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an other idea is: if you cannot be moral/ ethical about data, don't collect it until you can,
why? because lots of data brings lots of complexities and is putting _the hard to be moral_s problems
organic society growth, where morality is also a technology to be considered.
if you say we don't know what right and wrong than try to create /rotate between moral system as random as possible,
how long should be a random system? (take in random fortune teller and time guessers based on syncronicity )), or until a crysis appear)
the question isthen maybe a crysis is making the sistem more robust towards certain purposes and gives lessons and it should not be changed randomly, at the moment of crysis, only after the lesson have been learned.
how can a system be changed randomly ?people learn and have a limited changing mind,
and of course how is a system defined, the use of certain words may be as important if not more important then the words themselves, system could take a couple of generations 150 years plus 20 years for change afterthat another 150 years ofa different system,( this sitem could be local among other isolatedsystem or interconnected with other system, or global ,orin between, local and global - this list is notmeant to search all the possibilities just to start a line of thought .
ideally i tend towards anything explainable and at anytime verifiable provable by any-whom, with as little tools as possible-
al human media saturated with real knowlegeflowcharts, with warnings and materials that are neccesarily to accomplish goals(this flowcharts must be maintained minimally
,i have no realife experience constraints so this part is nonsesense
what if a flow chart can be broken modified such that only certain persons can read it or only three persons that follow a certain procedure of team problem solving ,to focus on this idea -how a flowchart should be designed that onlyandonlythree people can read it that is simple, how a flowchart should be designed such that only certain kind of three people can read/understand it- that is a topic for extended scientific research, what i consider is gender intelligence imbalance. follow up question /idea aflowchart that is decipherable only in a certain amount of time 10 years 20 years, to an extreme entire school or other institution replaceable with flowcharts,imagine extraterestrials that have a natural medium that can be easely be flowcharted, white/blackboards like surface vegetation growing on the soil and not decomposing or some minerals walls that lets itself be easily painted and this is the interaction language of the species
there is a scifi online community forum worldbuilders debates
not visual,with letters like here.