No absolute void. Fields have be disturbances / changes of distribution of something. I propose a base existence which allows electric, magnetic and gravitational fields to be and EM radiation. We can't see with sense organs or via devices, what exists at Unitemporal-Now. We are only able to experience the products formed. Not the Source objects from which that potential data has emanated.

Object reality is existence. to which We do not have sensory access. Image reality is the products of sensory signal receipts and processing. Compare : the beable particle is an existing thing, Object reality, Absolute as no relative perspective has been applied. The measurement is like Image reality in that it is not the source beable reality but is a limited relative, contextual; product of a process/method.

John re. your "time is simply that which we experience as an assemblage of sensory perception and mental processes. Am I correct in that?"

there are different kinds of time.

A configuration of existence is a time. Chane of that configuration is Foundational passage of time. We experience the updating of sensory products, which is Emergent passage of time; The changing subjective present.

There is also clock time which is from the counting of standard events generated by the device or in the case of sundials from the regular motion of Earth and Sol.

Thanks Georgina,

for the clarification. One other thing; do you see the several characteristics of fields as being distinct by virtue of some physical variation of the same thing (whatever that "stuff" might be), or do you think of them as being physically distinct and somehow associated with particles and EMr? jrc

Hi John,

" Employing Ockham's razor, it is better to assume there is only one kind of base existence from which all other differentiated kinds of existence are formed rather than multiple kinds of base. Supported by the apparent

conversion of particles into other kinds of particle during certain kinds of interactions. Which would not be possible if they were ultimately constituted from different foundational types of existence.' G Woodward

from Universe soup and Sandcastles. FQXi What is Fundamental essay competition, 2017

I.e. All fields, EMr and all particles being different kinds of spatial and temporal distributions of (and within) base existence.

P.S. By temporal distribution I mean being within a sequence of configurations of existence.

Thanks again, Georgi.

Different jargon but similar thinking. I call it raw energy and go from there. jrc

Muchowsky has inserted a determinate hidden variable into the middle of a causal set of a very complex quantum process and claimed a quantum coup. The hidden variable acts just like an uncertain quantum variable for that one step and so the hidden variable determines the polarization outcome. Muchowsky then claims that this hidden variable shows determinism and not quantum uncertainty.

The quantum outcome of a single photon polarization is the simplest example of Bell's theorem. Classically, a photon always has a certain knowable polarization and a measurement simply reveals the polarization that the single photon always had before the measurement.

In contrast, a quantum single photon can exist in a superposition of polarizations without a knowable single polarization. A measurement reveals one of two polarizations statistically, but does not reveal any knowable precursor polarization for the single photon.

Muchowsky describes a process where a highly polarized quantum laser single photon results in two downshifted quantum photons by a quantum BBO crystal made up of quantum bonds and quantum atoms. Now after all these inherently quantum processes, Muchowsky inserted a hidden parameter and concluded that there is no quantum fairy and so the universe is really determinate and not quantum after all.

Methinks thou doth protest too much...

The BBO quantum photons have polarizations either perpendicular or parallel to the laser single photon. Thus, Bell's theorem does not apply since there is no role for quantum phase coherence in this comparison of entangled photons. In fact, there are many versions of hidden variables that also do not violate Bell's theorem, including McEachern's finely tuned Shannon noise of missed detections...Attachment #1: hiddenVariableInQuantum.JPG

Doc Agnew,

And still no one can say what a photon even looks like. We are stuck with a spread of probabilities that we can only loosely associate with the mutually perpendicular orthogonality of electromagnetic response, and the axial pseudovector that results in a flip decision when two EM fields are in near enough proximity to interact. Call it what we may, we need a new plan, Sam. best jrc

    John, what is a photon indeed ??? a point, a string or a serie of 3D spheres like in my model and what are their changes , it is due to what ? is it due to external fields of this GR or .....

    aha lol , and the fog is thick , we cannot see our steps .... onward told us the source that said

    Hi John, I think you are alluding to its unsee-able form. What it looks like, the phenomenon is a very tiny flash of light, when seen in a completely dark environment. The product formed subsequent to stimulation of a photoreceptor.

    Just as the seen light is not the photon particle alone, the probabilities are not the property of the photon alone but relations with it, whereby something to do with it can be known.

