create this baryonic matter , so it is relevant to find the partitions with the spherical topological geometrical algebras and these series finite of spheres implying this superfluidity due to specific series and volumes.

The actual problem is really to take this GR and photons alone like the only one peice of this universal puzzle, it is mainly a philosophical problem.

Einstein was famous and has had his noble prize for the photoelectric effect but maybe there was too much marketing and euphory behind his special and general relativitry and I believe strongly that this has created a kind of philosophical prison and a trap. The matter energy equivalence of einstein needs to be completed and if the special and general relativity which are theories need to be adapted or even corrected, that changes all . But the thinkers fear to change .It is their philosophies which can be touched if einstein was false simply. I don t critic the photon and c , a photon cannot go farer but it is the interpretation philosophical that I see differently, why not a photon having a very very very small mass and so it is mainly a quantum of E possessing more energy than mass and the cold dark matter we consider simply the opposite, why not to consider the resoning that I developped about the gravitons wich are not massless. Why not to reconsider the gravitational waves due to the photons not massless, if It is true it is revolutionary and permit to encircle our deepest unknowns and that gives us incredible new roads of reseachs.

7 days later

Dear Steve Agnew, we can coverge about the vacuum and the harmonmic oscillators of this vacuum. The difference is that I just consider a superfluidiy and that this vacuum of the DE possessing the main informations are made of 3D spheres in motions oscillating and antigravitation. So in encoding these photons and this cold DM, that creates the baryonic matter and the standard model. The series of 3D spheres for a photons or a particle of DM or a particle of DE have the dirac large number , I have calculated the cosmological number of spheres and oddly it approachs the dirac large number, so I have consider that a photon or a particle of DM or DE have this number for the series, that im;ies this superfluidity when we apply specific volumes for these series. Now imagine like I said that this vacuum of the DE encodeds these photons and this CDM, that permits to understand if we know better this DE the evolution, the atoms , the chemistry, the biology and why we evolve in function of these informations in this DE. The oscillations motions of these spherical volumes can be taken like a key for the main primary informations.

    It is the meaning of these spherical geometrical topological algebras that I have invented, see that we can create with this tool the number that we want for the series of spherical volumes and we can insert the motions oscilations where we want . The spherical coodonates so are interesting and the standard model can be extrapolated with nthese new fields . The densities at my opinion are important and if the volumes are preserved and the number when they merge together the 3 systems, it is interesting too.

    We utilise the potential , the recurrences, the derivations,the functions.......many partitions can be utilised and many tools in maths and physics , we can even superimpose this GR even if I don t consider it like the cause of the reality.

    We consider of course the works of Lagrange and Hamilton for the different partitions utilised mainly for the equations of motions. All being about the equations of motions and the potential and kinetic energies. So the differential equations become interesting in function of partitions utilised.

    We can after utilise the vector field, the scalar fields, the tensors fields and even the synplectomorphisms in function of motions for the deformations of spherical volumes at specifc topologies chosen in function of paritions.

    The interest with this tool that I have invented is the infinite possibilities to play with the partitions. If these fields are emergent due to these motions oscillations of these series spherical merging , that become relevant. Always under the main informations of this scalar fields of the DE . That permits to rank the fermions, bosons and to discover new fields and particles . We can even reconsider this GR and the flows and we can rank the informations, their nature , timelifes and why and where .

    Sometimes thinkers who don t really understand what I tell tell me that I am against the general relativity which works well. I am not against this GR , I tell that this GR and photons alone like primary essence and the einstein field equations imply philosophical confusions about the origin of the universe and how is reallly transformed the energy. I just tell that this GR alone and the photons cannot solve the deepest unknwons and that we must probably superimpose at all scales, quant or cosmol , the dark matter and the dark energy. The problem actually is that the majority considers only this GR and these photons oscillating like the only one truth. Between us lol you believe really that this universe, god or mathematical accident has only created photons and that the fields and waves of these photons and GR create this baryonic matter and the reality , it seems total non sense .

    I am not against this GR in resume, the problem is the besserwissers too eveywhere and a kind of accepted obliged general mainstream. It is always cool to think beyond the box in trying to add deeper parameters, physical and philosophical. This GR and photons alone have really created a kind of philosophical prison probably like I explained due to the euphory during this conference of 1927 at solvay where after the marketing aroung this GR have implied this euphory for the religiousl, philosophes, physicists, mathematicians, scientists, like if this GR of Einstein have told them, wowww he has understood god and the light lol .

