I'm sorry to be such a pest. I'm laughing to myself when I write about "the men". But it is not just a joke: you can't deny its true: it IS men that have come up with particular types of ideas/ views about the world, and who continue to vigorously defend these ideas/ views as if the ideas/ views about the world were truth itself.
And you must admit that the ideas/ views of these men have a LOT of followers, mainly men, people who also never question that the ideas/ views are truth itself. E.g. people who never question the idea that a set of equations could represent a system, and then wonder why the equations never ever seem to represent a system.
You and Tom are very smart people who can actually do the equations as well as, or better than, any physicist; and better than I can now. But I'm saying that the equations are only PART of the picture, and can never represent a whole system.
Importantly, for a person like you who wants to save the world (and who DOESN'T want to save the world?), physics does NOT allow you to act to save the world, or to act to do anything at all. According to the crazy ideas/ views of physics, its only the laws of nature that change the numbers for the variables. This is important: the ideas/ views of physics say that you CAN'T act to save the world: the only actors are the laws of nature.