Hello, I believe also that these DE and DM are important, they permit to retrun at this old school if I can say about the motions of particles. The particles wich are at my humble opinion the real primordial essence, the fields being emergent. I don t beleibe that the photons and GR alone explain the DE and DM, we don t need to modify the newtonian mechanics it seems to me.
And the dark energy correctly understood permit to solve the constant cosmological problem. Furthermore if the space vacuum of this DE possesses the main codes , that solves other problems too.
Your assumptions are very good , they make me think about the Mtheory and strings and the correlations with the 1D comsic field and the 1D field at this planck scales permitting with the geometrical algebras to explain the geometries and topologies and the standard model with the fermions and bosons. I believe that it exists a conjecture between all this, the strings, branes, fields, Mtheory, extradiemnsions and the pure 3D spheres like foundamental objects. The fields in my reasoning so are emergent . That becomes so interesting to consider your fermionic and bosonic partitions connected. All seems a question of codes indeed and where they are really these foundamental primordial codes if I can say, it is from outside or inside and from what , is it fields or is it particles coded and if yes where.
For the links with the informations and binary systems, it is important also indeed and how these informations are under their distributions to imply the changes, variables of the equations in physics. Like tell Lorraine ford the boolean algebras permit these changes for the equations in physics. But the real question is still the same about the primordial essence of these informations and what are the main causes ,and where.