Georgina Woodward
The photon stimuli received only supply frequency and intensity information., Interpretation/
and identification of semblances formed by the distributions of that information, other associations, understanding and meaning/significance is generated by the observer. Errors of identification, association, understanding and deciding what significance it has, can occur.
Does Objective Reality Exist? Great Mysteries of Physics Part 4 -- FQxI Podcast
Georgina Woodward
A single photon delivers a frequency. Groups of photons deliver intensity too. Identification of movement, for example) is generated from the spatial change in the pattern of receipt.
Quote- "bottom-to-top processing of our visual world may seem the logical path, but it isn’t the whole story. Such a 'bottom-up' approach would be far too slow and laborious, but more importantly, it would render our visual world full of ambiguity and we would struggle to survive. Instead, our perception relies to a very large extent on our previous experience and other 'top-down' mechanisms such as attention. QBI Professors Jason Mattingley and Stephen Williams are both studying how attention can alter visual processing, using cognitive and cellular approaches, respectively-- Visual perception - Queensland Brain Institute - University of Queensland
'From retina to cortex: An unexpected division of labor'
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there are lots of people that have a phone that can be used for sound voice conversation ,
i have a phone.
why nobody is calling me, (where is everybody?)
to compare it with a neural network that does a split of the (visual )input in to multiple area of processing
lets say e person receiving calls and making calls is like a neuron that fire a signal to other neurons if there are enough input neurons , lets say the flow of electricity goes from axon to dendrites , maybe neurons don't fire back to the incoming signals only forward and if there are other intermediary neurons that return to the original point than it could be considered a firing back , so in order for a human phone conversation to look like a neuronal signaling it might be necessarily to have more persons to intermediate the message
+ro 0726841334 (insist,i if don't answer first time)
this question is sociologically related how a person makes friends , what are the habit of talks
at the moment only the phone operator knows who i talk with on the phone , what if there could be something more
nuanced and differently balanced such that no people get to talk to much nor no people get to be completely silent
the social webs makes easy to talk to strangers using letters, is the phone that special in that respect when interacting with new people. if i am on a street i can see how a person behave with others, the web let that thing only to system administrators. there isnt a phone medium where a person can have at least hints of what / how other are using their phone.
as a rule of thumb nobody is cutting his own vital sources, and try to strengthen them with every occasion
this is strongly connected with the use of voice, that has a vital role in enforcing many relations
for example just staying silent when a person talks is still a communication with voice
the fact that nobody is calling (or other types interaction with) me even there is a super connected (inter) network i see it like a design flaw .
in an other extreme would be everybody to have something like a table with all the conversation of people around one km
imagine learning neuroscience visiting a giant theme park with roads in shape of neuronal pathways,
at the end of the visit receiving an graduation diploma.
My posts about why the speed of light in a vacuum is constant, with no addition or subtraction of source or receiver speed are now burred here. It would be good to consider them alongside argument for the Pre-light binary from experimental evidence. As they support each other. The QM story doesn't address the constant speed of light,
Georgina Woodward
Using the new terminology to describe the physics behind the constant speed of light: ( transmissions is not of seen light moving from place to place in the environment external to the observer but unseen Pre-light-binaries in observation independent reality.
Reason for the constant speed of ‘light’ in a vacuum
The Pre-Light binary(transmitted by electromagnetism) is only an existing/happening thing when it is formed within the environment, being in part a particular environmental disturbance. It is not a transmissible composite without it. Without a transmission means the particle component does not move to the receiver and cause the chemical changes allowing a seen product to be formed. The (as it seems) indivisible particles emitted and associated with seen light are not themselves alone the Pre-light binary necessary for the wave behaviour inferred from interference patterns observed in the outcomes of various experiments. They initiate the pre-light transmission process, and enable detection of it but are not sufficient themselves. The Pre-light binary exists until it is absorbed by a receiving material or object, when it ceases to be existing and happening.
The motion of the source prior to formation of the pre-light binary does not determine the speed of the Pre-light binary (speed of light) when it is in the environment. Likewise the speed of the receiver plays no part in the speed of the Pre-light’ binary after receipt as the Pre-light binary no longer exists. Only the travel in the environment between source material and sink material corresponds to existing of the Pre-light binary. The composition, constituents and concentration, of the environment determines the speed when not in a vacuum. When in a vacuum the speed is constant.
A material object, such as a ball, exists before it is released, and after catching. Taking on the speed of the carrying objects, which will be added or subtracted (depending on same or opposite direction of motion, from the speed of the ball would have if the carriers were stationary relative to the observer.