    If we want to complete this quantum mechanics, this comsology, this philosophy, there are deeper parameters to consider simply , it is just this that I tell in respecting the GR which works for several things .

    the papers of Wilczek and Penrose about this quantum gravitationa are very interesting attempts.But if I can taking the paper of Wilczek, he consider so the gravitons being the quanta of gravitational waves and so after he considers the gravitational field of this GR for the quantum mechanism and so consider possible dectections of the noises at this quantum scale. But if the real quantum gravitation is not from these gravitational waves, so these noises can be confounded with the noises of gravitational waves simply anf that has nothing to do with the real quantum gravitational field. Furthermore imagine that these gravitations are not massless but massive due to the 3 systems that I explained and that this gravitationa quantum field appears due to the scalar field of the DE eencoding so photons and the particles of cold dark matter permitting to create a massive gravitons.

    That implies a totally different reasoning and where the tensors like the rieman tensors or others of this GR have nothing to do with this QG.

    If the gravitational waves furthermore are just waves on the photons of this photonic spacetime that we observe and imagine that we have made an error in considering these photons massless, so they are just pure newtonian waves travelling at c because simply these two BHs have acted on the photons not massless. That changes all this reasoning .I don t affirm of course but it can be true . Imagine that the SR and the matter energy equivalence is not complete and that my intuitive equation is on the good road and that the only thing maybe massless is this DE . And that these photons are encoded like the cold DM in the vaccuum possessing the main codes, so in fact the photons and the CDM are just fuels permitting this baryionic matter and its properties. So a photon is just a quanta having more energy than mass and a particle of cold dark matter it is the opposite, that explains the fields of our QM and that implies deeper fields even and improvements of our mechanisms .

    I have really difficulties to understand why all the thinkers in majority consider really only this GR and photons like primary essence. And if the reaso9ning of einstein about the maetter energy equivalence is bad understood and furthermore not complete, so you imagine why we have this philosophical prison and why we cannot solve these deepest unknwons.

    These gravitons can be taken differently than our actual reasonings wanting to unify the geeneral relativity and the QM. The actual ideas want to unify this GR and this QM at this planck scale in fact , I can understand considering the broken symmetry of Lorentz. But we could think beyond the box like I saidin considering a different logic with massive gravitons having which are not luxons so of this GR.And that works well in considering the 3 systems merging that I explained , so the gravitons are particles resulting of couplings under the main scalar field of this vacuum of the DE.

    If we take the reasonings of Wilczek and it is a very relevant idea, so these gravitons are the quanta of these gravitational waves and so the gravitations forces in this spacetime has not vectorial meaning differently to the 3 others forces and so our error maybe is there considering that the mass does not attract and so that newton is not true, and so they have considered these gravitons massless for the quantum level and this QG. But if this GR and photons are not the primary essence and that these gravitons can respect the newtonian mechanic for the quantum gravitation, all is different if the mass is considered.That implies a totally different origin for these gravitons .

    you know what I find totally ironical , it is that these thinkers working alone or in small team continues with partitions in the same reasoning and in fact the best labs, institutes, and with many thinkers and with incredible computers have tried all the paritions possible with the numbers, reals, imaginairies, complex , with the points or branes, this GR, this minkowski spacetime and they have all simulated and it is not renormalisable with the logic taken with this GR and planck scale at low eneries, but them the thinkers isolated they continue lol in trying to renormalise it , you see why I find this totally ironical, them alone or in small team, they believe they are going to solve lol ......if it is not renormalisable like this, so there are reasons , and we must think beyond the box simply .

    I believe strongly that all the bosons probably have a mass and have a specific mechanism , we have found the higgs and it is one mechanism for the weak interactions and so giving a mass to these bosons. The mechanism is probably not complete and we must add like I explained this scalar field of the DE more the cold dark matter encoded , it is probably this DM which give the mass really . For the nuclear forces and the gluons, there is a mechanism too in the same logic giving them a mass and in fact it is probably just a questions of number of photons and DM encoded , the same for the electromagnetism with probably difference about the massless photons or massive photons, there is a specific mechanism too there and maybe there is not DM encoded in this electromagnetism, but for the quantum gravitation, there is a mechanism too with a scalar field of DE and this DM and photonms encoded, maybe no photon for this QG even but it is an assumption, maybe no DM for the electromagnetism, and all this SM is encircled by these massless particles of DE antigravitational in a simplistic resume permitting to balance,

    That permits to encircle many things this general reasoning at my humble opinion. The QFT so is emergent and the GR is not really the cause of this SM,our error is probably there, to consider this GR and photons like the primary essence. But if the main codes, infronmations are in this DE and that this DE encoded these photons and cold DM to create this SM and this baryonic matter , all becomes easier and we respect the pure newtonian mechanics for this SM fruthermore because the mass is essential for the gravitational fields. That implies that even this quantum gravitation is more complex that we can imagine in considering the 3 systems merging, it is not just about the gravitatons.

