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**academia, universities , secret services,mass media, television, book publishing, ** you are all fff blind and a bunch of ear holes, without any respect for THE individual experience, just targeted brain signals using old fashioned monkey like liniar voicecommunication
--- later edit
an other eine andere une autre problem , avec langage, est que le mots, ist das die worter nich zuruck nehmen, kann,
the words after saying them you cannot take them back ,imagine an alien language that has evolved a visual ommunication with feathers that change position, or simply the movement of some objects on a surface, or sticks and wax on a sand , where is room for meaning exageration such that after many turn taking the consensus is better established and aproximateviley convergent ,
in this case the vocabulary is the problem (how the words patterns are being created , by what internal/ external body physical mechanism) the medium contains part of the vocabulary, when someone say something not only the content of the message is meaning also the sound is a meaning **
there is a sequence of reactions in this sequence each element contains a bit of lets call it memory, if this are characteristics of the individual, they identify, the individual, give him personality , where the conscious degrees of freedom resides there is the language , if for example i carry with me a pocket dictionary and insted of talking i pinpoint each word separately , after many such words exprssion my hands would retain the memory of the page positions and my thoughts would be hand movements of page selection around certain positions
(what would be a better dictionary in this case/example , i make a phrase by chosing the words , the words lets say they have a wired spring and can fall down temporarely to keep the message impresson , but somehow there must be already more accesible phrases for certain preconcieved reactions , book with entire novels, or in the interaction rues there has to be a delayed better search for meaning traditionaly ,
there are multiple issues here... , what can be changed /improved/ experimented
differently said the sound is inevitably part of the message(there is a conversion of frequencies from sound to electrochemical impulses) because brains doesnt work in isolation uses sound physical characteristic for intuitions that are equivalent in to meaning in a substrate- contamination of meanings coming from differents sensory experiences
** this goes in to the direction of orginal angry comment, just by typing here part of the meaning is the wire and your devices of accesing it, thus this is my motivation of being reluctant of writing any opinion anywhere online because: i don't know what i say, how the wire look like ? what energy is being disipated, a person might use an old computer that uses transistors made from incandescent light bulbs increasing global worming ,or scratching his nose to pick up mucus
to avoid any of this and focus on a single change of behavior invent a new language ,
i mean i'm (was) ready/ willing to express evrything without any words for certain persons, i've already done a serious thought externalisations generation, using words so my brain has started do defrom quite considerably with this ,
i would have done it in my own country or a country with mountain peak performances, but now seems to late to do it anywhere .2014 ive decided for visual only thoughts, made some progress up to2019m +3 years spiraling downwards in terms of this purpose ,
to be extremist here explain better myself, i consider anything heard or written not having any value for me personaly unless it is in image /visual mode(and from certain clearsources) this includes this piece written here.
i would have done it nicely politely in 2020 but you proved that you can look on my computer before finnishing the essay
the german/swiss proved that can see through walls, hidden camera if i masturbate inside university
there is absolutarian regime tendence here (this planet) maybe for good reasons i don't know
maybe there could be different things made in the folowing centuries , decades , who care
i waited a lot , send suicie poison