Hi Rod,
I don't hold myself out as an expert in quantum theory. I've got all three Steven Weinberg (RIP) books on quantum field theory, and haven't cracked one yet. I should read now to honor his memory, but at my age, that's a promise I can't keep.
I do know a little topology, though. So when Ed Witten came up with TQFT, I walked in through the back door. So I believe your instincts are guiding you straight.
The main concept remains with the field continuum of spacetime. When spacetime is accepted as physically real a number of problems, of unifying fields, disappear.
Radiation without annihilation provides the constraint on runaway (positive) feedback to the system, protecting it from annihilation radiation, and providing negative (control) feedback. I think the wave shape of this constraint is a standing soliton wave, sharing many properties with fractons, as already noted.
From your paper:
" ... a boson field completely connects any particular fermion field."
You might be describing spacetime.
If the boson field of massless particles interacts with the fermion field, you are begging a field continuum. If " ... we require that the matrix between any two Sparsey coding fields (including recurrently) and between a coding field and an input field (are) also complete ... " case closed. The fields are not discrete, only the associated particles. And the only measurement is between and among mass points, which are real, i.e., physical. If the superposed boson field affects fermion fields, it fits perfectly Einstein's definition of a physically real spacetime continuum: " ... independent in its physical properties, having a physical effect but not itself influenced by physical conditions."
All physics is local, Einstein asserted. A boson field is created locally from interacting mass, yet possesses no mass of its own, and thus "has a physical effect, but is not itself influenced by physical conditions." So what does give the field its effect?--I (and perhaps others) propose Time as the whole reason that space alone, and time alone, are real only if spacetime is real. And it's why time is identical to information. Physical information can be shown causative.
Now here's where the "crank" label comes in. It seems that every time an analytical, i.e., continuous, theory of nature gains momentum, self-appointed guardians of discrete physics go apoplectic. And they have the advantage of presently holding the power.
Prove that spacetime is real, and the tide turns.
"I suspect that the recent Bell inequality violation findings do not refute the type of 'local variables' explanation given here."
I'm afraid they do. Your weight matrix emulates a negative feedback (control) mechanism that regulates information (thus, time), measured at the completion of an event; say, the absorption of a photon or electron. And that's the only measurement constant in Bell-Aspect type experiments. It's just algebra, a count of the number of times particles were correlated or anti-correlated.
All best,