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I added two posts to Quantum physics and the end of reality
,that would be better in this 'conversation', To do with observation product generation, rather than qm specifically . Mentions Elon Musk interview by Lex Fridman no.3, worth a look.
Georgina Woodward
Robotics vision systems AEE, Robotics 9 on You Tube sets out more information about artificial vision.
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There is a very real difference between absolute and relative measurement. Absolute measurement is one value eg. from x to y, where x and y are fixed starting and ending points. A relative measurement can have different value as x or y is not fixed . making it always necessary to specify the relative context. That is measured from where to where. This is not an original concept it is not a difficult or obscure fact of physics/math. Why are we treating climate change as if global temperature is a singular absolute measurement ? We know the temperature varies and though we may say that the end point ,modern day is a roughly fixed point , the start point of measurement is changeable depending on the choice of the person measuring. That gives a relative measurement. if we choose to measure from the start of industrialization the Earth is still warming after the medieval 'little ice age. co2 rise may be correlated but not causative. It is a limiting factor to plant growth, giving a greener world. Whereas measuring from an estimate of the 'Roman warming' to now shows net cooling. Thank you to Dr. Patrick Moore for some sanity on the issue that is misleading global politicians and the undemocratic WEF. We do not need AI to save us from climate catastrophe. We need to understand the difference between absolute and relative.
Georgina Woodward
Global warming panic is based in confusing of the difference between short term local weather, man made local disaster such arson and mismanagement and long term global climate, ignorance of normal, natural planetary climate fluctuation and the difference between a singular unreal absolute measurement and variable, contextual relative measurement.
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Georgina Woodward
What a load of absolute nonsense. See the Greenpeace USA Statement on Patrick Moore :
"... Patrick Moore has been a paid spokesman for a variety of polluting industries for more than 30 years, including the timber, mining, chemical and the aquaculture industries. Most of these industries hired Mr. Moore only after becoming the focus of a Greenpeace campaign to improve their environmental performance. Mr. Moore has now worked for polluters for far longer than he ever worked for Greenpeace ... Patrick Moore frequently portrays himself as a founder or co-founder of Greenpeace, and many news outlets have repeated this characterization. Although Mr. Moore played a significant role in Greenpeace Canada for several years, he did not found Greenpeace. ..."
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Lorraine Ford
IRRELEVANT TO WHETHER CLIMATE CHANGE MEASUREMENTS ARE ABSOLUTE OR RELATIVE, You supposedly know some math, do you understand the difference? it has nothing to do with an individual's employment.
Georgina Woodward
You are using cancel culture as if disapproval of someone's former employers is evidence that they are incorrect on a specific matter of fact. it is not logical thinking. Climate change depends not just on the variation that has occurred but over what specific period of time. It not only fluctuates but from when, a viewpoint, matters. It affects the value for net change output and whether there has been 9overall cooling or warming found
Georgina Woodward
Patrick Moore has been a paid spokesman for a variety of polluting industries for more than 30 years, including the timber, mining, chemical and the aquaculture industries. On the other hand, climate scientists, who seem to have a majority opinion on the matter of what is happening to the climate, and why it is happening, are NOT paid spokespeople for polluting industries. Why would I bother to do the figures, when I trust climate scientists to do their specialist jobs?
Why don't you stop watching rubbish videos?
Lorraine Ford
Still as irrelevant as last time you tried that failure to use logic. I'm not expecting you to anything with the figures. is it absolute. or relative? The specialists aren't going to tell you by the way. The video gives some context .
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Georgina Woodward
I notice from the comments you posted yesterday (see below, where I have highlighted parts of your comment), that you are an anthropogenic climate change denier:
Global warming panic is based in confusing of the difference between short term local weather, man made local disaster such arson and mismanagement and long term global climate, ignorance of normal, natural planetary climate fluctuation and the difference between a singular unreal absolute measurement and variable, contextual relative measurement.
Lorraine Ford
It is well known that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. i accept that some warming may occur due to its increase. However i don't think every bit of bad weather can be accounted for by climate change.
Georgina Woodward
Water more of a greenhouse gas and far more associated with temperature.
Georgina Woodward
The objective truth, is not the fiction predicted by IPCC models. the models are not accurate predictions that fit the incoming data. Name calling doesn't change the facts.
Georgina Woodward
Right now, you seem to think that you are a climate scientist, or better than a climate scientist.
Next, you’ll watch another video and tell us you are a brain surgeon, or better than a brain surgeon.