    These gluons and this QG need to consider this DE and DM in our standard model at my humble opinion, how can we understand the mass lacking of gluons or this QG without a mechanism deeper than our actual reasonings, it is not possible. The baryonic mass seems really to appear due to this cold dark matter encoded , the mass ofd this DM free cosmologically is not the same that this mass baryonic because we have fields due to these photons and this DE in our standard model. There is in fact like two different meanings for the mass, the mass of this DM and the baryonic mass.

    You see well that the special and general relativity have created a philosophical problem. And about the matter energy equivalence furthermore too, because the equation of einstein seems not complete and that the philosophy correlated is false generally . And it is the reason why this SR and GR have created problems to solve these deepest unknowns like the constant cosmological problem, the quantum gravitations, the gluons problem, the gap mass, ....the problem is philosophical in considering really these fields, GR and photons like primary essence . That is why they have not successed even to renormalise this QG in considering these gravitons massless like the quanta of gravitational waves, all has been tried since more than 50 years by the best universities, labs, institutes and with the best simulations and mathematical tools. It is not possible to quantize this QG like this. It lacks parameters and mechanisms and it is there that it is important to consider the DE and DM. In the past when einstein has created his GR and SR , the thinkers thought that we had only photons and that his works were true and the only one piece of puzzle. and so like the photons were the only cosmological truth, they have considered the SM with these photons alone, but now we have this DE and DM and if they are free cosmologically speaking , so like the photons they are in our SM, it seems logic , the universe needs the 3 systems to create the universe, this reality and even the lifes, it is not specific oscillations of the GR and photons which create the lifes and this e3volution, that has no sense.

    The gluons problem, the color confinment, the quantum gravitation , the gap mass considering the yang mills theory can be improved in considering the DE and DM in this standard model. The abelians groups can be imporved, we can consider 4 E8 , 3 for the free systems free cosmologically, the cold DM, the DE, the photons, and one for the result when they merge creating this standard model. We can so utilise the lie groups and subgroups with the non commutativity, the non associativity....

    If the higgs has permitted to give a mass to the bosons of the weak interactions,we can improve it with the DM taken for the mass and the scalar fields of the DE, the same logic can be applaied for the nuclear forces, the quantum gravitation and even the electromagnetism maybe in considering a specific mechanism and group.A fith force seems to appears too but it is an assumption.

    I need help to renormalise all this puzlle with the spherical geometrical tpological algebras and these 3D spheres , Like you can see the general philosophy is different, we add this DE and DM. After all if they are a reality at this cosmological scale like the photons , they are in our standard model too. The relevance too is this DE antigravitational like scalar fields possessing the main informations, see that it balances the other mechanism of our SM with the mass, the gravitation,the electromagnetism, how to renormalise all this puzzle , it is the questions, that is why I need help of specialists in maths

    We know these problems of renormalisation for the quantum gravitation but we know that the QFT and the yang mills theory need to consider deeper parameters to be coherent.

    The non linearity and the non abelian mathenmatical tool can permit with the good subgroups and these depper fields and this deeper philosophy to reach a coherence for all this puzzle.

    The different groups of gauge are important and we must probably consider the different topological spaces.We have not only this pacetime of the GR andf that imlies a complexity for the rankings. The vectorial fields, the tensors fields, the scalar fields so can be ranked too .The real question is how , where and why. There are phasis, couplings.....and that is why the differential forms too can be ranked and developped with different paritions where probably the numbers, reals, inaginairies, complex are considered, even maybe the padics analysis in these lie groups , subgroups....That implies lagrangians.

    I beleive humbly that the main problem to unify with the other forces than this electromagnetism is the fact to consider vectors massless like for the electromagnetism , and if we change this philosophy and in taking the reaqsoning that I explained with the DE and DM, so that permits to complete and solve. We need at my humble opinions to consider massive bosons , that has been made with the nhiggs but not for the nuclear force and this QG, and furthermore this higgs mechanism can be improved with the DE and DM and this electromagnetism too .

    The strong interaction so can be completed and the assymptotic freedom and the couplings constant can be better understood with the rankings of energies and fields in considering the 2 other systemes than just photons and this GR.

    It is mainly this vacuum of the DE which is a key too ,possessing the main codes and permittinmg to solve the gap mass problem with the photons and cold dark matter encoded.

    It seems not possible without this vacuum of the DE for even the color confinment.