    Yep, that's the ticket. So what new ideas for experimentation can be proposed to perhaps discover what sort of form a 'photon' might exhibit? Such as "why is the perforated screen on the interior of the glass door of my microwave effective in preventing irradiation of objects outside the oven? Why that size of holes? jrc


    Visible 'light' has a very, very much smaller wavelength than microwaves. So cooking inside can be seen because of the visible 'light' wavelengths passing through. The microwave wavelength is about 12cm. I have read that waves van pass easily through an aperture of diameter 1/4 their wavelength. It gets less likely transmission will occur the smaller than 1/4 wavelength the hole's diameter. At about 1/120 of the microwave wavelength the perforated screen is, I presume, as impenetrable to the microwaves as a solid barrier. A photon is an amount of energy. A change of existence happening over time. Only whole photons are detectable, As only they can cause change to an atom/ shift the energy level of an electron. I.e. that amount of energy is the minimum for a change that can be detected.


    I haven't been aware of those specific ratios, but it is along the lines I have contemplated. Perhaps what we call a (measured) photon consists of more than one waveform and is self sustaining as a gravitationally discrete soloton which could be modeled as a 3D packet of energy. The perf size might be indicative of the effective diameter of an electrostatic density response with the magnetic density reactive domain of the metallic screen material(?), given Maxwell's determination that the intensities of a point charge exhibit a c proportional difference between electric and magnetic influence. The screen acts effectively as an antennae. thanks for the thoughts, I'm sure Steve finds a fit also. jrc


    soliton is a good description. 'Particle' works in "the least possible amount" meaning [2], as they are the minimum detectable amount. The other meaning of 'particle'[1] seems to suit fermions, atoms and ions.

    From Oxford Languages: particle noun !. a minute portion of matter 2.the least possible amount


    IN CONTEXT, with this topic the question of what is a particle goes to the QM treatment of superposition as argued by Agnew et al, and a classical description. And of course QM treats a photon as a massless particle. And as of yet, classicism hasn't produced a particle model which is sufficient to account for the characteristic behaviors observed in what we assume to be particulate matter. That kind of leaves to discussion open to interpretation, but what I personally keep going back to is simply that IF and Only If there is a physical connectivity (not to be conflated with material) across a light separable distance then the violation of inequalities would be explained. I just do not accept the conventional paradigm that the primary force effects peter out to infinity. I model them as local and time-wise self limiting relative to mass. jrc

    Hi FQXi friends, all this is very philosophical about what is really a photon and its origin. The same could be asked about what is really an electron . A photon is seen actually like a quantum of light, so having also the ability to change its wavelenghts and can be stored in the electromagnetic wave. It is simply a quantum of E , a quantum of Heat , able to change its wavelenghts , but the real question how inside this photon. You know my model now with the series of 3D spheres, so the changes of a photon are incredicle in their complexity seen the number of these series having the same number than the comsological finite number. See also the relevance of rotations motions, oscillations of these spherical volumes of this quanta of light. And is they are encoded in this space vacuum coded of the DE with the cold dark matter , so that becomes interesting for the disptributions of properties of matters created when they fuse. They are massless travelling at c and there are reasons because without this we cannot observe. The electromagnetic fields and radio waves are due to this light but the complexity of encodings in this space vacuum is complex and imply a distribution of matter and the other forces also due to this number of photons encoded and their waves. See also that it becomes relevant when this dark matter cold is encoded also , because they permit with the higgs mechanism activated by the photons encoded to create the mass, it is like if this space vacuum coded possesssed an energy and codes and that the mass of the DM and the quantum of light permitted to activate what they must become these matters. Of course it is just my interpretation but see that all can be ranked and understood with rational proportions of the 3 series merging and these spherical volumes in motions and oscillations. The interactions of exchanges also can be understood and ranked.

    When I tell that the strings and this GR alone have created a philosophical prison, it is not false, the thinkers turn in round in forgetting to return at this old school of proportions. The maths are essential but when the abstract maths are utilised and that the philosophy general is limited, that implies an ocean of confusions and irrational extrapolations. There is nothing of really odd with the light and if hidden variables exist they don t come for me from external hideen fields but they come from the matters and are not still analysed due problems of scales and philosophy. The space vacuum of this DE seems the key.....

    Steve, You state: "They are massless travelling at c..."

    So do they exhibit properties we associate with mass rather than energy when they are slowed or stopped by entrapment by an energetic EM field or absorbed (slowed to a relative stop) by an electron or nucleon. If so then wouldn't that suggest that density of energy varies in relation with a velocity which references some characteristic of its own discrete (3D sphere) form, rather than some external object for reference? jrc